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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

Snafu. Scuba. Laser. Radar.

All tech terms but one, and re: the other I’ve never heard a conversation where someone said “snafu” and someone else said “do you know what snafu actually stands for”?

I was trying to think of one that might be used as a pub bore fact in the time honoured tradition, as opposed to just acronyms in general of the kind where most people know what the letters stand for.
All tech terms but one, and re: the other I’ve never heard a conversation where someone said “snafu” and someone else said “do you know what snafu actually stands for”?

I was trying to think of one that might be used as a pub bore fact in the time honoured tradition, as opposed to just acronyms in general of the kind where most people know what the letters stand for.
fubar situation this
play on word fella look up Adrenochrome

and qanon and pizza gate :)

Yeah, I figured - I meant how would you steal it with a vaccine. :)

There is actually a chemical called adrenochrome - it’s an oxide of adrenaline and you don’t need to get it out of the brains of little kids.

Here’s some for a bit over 50 bucks a kilo:

And yet apparently the baddies are trafficking kids to get tiny amounts out of their brains.
aye dude i've read and watched fear and loathing before

Qanon and Antivax fuck wits don't read that much aside from their own research on youtube
aye dude i've read and watched fear and loathing before

Qanon and Antivax fuck wits don't read that much aside from their own research on youtube

I think in Fear and Loathing, Thompson has just got himself mixed up, or is half-remembering an Aldous Huxley essay from the 1950s (where Huxley speculates about a psychedelic effect and is unaware about the ease of chemical synthesis).

But yeah, QAnon seems to work like an organic form of ChatGPT with the bullshit setting turned up to 11.

Gargantuan derail, sorry. :oops:

The cunts keep on coming…

Is it wrong to find the typo/auto-correct funny in the full tweet (if that is what they are called still?)? Maybe that's the department in charge of ensuring people don't stray more than 15 minutes from their home? :hmm: And it's not really strange at all if you watch the documentary and see how he behaved in public over the years. Was the Weinstein stuff strange too?

Is it wrong to find the typo/auto-correct funny in the full tweet (if that is what they are called still?)? Maybe that's the department in charge of ensuring people don't stray more than 15 minutes from their home? :hmm: And it's not really strange at all if you watch the documentary and see how he behaved in public over the years.

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Amusing autocarrot but I don't find much funny about Sugar and his angry little beard defending Brand by using his own reach and status to publicly add to the narrative of it being the media's fault plus women making stuff up
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