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Royal lickspittlery: the platinum jubilee edition

Who the fuck is running their press operation? It's just so embarrassing. Just go back to your mansions guys, and don't do this shit again.
If it's back to the 1950s here, the royal family reason with their keen logic of equal treatment, it must be back to the 1950s there
Getting their uber to the airport today

Nice hats all round.
They obviously cost more than they're worth but it's saved us having to inflict some Tory flak on the poor Jamaicans in our desperate attempt to find foreign friends.
Who the fuck is running their press operation? It's just so embarrassing. Just go back to your mansions guys, and don't do this shit again.

Even the BBC had to point it out, although their article is still packed with cushioning spin.

During event after event, the couple did that royal thing of sprinkling a little magic and a little joy into people's lives.

They thanked those who so often go un-thanked and unrewarded for their efforts, drawing attention to stubbornly unfashionable causes and issues.

Stubbornly unfashionable causes such as the royal family.

The Land Rover might have seemed like a good idea at the time. But on the day it felt like one more reminder of colonial days.

Times have changed. The Royal Family have in the past been pretty good at changing with them. But not on this tour.

And second chances are these days few and far between.

Pretty good at changing with the times? lol pull the other one.
Good on these Caribbean nations for kicking them out. I don't think Wills was expecting to be told in front of the cameras he and his family will shortly not be welcome. Hopefully this tour is a nail in the coffin and there'll be a domino effect around other commonwealth nations. It beggars belief rich nations like Australia and New Zealand still have her as head of state.
Stop Getting Reggae Wrong!!

We'll be in France for the double Bank Holiday thing. Not specifically because I admire how they treated their royals. But, it seems an appropriate place to ignore the upcoming cringe fest.

This is a trip to France we'd originally planned for the week before Xmas 2021. Until France said "British people are banned".
NextDoor just dismayed me with VE day kitsch ...
I'm relieved to see that my manor is relatively "celebration" - free ...

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I was just reminded tomorrow is VE day - so I'm debating whether my spare EU flag will make an appearance in the front room window...
The rear bedroom window is already decked out like a Breton Mairie - tricolore, EU flag and "Gwenn-ha-du" - largely in response to the bloke opposite who started flying a Union Jack and st George cross around BREXSHIT time ...
Had a walk to our local corner shop to buy some milk and they are selling Platinum Jubilee Union Jacks
EU flag now in front room window.
At the very least it might provoke conversation with my French-speaking neighbours (long overdue that I got some free conversation practice)... It might also interest my solidly Labour neighbours down the road who fly a ginormous NHS flag in the back garden but who will also probably fly "patriotic" bunting today and also be up for a party for Liz Windsor ...(though there was almost zero interest when a street party was mooted on the FB group)
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