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Royal lickspittlery: the platinum jubilee edition

Just when you thought Morrissey had surely reached peak cuntdom, the man continues to improve on his own record :D
A strange one from the Express today. I haven't read the story, so I can't tell you how they've squared their moral circle of extolling Brenda as our saviour, and immigrants being needy leeches on British society.

There is going to be an informal party half way down the street - several houses have hard-standing and they will move as many cars as possible.
I don't imagine I will be turning up - much as I would be glad of the company and an excuse to mingle ... there are several actual French neighbours who I've never met - so I have an alterior motive ...

I suppose it depends on how red white and blue it is or whether it's just an excuse for a booze-up ... there's a punky-hippy-street art vegan pizza pub at the end of the street and several of my neighbours are regulars there - play guitar etc ... so it could potentially get interesting ...

A shame I never bought a Sex Pistols tee shirt in 1977 - not that I could get into it now ...
I had a note on my car yesterday. I was worried it was from a neighbour telling me my garden is a mess or they hate my dogs but it was much worse.

Part of our road will once again close for a Jubilee tea party. 😡
They did this for William’s wedding too, I think it’s the same woman. I hope she moves soon.
I had a note on my car yesterday. I was worried it was from a neighbour telling me my garden is a mess or they hate my dogs but it was much worse.

Part of our road will once again close for a Jubilee tea party. 😡
They did this for William’s wedding too, I think it’s the same woman. I hope she moves soon.

Instantly thought of Jubilee Daleks.

And yes, it was/is a thing


I had a note on my car yesterday. I was worried it was from a neighbour telling me my garden is a mess or they hate my dogs but it was much worse.

Part of our road will once again close for a Jubilee tea party. 😡
They did this for William’s wedding too, I think it’s the same woman. I hope she moves soon.
A road (not my road!) v near me is doing this. Must ask my friend who lives there if she's going (I imagine she'll spend the day hiding and swearing under her breath.)
The focus of our informal street party (road not closed) - is this house.
Her heart is in the right place - she flies a ginormous NHS flag in the back garden and is solidly Labour, but you can bet she'll have even more bunting out than usual - and I will need to make an appearance as we share garden comments etc ...
Only 70 but neither of them use the Internet or have smartphones ...

This is the wonderful thing about living in Scotland- there is absolute indifference to this nonsense here. There will be one or two parties in the usual suspect venues- miserable soldiers doing a full dress parade in the Edinburgh drizzle somewhere and bigots raising a toast in Larkhall, otherwise...nothing.
you say that but glasgow's premier jubilee event doesn't sound entirely bad - a bouncy castle (hopefully tethered down) - what's not to like? and a 99 after, too
We are having a street party on my road, which is fine. I've not lived here long so it will be nice to meet the neighbors and have a beer with them. But they want us to move our cars. We are parking permit controlled. I could move it to the next street, but they are also having a street party. I could move it to one of the other roads in the same permit area but they will be full of all the cars moved from these two roads. They may also be having street parties.

Basically, I can't see where all these people are going to move their cars to. Parkings bad enough round here without roads being closed.
We're having a street party on the Friday, for a long time I thought we weren't but the woman in No 9 fancies herself a bit of a party organiser (she was the key driver in the weekly clapping and pot banging as well) and was knocking on doors a week or two ago rousting support. It's a cul-de-sac with plenty of offroad parking so cars aren't going to be a problem. She organised a socially distant VE Day celebration during the lockdown in 2020 where there basically 17 little parties going on in people's driveways and gardens and connecting remotely by shouting to each other. It was suprisingly good fun as was the VJ Day party some weeks later.
I suspect the Jubilee street party will actually be quite enjoyable too, there isn't any bunting up at the moment so I don't think any of my neighbours are particularly staunch royalists (or fanatical republicans for that matter) but no doubt I will find out end of next week. During Phil The Greeks funeral there was someone playing the last post but that was a few streets away.
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Where are you guys all finding out about these street parties? I've heard about absolutely nothing in my area like that going on.
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