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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

No I personally would not. But if i did I don't think it would mean i forego my rights of fair process and have the allegations made public
Why shouldn’t it be public if it’s fine? Very telling that his management told him to keep the relationship secret.

The victim’s saying the age of consent needs to be changed and pretty sure most would agree.
Yes, she has gone to great lengths. And that's fine in some ways. But the fact they've been packaged and broadcast is a huge breakdown in fair process
You seem confused.
Maybe you think people will morally judge him for the age difference and that’ll influence the outcome of any rape or sexual abuse trial. That’s your worry?
We're going round in circles. I find it distasteful and all the other bad emotions. But i think it's very wrong that these allegations can be broadcast in public when they fit the definition of legality

Rape and sexual assault are not legal, numbnuts.

Have you actually read The Times' article, or watched the TV programme?
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You believe the majority of people believe the age of consent is too low?? Are we on the same planet.

Age of virginity loss is trending downwards if anything
You believe the majority of people believe the age of consent is too low?? Are we on the same planet.

Age of virginity loss is trending downwards if anything
She’s suggesting there should be changes to stop older people abusing the law. Why do you think it should be legal for adults to have sex with children?
I think there is a kind of troubling acceptance of age differences. I had some "mates" who were constantly getting involved with younger women. 16/17 years old when they were in their mid twenties (though I had little to do with them by this point) and maybe beyond. It seemed totally normalised with even their parents having no problem with it (of both the men and at least some of the girls). One of them I found out later also used his job as a security guard to get involved with vulnerable young women. He lost his job over it and the long-term partner he'd been cheating on. Good. Didn't change though. He ended up going out with several more young women even after this cheating on each and leaving them for the next. I brought it up a couple of times but not as forcibly as I should.
I think there is a kind of troubling acceptance of age differences. I had some "mates" who were constantly getting involved with younger women. 16/17 years old when they were in their mid twenties (though I had little to do with them by this point) and maybe beyond. It seemed totally normalised with even their parents having no problem with it (of both the men and at least some of the girls). One of them I found out later also used his job as a security guard to get involved with vulnerable young women. He lost his job over it and the long-term partner he'd been cheating on. Good. Didn't change though. He ended up going out with several more young women even after this cheating on each and leaving them for the next. I brought it up a couple of times but not as forcibly as I should.
Agreed - Alice says how Brand kept telling her how intelligent & mature she was! Law definitely needs to be changed.
You believe the majority of people believe the age of consent is too low?? Are we on the same planet.

Age of virginity loss is trending downwards if anything
Agreed - Alice says how Brand kept telling her how intelligent & mature she was! Law definitely needs to be changed.
I've often thought some sort of staggered age of consent may be a better way to do things. A way of giving young people the freedom to do what they want with people of a similar age without the likes of Brand getting involved. 16 year olds being able to consent but it being illegal for 30 year olds to have sex with them for example. It may be unworkable in practice.
I've often thought some sort of staggered age of consent may be a better way to do things. A way of giving young people the freedom to do what they want with people of a similar age without the likes of Brand getting involved. 16 year olds being able to consent but it being illegal for 30 year olds to have sex with them for example. It may be unworkable in practice.
Ireland has this. Age of consent is 17 or 15 when the age gap is 2 years or less.
I've often thought some sort of staggered age of consent may be a better way to do things. A way of giving young people the freedom to do what they want with people of a similar age without the likes of Brand getting involved. 16 year olds being able to consent but it being illegal for 30 year olds to have sex with them for example. It may be unworkable in practice.
Something like the Canadian age of consent laws, but stretched out over a wider age range. In Canada, the age of consent is still 16 but there are exceptions for younger people where the ages are similar:
A 14 or 15 year old can consent to sexual activity as long as the partner is less than five years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 5 years or older than the 14 or 15 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence.

There is also a "close in age" exception for 12 and 13 year olds. A 12 or 13 year old can consent to sexual activity with a partner as long as the partner is less than two years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person. This means that if the partner is 2 years or older than the 12 or 13 year old, any sexual activity is a criminal offence.
So extend that concept out to 18, or even 20.
Brand has been stopping all this coming out by use of injunctions hasn't he?

I heard something about a super-injunction but I’m not sure of the details or of how these things work.

This possibly explains the apparent “collusion” against Brand, though - there always seems to need to be some kind of critical mass of media willing to put their head above the parapet to break these things.

I could have this wrong, would be interested in knowing more about how these things work since they seem to be a way for the rich and powerful to evade justice in at least some instances.

Maybe one for another thread, though.
You're an adult at 18, you can't extend it to 20.
That's purely arbitrary. Look at the Americans where you're an adult at 18, can be sent off to war, get a mortgage, etc. But you can't drink until you're 21.
(I'm not promoting that, as it's clearly ridiculous, but just pointing out "Oh, you're an adult" has no real legal meaning. You could legislate anything the population will bear.)
That's purely arbitrary. Look at the Americans where you're an adult at 18, can be sent off to war, get a mortgage, etc. But you can't drink until you're 21.
(I'm not promoting that, as it's clearly ridiculous, but just pointing out "Oh, you're an adult" has no real legal meaning.)

It does here, you're an adult in law at 18.
As Nicky Campbell mentioned on his show this morning, when he first started working in London in the mid 80s he went to an awards do where Bill Wyman and his 13yo girlfriend (and later wife) were fellow attendees and nobody batted an eyelid even when he said in an interview he 'consumated' it with her when she was 14. Unfortunately this shit has always happened and probably always will. But if Brand gets taken down then at least its a step in the right direction.
It does here, you're an adult in law at 18.
Which means nothing. There are a lot of things that you're suddenly allowed to do at 18 because that's the age legislated for it. It's not because you're an "adult". The legal system doesn't work like that.

Edit: If they wanted to legislate the drinking age to 21 in the UK next week, they could do it. There is nothing that prevents it, bar the threat of every MP who voted for it getting their house burned down.
Which means nothing. There are a lot of things that you're suddenly allowed to do at 18 because that's the age legislated for it. It's not because you're an "adult". The legal system doesn't work like that.

Edit: If they wanted to legislate the drinking age to 21 in the UK next week, they could do it. There is nothing that prevents it, bar the threat of every MP who voted for it getting their house burned down.

The legal system does work like that, these are legal definitions.

If it was biologically based, then 'adult' might be increased to 25, the time at which evidence now shows the brain develops maturity.

The drinking age is 21 in many US states due to health concerns in drinking under 21 yrs, it's an acknowledgement that the brain is still developing and vulnerable to damage.
There's a couple of things in this story that stand out as particularly telling about RB. That he met one of the women in an AA meeting... That's called 13th stepping... Hopefully AA/NA will have fuck all to do with the cunt too after this

And his "charity" work... So reminiscent of Saville. Access to vulnerable people unquestioned until now

I can't stop thinking about that poor girl and the dispatches programme with his so called comedy echoing the sexual assault.

Imagine taking this cunts side in any way?
There's a couple of things in this story that stand out as particularly telling about RB. That he met one of the women in an AA meeting... That's called 13th stepping... Hopefully AA/NA will have fuck all to do with the cunt too after this

And his "charity" work... So reminiscent of Saville. Access to vulnerable people unquestioned until now

I can't stop thinking about that poor girl and the dispatches programme with his so called comedy echoing the sexual assault.

Imagine taking this cunts side in any way?
The fact that he's set himself up as a "wellness guru" is worrying. He is targeting vulnerable and needy people who go in for that sort of shite.
The fact that he's set himself up as a "wellness guru" is worrying. He is targeting vulnerable and needy people who go in for that sort of shite.
Hes now targeted them.. He's had to adapt..

The word predator gets used a lot but this man is an out and out predator

This was only in 2013 on stage with Richard Herring

But Herring and the audience roared with laughter when the star broke the silence and said: 'Oh I’ve raped someone once’ and 'killed her after’.

In the same video he also joked about the ancient Greeks having sex with children while creating mathematics, saying: 'They didn't mind it did they. They were clever weren't they.'

He then mimicked having sex and said: 'I've done another triangle. I'm f***ing a little kid. This is great. F**k the kid with the triangle. No that's too much.' He also joked about adults such as babysitters performing sex acts in front of children, including him.

The video and interview have been deleted from Mr Herring's YouTube channel since Channel 4, The Times and Sunday Times revealed bombshell claims from women alleging rape, sexual assaults, abuse and predatory behaviour including an alleged victim who was a 16-year-old schoolgirl.
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