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Roy Chubby Brown gig cancelled in Sheffield . Right wingers call it censorship.


One on one? You're crazy.

Yep, the Sheffield gig was cancelled by the venue (maybe luckily for Chubby as only 300 odd tickets had been sold for a 2000+ venue) .

35000 signed a petition demanding he be allowed to perform, 20 or so turned up to protest at the gig 🤔

The Right are frothing at the mouth about censorship, calling it an attack on free speech .

My take , the venue doesn't have to book him, he is playing at other venues if you want to see him, plus you can check him out on YouTube. So hardly being silenced. I did watch some of a recent performance on YouTube, in the near-words of Frankie Howerd , I tittered not .

I remember him in the 80s/90s , didn't titter then either, he tried to get on the telly but wasn't prepared to tone down his material which is offensive to women & non-white folk.

He's now using this banning in his promotional stuff so he's hardly suffering .

I'd ban him for being offensive & not fucking funny , but if his fans want to see him, them they have plenty of options to fill their boots.
Funny that no one around here kicked-up a fuss when Jim Davidson was told he was no longer wanted at Worthing Theatres*, except him, who apparently was livid. :D

* there's two, both council owned, and the new management decided the likes of him did not reflect the town, great to see Sheffield catching-up. :thumbs:
I remember him in the 80s/90s , didn't titter then either, he tried to get on the telly but wasn't prepared to tone down his material which is offensive to women & non-white folk.
I was born early 80s so watching big break in the 90s with Jim Davidson, but for my entire life RCB was known to me as the old comedian with the racist jokes. Someone who was binned off before I could eat solid food is claiming cancellation now, this is more desperate than J Kyles attempt to come back
The Spectator has been raging in a GBnews like way about it

As I always say, nobody knows more about the stuff working class people say than a Cambridge-educated professor of commercial law.
I was born early 80s so watching big break in the 90s with Jim Davidson, but for my entire life RCB was known to me as the old comedian with the racist jokes. Someone who was binned off before I could eat solid food is claiming cancellation now, this is more desperate than J Kyles attempt to come back
He enjoyed something of a career revival at the hands The League of Gentlemen, who cast him as the mayor of Royston Vasey (which IIRC is RCB's real name)
As I always say, nobody knows more about the stuff working class people say than a Cambridge-educated professor of commercial law.

I saw Chubby Brown (‘supported’ by two strippers) at a working mens club in the Black Country when I was 14/15 years old. The two things I took from the evening were a) he was genuinely not funny. In fact the funniest thing was how dated the material was. This would have been about 1990, so god knows what it’s like now and b) the audience (once the transgressive thrill wore off after about 15 minutes) just got collectively more bored as the set went on. Poor Chubby had to resort to trying to pick on black members of the audience to get his laughs. In one memorable retort one of the lads told him he was a ‘four eyed fat cunt’ which got the biggest laugh for a while…

Far funnier would have been a middle class spectator writer coming up to tell us what we were watching and why we were enjoying it so much.
Toby Foster who is allegedly himself a stand up comedian, the compère of many comedy clubs in the area and also a BBC presenter BBC radio Sheffield, was talking about this story.
He actually spoke to Royston Vasey and his manager. They both said they accept the decision from Sheffield City Hall and were sick to the back teeth of other parties making it into something bigger than they could be bothered about.
So someone somewhere is telling fibs.
In my opinion Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown is of the same style of comedians as Manning and Davidson. Glad to think they are no longer popular, but then again look at the crowds who go to the dreadful Mrs Brown tours.
I worked with people who used to go ballistic about Frankie Boyle and Stuart Lee, probably because it went over their heads.
Yup, a former friend once turned up with this “funniest guy you’ll ever see but he’s banned off the telly” video - and no, he wasn’t in the least bit funny at all. Even then he was a comedic dinosaur.

As well as live shows, capitalising on his notoriety via the home video market seemed to be his business model back then, so no doubt he’s making the most of the free publicity again..?
^^^ this - I have to admit I have never heard or seen any CRB but his vids & cassettes ( pirated copies usually) were standard consumption for many men and lads in the grim north back in the day . He a survivor.
He is fuckng dreadful, the people he takes the piss out of are numerous and not least among them are his audience who plys with dumbed down, mind prison ‘realities‘ while they are too rat arsed to care...
^^^ this - I have to admit I have never heard or seen any CRB but his vids & cassettes ( pirated copies usually) were standard consumption for many men and lads in the grim north back in the day . He a survivor.

so are cockroaches.
Toby Foster who is allegedly himself a stand up comedian, the compère of many comedy clubs in the area and also a BBC presenter BBC radio Sheffield, was talking about this story.
He actually spoke to Royston Vasey and his manager. They both said they accept the decision from Sheffield City Hall and were sick to the back teeth of other parties making it into something bigger than they could be bothered about.
So someone somewhere is telling fibs.
In my opinion Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown is of the same style of comedians as Manning and Davidson. Glad to think they are no longer popular, but then again look at the crowds who go to the dreadful Mrs Brown tours.
I worked with people who used to go ballistic about Frankie Boyle and Stuart Lee, probably because it went over their heads.
Toby Foster is completely unfunny too
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