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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

I missed the start of Dispatches and the section in which he actually raped a woman in LA (Nadia). She went to a rape crisis center and later on received a text from him, basically apologising and admitting what he did was wrong.

Surely that could lead to prosecution? I thought they might not have had enough evidence to prosecute before, but surely this should be enough? Mind you, men get away with rape NOW, I'd be surprised if they did bothered to prosecute something that happened over 10 years ago. No wonder women don't come forward.
I missed the start of Dispatches and the section in which he actually raped a woman in LA (Nadia). She went to a rape crisis center and later on received a text from him, basically apologising and admitting what he did was wrong.

Surely that could lead to prosecution? I thought they might not have had enough evidence to prosecute before, but surely this should be enough? Mind you, men get away with rape NOW, I'd be surprised if they did bothered to prosecute something that happened over 10 years ago. No wonder women don't come forward.
You'd only be surprised if you've not heard of people like Gary glitter or rolf harris
You'd only be surprised if you've not heard of people like Gary glitter or rolf harris
Exceptions to the rule. Most rape cases don't result in a conviction. But given you smart and knowledgeable you seem to be, I'm sure you are aware of that.

Also, these are probably just the tip of the iceberg in terms of famous men. We have no idea how much of this goes unreported.
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The Times has announced that more women have come forward with allegations about Brand's behaviour, which have not yet been investigated but "will now be rigorously checked".

This is going to run and run.
Well that was obviously the plan and the same way it has worked with other prolific offenders. Once a few people have made public complaints other people are more likely to feel safe and believed.
I was referring to prosecutions so don't know why you're so keen to introduce strawman
The logic of your post was that you referred to two people who were prosecuted for historical cases of rape, when I said it was probably likely Russel would NOT be prosecuted, given how long ago it happened. So I'm not sure what you're on about now. Just seems confusing.
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The logic of your post was that you referred to two people who were prosecuted for historical cases of rape, when I said it was probably unlikely Russel would NOT be prosecuted, given how long ago it happened. So I'm not sure what you're on about now. Just seems confusing.
You said
Mind you, men get away with rape NOW, I'd be surprised if they did bothered to prosecute something that happened over 10 years ago. No wonder women don't come forward.
Now you're saying you think it 'probably unlikely' he'd not be prosecuted. Could you make your mind up what you're saying, for yourself if not everyone else?
You said

Now you're saying you think it 'probably unlikely' he'd not be prosecuted. Could you make your mind up what you're saying, for yourself if not everyone else?
You have a need to win arguments by being dismissive and asserting your perceived superior intelligence through pedantry. Everyone can see that, just in case you weren't aware.

You already pointlessly derailed the thread yesterday by being pedantic and threw personal insults for no real reason. This is a serious subject. Do you know what it's like to be raped, how hard it is for women to process it and come forward? Just go away, stop being so pedantic and needlessly picky. You only quoted my post so you could have yet another pointless to-from game of nitpicking. I'm not engaging with your posts anymore.

edit: The double negative was a mistake that I think most people would have realised was unintentional, rather than me changing my mind about something I said a minute earlier! You probably knew it too? But decided that was something that mattered enough for you to continue another pointless argument. I have fixed it now.
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At least this one's been got while he's alive this time, unlike Savile. Might make some of the others stop and think a bit more. Hopefully the next one will be got before they've had years to engineer a fan base that won't care about the allegations
I remember a stand up of his where he referred to not getting his usual gigs on film etc any more because he was too left wing. I suppose a good portion of him losing that work was people who knew what he was like trying to freeze him out the industry.
Yeah was thinking that - hence the switch to “wellness guru”/conspiracy theorist. Also makes a convenient cover by claiming the accusations are to silence him 🙄
Brand’s daily polemic / sermon, his sign off to his fans is ‘Stay Free’, that just adds a little extra to how much I’d enjoy seeing him forcibly separated from his microphone.

I really really want to see him behind bars. I want him to lose everything he thinks he's earned. I'm surprised by the strength of my feeling, I think RB to me is an emblem of everything I hate about a particular kind of man and has been for years, so right now I'm fair swimming in schadenfreude and I dearly hope he ends up with nothing after all this (it probably won't go that way but it really fucking should)
I remember a stand up of his where he referred to not getting his usual gigs on film etc any more because he was too left wing. I suppose a good portion of him losing that work was people who knew what he was like trying to freeze him out the industry.

I'd like to believe that, but I'm not sure that much of the recent history of the entertainment industry would suggest that this is a culture that moves against people whose behaviours are unpleasant without necessarily going public about it - sadly, it's the opposite: if someone makes money, then it's the people who make noise about the problem who get sidelined, and everything carries on until it goes public, then it's #hashtag time for the gullible, and business as normal as soon as the front pages talk about something else.
I really really want to see him behind bars. I want him to lose everything he thinks he's earned. I'm surprised by the strength of my feeling, I think RB to me is an emblem of everything I hate about a particular kind of man and has been for years, so right now I'm fair swimming in schadenfreude and I dearly hope he ends up with nothing after all this (it probably won't go that way but it really fucking should)
Yep, I’m a bit surprised by the depths of my own feeling about this one. Some of its personal stuff (long running resentment towards someone who is a brand fan) but there’s something else as well, like you say he seems to be a sort of extreme version of a certain type of guy who over the years I’ve learned to hate and steer well clear of but it doesn’t baffle me at all why lots of women found him attractive that’s the uncomfortable bit.
You have a need to win arguments by being dismissive and asserting your perceived superior intelligence through pedantry. Everyone can see that, just in case you weren't aware.

You already pointlessly derailed the thread yesterday by being pedantic and threw personal insults for no real reason. This is a serious subject. Do you know what it's like to be raped, how hard it is for women to process it and come forward? Just go away, stop being so pedantic and needlessly picky. You only quoted my post so you could have yet another pointless to-from game of nitpicking. I'm not engaging with your posts anymore.

edit: The double negative was a mistake that I think most people would have realised was unintentional, rather than me changing my mind about something I said a minute earlier! I have fixed it now.
I have little notion what it's like to be raped. I do know how difficult it is for women to submit themselves to a second, legal, ordeal.

If pedantry means anything irl it's excessive attention to detail. For me, it's not excessive attention to detail to point out something that's utterly wrong, like the wrong origin of nonce. Here on the other hand pedantry is a useful catch-all 'I don't like you, you cunt', bearing little of it's everyday meaning. Yesterday's exchange should not have continued so long, perhaps, and for that I regret my part in it as maybe edcraw does his.

I don't think I'm particularly intelligent and I've never I think suggested I have elevated - a superior - intelligence. Your claim about my perceived intelligence for me founders on the rock that I've pointed this out a number of times before.

Yesterday's contretemps wasn't something like the causes of ww2, where opinion differs and facts can be interpreted in several ways. It wasn't a debate in which the more penetrative argument persuades. It was either this is right or that is, no middle ground. It's superior information that determines the outcome, not superior acumen.

Turning to your double negative, your not was in capitals emphasising for me you meant it. Maybe something to avoid in future, emphasising words you don't mean.
Can we normalise that the word NONCE means anyone who touchs women/men/dogs/cats etc or kids without consent please.... Nonce is not just someone who nonces kids.... a nonce is a rapist of adult women also.

thanks you
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