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Royal lickspittlery: the platinum jubilee edition

Wouldn't be doing anything to 'celebrate' anyway but am working all through it so couldn't even if i wanted to....no such thing as a bank holiday in retail...
I have got the bank holidays, but I'm almost certainly going to do some admin working from home, as a form of silent protest which only you people will know about.

I may or may not put my speakers by the open back door and put track 5 of Never Mind the Bollocks on repeat.
I noticed some tacky shit in the pound shop so I thought I'd better find out when it is ...

Still nothing within earshot of me - though doubtless the patrons of the local "flag pubs" will get extra drunk and noisy for the occaision...

Perhaps I should avail myself of the "toolkit" and organise something ...

There will be a street party in our cul-de-sac on the Friday, I don't think our community organiser at No 9 is all that much of a royalist but the opportunity for a knees up was presumably too great for her to resist.
When is this Royal shitfest of a jubbly? I do hope it's soon enough for me to be still out of the country... though Brenda is still the head of state, but then no one cares and they're taking her mug off the money.
3rd June apparently
The Bank Holidays (two, with one of them being genuinely extra!) fall on Thursday2nd June and Friday 3rd June 2022

I have plans ;), but very muuch not Royalty related. I'm not bothering to go abroad, etc., though :D

(Above later edited to correct the dates! :oops: )
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The horrible revelation just struck me that my front garden is going to have prominent red, white and blue flowers this year :eek:
Though there won't be anything to show for a couple of months yet ...
I put an EU flag in the window for VE day - I think it had better stay.
I have some hopefully large sunflowers going in too...
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Royal tat is ramping up on the ward! We have cut out heads of Her Maj currently hanging from the ceiling tiles :thumbs:

Obviously I’m working all four days of the extended bank holiday, but apparently we get fiz (zy water), cake and strawberries on the Friday! 🎉
Royal tat is ramping up on the ward! We have cut out heads of Her Maj currently hanging from the ceiling tiles :thumbs:

Obviously I’m working all four days of the extended bank holiday, but apparently we get fiz (zy water), cake and strawberries on the Friday! 🎉
On the day of the Sussex's nuptials, Son Q thought he was being clever by volunteering for overtime. However some twat brought in a portablw TV and set it up on the desk next to his. After enduring it for hours, he called round his G/F's on the way home only to find her and all three of her housemates still in their jim-jams glued to the telly watching it.
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