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Royal lickspittlery: the platinum jubilee edition

wasn't some mad VE-Day street conga in Cheshire a Covid-superspreader event at the end of the first lockdown in June 2020?

These weird 1945 cosplay events, staged by people who weren't even born then and who were supposed to rebel against their parents and that that whole WW2 sacrifice generation in the late 1960s, are just wild.

I can remember military anniversaries (Remembrance Day) being marked solemnly as late as the early 90s and, at that time, not really discussed otherwise. The people who actually lived through it seemed quite content to forget a dark and horrible period of their lives, and take quiet solace in what had come afterwards.

Now we have a generation who do their best to pretend they were there when WW2 happened or at least that they have a right to be offended when people ignore it & the instituions that used to be of much more interest, like the Royal Family. I hope when the current Queen dies the whole loathsome, taxpayer draining institution is consigned to the historical wastebin, where it should have remained in the seventeenth century. Similarly I think there's some point to Remembrance Sunday but ludicrous nonsense like cosplaying VE Day celebrations and trundling the one serviceable Lancaster over Lincoln Cathedral every year should be scrapped.

England will never re-discover its marbles as long as it lives in an imagined past, a sickly mixture of Merchant Ivory, Barbara Windsor and Arthur Lowe, as a means of avoiding the present.
I had a flyer pushed through my letterbox last week.
We had a flyer too. Not about a street party but about all the other fun activities: sports, picnic, pudding competition, dog show, fancy dress, take a selfie with the queen, beacon, fireworks, etc, etc. The flyer was clearly designed by the entire committee. It took a while studying it to work out what was happening where but as far as I can tell there is no street party. But no doubt there will be plenty of cunting bunting.
This is the wonderful thing about living in Scotland- there is absolute indifference to this nonsense here. There will be one or two parties in the usual suspect venues- miserable soldiers doing a full dress parade in the Edinburgh drizzle somewhere and bigots raising a toast in Larkhall, otherwise...nothing.

That will attended only by rangers fans.
It's definitely only going to be happening in the areas heavily populated by insecure unionists here. So Larkhall, Carluke, Blackridge, places that have big orange lodges, they'll have the aggressive bunting up for sure. But otherwise people are largely rolling their eyes at the whole thing. In Edinburgh I have seen two events advertised, one in Roseburn Park by Murrayfield Stadium (Tory rugby cunts) and one at Polwarth parish church (elderly Tory churchgoers). I live in a pretty staunchly Hearts-supporting working class area and even here there's not been a sniff of anyone having a street party that I'm aware of.
It's definitely only going to be happening in the areas heavily populated by insecure unionists here. So Larkhall, Carluke, Blackridge, places that have big orange lodges, they'll have the aggressive bunting up for sure. But otherwise people are largely rolling their eyes at the whole thing. In Edinburgh I have seen two events advertised, one in Roseburn Park by Murrayfield Stadium (Tory rugby cunts) and one at Polwarth parish church (elderly Tory churchgoers). I live in a pretty staunchly Hearts-supporting working class area and even here there's not been a sniff of anyone having a street party that I'm aware of.
I just had a look at Nextdoor on the strength of this thread. Nothing is planned near me at all. There is a post that was started by “Nextdoor Staff” but it has comments disabled.
I may change the SSID of my "guest" WIFI connection for the occaision.
It's currently "Sunlit Uplands"

Fucking. Hell.

Use of Platinum Jubilee Related Names and Titles​

2022 will mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Communities, organisations and individuals may wish to recognise this by seeking to associate events and projects with the Platinum Jubilee. The Queen has been pleased to approve that the usual rules governing the use of Royal Names and Titles may be temporarily relaxed to allow their use for community events, projects and buildings to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

Permission need not be sought for the use of the titles “Platinum Jubilee” and “Jubilee” in these circumstances. Applications for the commemorative use of other Royal names and titles for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, such as “Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee”, “Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee” and “The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee”, should be directed to the relevant teams below.

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No Fuck Off

I may change the SSID of my "guest" WIFI connection for the occaision.
It's currently "Sunlit Uplands"

Fucking. Hell.

I shall refer to my morning shit a week on Friday as the "Platinum Jubilee Shit" then, I have to confess I did not know there were restrictions on the use of the words Queen or Royal though. Queen Elizabeth II is a title but the others are just dictionary words.
No Fuck Off

I shall refer to my morning shit a week on Friday as the "Platinum Jubilee Shit" then, I have to confess I did not know there were restrictions on the use of the words Queen or Royal though. Queen Elizabeth II is a title but the others are just dictionary words.
It was bad enough when England football fans hijacked it.
The focus of our informal street party (road not closed) - is this house.
Her heart is in the right place - she flies a ginormous NHS flag in the back garden and is solidly Labour, but you can bet she'll have even more bunting out than usual - and I will need to make an appearance as we share garden comments etc ...
Only 70 but neither of them use the Internet or have smartphones ...

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I like her flowers.
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