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Russell Brand: rape and sexual abuse allegations, grifting and general dodginess - discussion

He's supposed to be doing a gig in my hometown this week. We were discussing how no charges have been brought and there's nothing to say that it's been cancelled. Interesting.

Eta: there's an unfortunate line at the bottom of the promo that says Age Guideline: 16+
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It does kind of beggar belief that this group has only just cut their ties with him today

I mean, his whole act has always been based on misogyny

Announcing its decision to cut ties on its Instagram account, Trevi said: “Russell became aware of our charity in 2022 after hearing about some of the incredible mothers we have helped to become drug-free over the years. He wanted to support our cause and raise money through his Stay Free Foundation.
Junior female crew members on Big Brother raised concerns/complaints about his behaviour and claim they were told boys will be boys and that's what the talent does. It's unclear whether their concerns were escalated and Channel 4 says they've no record of concerns being raised.
Endemol produced it.
Channel 4 merely distribute it.
I watched the documentary. A woman making a public accusation of rape, as one woman did, is wide open to being sued if the accusation is false. If Brand was innocent, writs would be being issued. They don't appear to be. From that, conclusions may be drawn.

The main issue I have with this is that civil law isn't freely (or even cheaply) available to all, and when the story is published there is usually a big financial hit to the person against whom the allegations were made (as they are dropped by sponsors, management, lose roles etc). It isn't much of a remedy, having to go up against a media company with deep pockets when you may be in financial distress.
It does kind of beggar belief that this group has only just cut their ties with him today

I mean, his whole act has always been based on misogyny

Yet many - male and female - saw him (and still see him) as some sort of charmer. 🤷‍♂️
People been pointing to the fact there were interviews with the taxi driver who implored the 16 year old not to go up into his flat yet she insisted. Surely this would be evidence of complicity ?!
See one reason (and just one) why people don't report it. Going to his flat - at 16, no less - is evidence of complicity. The person above is unfortunately not unusual in this line of thinking.

Then they've got to deal with the police, many of whom have shown themselves to be misogynist in their "banter" at best, rapists and even murderers at worst. Who'd trust them with stuff like this? I wouldn't. Then if they relive their ordeal enough and manage to get the CPS to allow it to get to court, they have to wait at least two years where they can be violated again, and for what? A tiny chance of a conviction which even then might well not lead to any real protection for the victim from their attacker.

I mean, if someone has sex thousands of times and stays above 16, that is pretty much the most provenly non-nonce one could be

:facepalm: ⬇️

An adult who takes a 16yo out of school so he can fuck her is a clear safeguarding risk. I mean, that's as basic as it gets. Anyone working in a school will have covered this on day one during basic safeguarding training and will know that it warrants immediate reporting to the DSL. The definition of child sexual exploitation applies up to the age of 18, it doesn't stop at the legal age of consent.

Quite aside from the fact that it is completely fucking obvious to any normal person that an adult in his 30s who is willing to disrupt a teenager's education so he can get his rocks off doesn't have that teenager's best interests at heart.

People you wouldn't trust around your children:

paul mckenna

Any others want to discuss the difference between the law as it stands vs clearly defending older men (say 30+) in 'relationships' with women under 18?

Bets on these 2 having had inappropriate relationships with people much younger than themselves? Or knowing men who have. ("Yebbut I know this guy who started seeing this girl when she was 16 and he was a teacher but they're still together after 20 years and have now got 3 kids" 🤮 ).
People you wouldn't trust around your children:

paul mckenna

Any others want to discuss the difference between the law as it stands vs clearly defending older men (say 30+) in 'relationships' with women under 18?

Bets on these 2 having had inappropriate relationships with people much younger than themselves? Or knowing men who have. ("Yebbut I know this guy who started seeing this girl when she was 16 and he was a teacher but they're still together after 20 years and have now got 3 kids" 🤮 ).
McKenna has previously come on to these boards to argue that males are almost universally attracted to younger women. Definitely a bit of an icky hobby horse to have.
Again, not reputation. The act of someone being villified as a "nonce" when they literally don't fit the lawful defintion. There's a line and ignoring it is what breaks down reasoned discussion
I wasn't aware that the British Courts had come up with a legally binding definition of the word "nonce".
The main issue I have with this is that civil law isn't freely (or even cheaply) available to all, and when the story is published there is usually a big financial hit to the person against whom the allegations were made (as they are dropped by sponsors, management, lose roles etc). It isn't much of a remedy, having to go up against a media company with deep pockets when you may be in financial distress.

You claiming that Brand is too poor to employ a lawyer?

Brand, 48, is reportedly worth $20 million, The Mirror reports, citing data obtained by Celebrity Net Worth.
Fuck right off. a better person. He was a poisonous alt-right grifter spreading harmful information and attitudes and dangerous political disinformation. A better person, have a fucking word with yourself.

Fucks sake this has really brought out some arseholes and idiots.
It's not made me change my opinions of any poster, it's just made a few people make their muppetry apparent to those previously unaware of their views
You claiming that Brand is too poor to employ a lawyer?

Brand, 48, is reportedly worth $20 million, The Mirror reports, citing data obtained by Celebrity Net Worth.
Isn't "worth" such an awful way to put it? He's not "worth" $20m, he's barely worth the effort of urinating should he find himself aflame. I do know people who are worth $20m at least, but the problem is that most of them have no money.
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