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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

I would agree. And my opinion remains unchanged - paedophiles need to be put to death.
Perhaps not state sanctioned, because the state cannot be entrusted, but certainly if there were circumstances where parents of victims faced no charges for arranging or committing the murder of their child’s attacker - that would be something I would approve of.
Slightly OT, I know, but if I had thought that my abusers would have faced the death penalty, I would not have gone to the police, even 40 years late. As it is, one did die of heart failure 3 days before he was due to be charged, probably because of the prospect of having to face his victim in court, but I would not have wished that on him. These were both prolific offenders, and I recognise that their other victims' views may well differ from mine, though
The idea that these girls were abused - in the same way the boys in care homes in north wales, the midlands and wider afield - because of some generic post-hoc response on the part of others is horrifying. In each and every case the shared theme is lack of social power and ability to be taken seriously by a system designed around establishing and then reproducing another class' social power. wtf has fear to do with this?

I don't think you fully appreciated campanula's clever extension of the use of 'just' either.

Fear has EVERYTHING to do with this.

I’m not here to shit on this thread.

I am liking Spanglechick and Truxta bringing forth the wisdom.

LOL at the idea of me being anything but devoted to breaking down bullshit barriers.

I have very little to be ashamed of, either on this website or in my life. Lots of meta-politics occurred here on deeply personal levels a decade ago, and I’m not particularly proud of my behaviour towards ostensibly decent folk. But there it is.

Happy to drag important political/social matters back to common denominators because I just want easy answers because I’m lazy, but I do need help sometimes in certain issues and that’s why I’m back here.

I respect the opinions put forth here by all and sundry, and if I need to stir up the shit a little bit then forgive me, it’s not a personal attack. I just need a decent framework within which to continue my trains of thought.

It is utterly selfish and a bit crap, but it works for me and I thank you all for providing the perspective I need..
I have not read the thread and have no idea whether anyone has already posted this link, but I think it is helpful in understanding what is and has been happening in some parts of the UK and how it can be addressed

I have not yet clicked your link but thank heavens for the teachable moment.

I might merely be a sexy man but I have always been a feminist, and a gentleman to the ladies.

This shit needs discussing. If I have to boot the nest of hornets to make that happen, then pass me the gaffa tape and the binbags.
Slightly OT, I know, but if I had thought that my abusers would have faced the death penalty, I would not have gone to the police, even 40 years late. As it is, one did die of heart failure 3 days before he was due to be charged, probably because of the prospect of having to face his victim in court, but I would not have wished that on him. These were both prolific offenders, and I recognise that their other victims' views may well differ from mine, though

I can’t really say much to this, other than give all my hugs for the ordeal you went through.

All I know is my own reactionary mind.

I hope the simplistic nature of my kneejerk bullshit can be seen for what it is.
Fear has EVERYTHING to do with this.

I’m not here to shit on this thread.

I am liking Spanglechick and Truxta bringing forth the wisdom.

LOL at the idea of me being anything but devoted to breaking down bullshit barriers.

I have very little to be ashamed of, either on this website or in my life. Lots of meta-politics occurred here on deeply personal levels a decade ago, and I’m not particularly proud of my behaviour towards ostensibly decent folk. But there it is.

Happy to drag important political/social matters back to common denominators because I just want easy answers because I’m lazy, but I do need help sometimes in certain issues and that’s why I’m back here.

I respect the opinions put forth here by all and sundry, and if I need to stir up the shit a little bit then forgive me, it’s not a personal attack. I just need a decent framework within which to continue my trains of thought.

It is utterly selfish and a bit crap, but it works for me and I thank you all for providing the perspective I need..
I'll just park this here (Rochdale ex council chief open to prosecution for lying to the inquiry). I knew the bloke many moons ago, their opinion of him as “bullish, self-opinionated and unyielding” is about right.
Resigned Rochdale council leader 'lied to child abuse inquiry'
I hope he does get done for perjury. It's the wilful arse-covering and lying about what went on which creates the very environment in which child sex abusers can operate with relative impunity. He, and people like him, are as much a part of the problem as the abusers themselves, IMO.
I hope he does get done for perjury. It's the wilful arse-covering and lying about what went on which creates the very environment in which child sex abusers can operate with relative impunity. He, and people like him, are as much a part of the problem as the abusers themselves, IMO.
When I knew he was a classic bully, a combination of being superficially personable whilst sneery, childish and politically sectarian. Started very young as a councillor from memory. I don't know how much it helps victims to see people like him get (a degree of) comeuppance. At the very least he will have seen the issue looming up in the rear mirror to the point where jail isn't out the of the question (though unlikely I'd have thought). He clearly didn't give a shit about the issue when it first crossed his desk, through to a few nagging doubts as to where it would lead when the Knowl view abuse became common knowledge - right through to his disgrace today. Regardless of my views about farnell, I really hope he gets prosecuted for the reasons you say.
New article by Lisa McKenzie where she says difficult discussions need to take place.
I don’t agree with all of her analysis especially where she appeared to place the perps and victims on the same class pegging despite girls in care (effectively homeless) being moved around locations to be abused (property owners) so she falls into the trap that she’s (rightfully) attempting to criticise.

Lisa has a very open profile on FB and twitter...why not tackle it with her?

I have a lot of respect for LM so I don’t feel a need to criticise her directly. Plus her positions are better than most of the left; I was just pointing out one aspect of that analysis. Obviously it’s getting up your nose it being discussed here but surely that’s all the more reason for it?
Obviously it’s getting up your nose it being discussed here but surely that’s all the more reason for it?

More reason to discuss it because it gets up my nose? Pathetic. You don't challenge LM because you don't dare do it. You haven't got the bottle.

You are a real try hard. :D You know full well why I responded to your post. I am pretty sick of reading you post crap like above where you position 'leftists' as White. It's like when you imply all WC people are White in your posts. You got pissed off with me challenging that as well recently.

For someone who goes around acting like the IDpoliticker witch finder general you are seriously obsessed by race/ethnicity and it drips through just about everything you post lately even when you are posting about class,. The disturbing thing is that you can't seem to see it.
Thanks for the invective.
What normally happens in politics is if you disagree with a position you formulate an argument against it and put it up in print.
You’re basically asking me to do some daft twitter or FB attacks against LM like children do.
I was simply discussing it here because this is a discussion board.
Thanks for the invective.
What normally happens in politics is if you disagree with a position you formulate an argument against it and put it up in print.
You’re basically asking me to do some daft twitter or FB attacks against LM like children do.
I was simply discussing it here because this is a discussion board.

I haven't suggested you attack anyone so that's a crock of shit.

You posted that 'it' needs tackling, 'it' is the thing that you feel LM has done in that piece, having that conversation with her is easy as I pointed out. She pretty much starts discussions about things she written or things that are going on on her FB all the time...it's no biggy to comment is my point.

...and if you know what normally happens in politics you could perhaps stop getting so upset when the poor generalisations and associations of your own are pointed out to you given that you stomp about here giving it the lefty big bollocks and accuse pretty much everyone else bar the urban vanguard of doing it all wrong.
So why post this up here and only highlight the part you disagree with?

ETA: a) given the subject matter of the thread and b) given Lisa’s consistent attempt to give voice to pro working class politics its a really really strange decision

Because I have discussed politics on this forum for twenty years yet I haven’t once targeted someone on Social media.
A/B) are you really suggesting LM shouldn’t be criticised because she’s a limited outspoken wc supporter?
Because I have discussed politics on this forum for twenty years yet I haven’t once targeted someone on Social media.
A/B) are you really suggesting LM shouldn’t be criticised because she’s a limited outspoken wc supporter?

Yes. That’s precisely what I’m arguing. She is an all too rare voice in academia promoting pro working class politics. She has spoke up consistently for the victims of the rape gangs. She has regularly fronted up liberal squeamish relativism.

She has taken a phenomenal amount of abuse as a result.

There are many things that should be highlighted about the systematic rape of children, this week in particular. The fact therefore that you’ve chosen to have a pop at LM on this is frankly bizarre.

Equally bizarre is the point you take issue with. If your point is that there is a class issue at work within Asian rape crews you really are wide of the mark
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Thanks for the invective.
What normally happens in politics is if you disagree with a position you formulate an argument against it and put it up in print.
You’re basically asking me to do some daft twitter or FB attacks against LM like children do.
I was simply discussing it here because this is a discussion board.
You don't have to go to Twitter or FB. The blog has a chat function where you can discuss the points she raised. Nor is a disagreement necessarily an attack.

However, I'd suggest you're on dodgy ground if you think owning (or renting) property means they're not working class.
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