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Rotherham child rape gangs: At least 1400 victims

Where is the evidence that show a disproportionate amount of pakistani men are involved in sexual abuse of children?
Mentioning this case and one or two others and then ignoring all other sexual abuse of children seems to be the only way to come to that conclusion.
Sexual abuse of any child by anyone is the issue...it is a crime where victims are often disbelieved by adults (neighbours, teachers, carers, other family members etc.) because the perpetrators are often seen as being 'not the sort' or because they are powerful people who instill fear (political or physical fear).
This is the great problem in child abuse cases...children are not heard...the warning signs in the childs behaviour are overlooked and children are disbelieved.
This insistance that there is a problem with pakistani men is a smoke screen used by the right wing for there own ends. The problem with the sexual abuse of children should not be used as a political toy...those child abuse cases have occured in equally horrific numbers else wgere and race is not mentioned...ie the catholic church, the saville case (thought to have abused over 600 by himself), stuart hall and rolf harris and max clifford (thought to have abused dozens each) plus many other cases such as cyril smith (thought to have abused hundreds).
The issue to deal with is the lack of power for children to be believed, the abuse of power by the child abusers and the lack of care by the agencies supposed to care for the children.

I've read statistics that show despite the fact Asians are a minority they make up a disproportionate amount of offences of this nature. Now we can chew over and dispute those statistics but the right are having a field day with this and we need to have answers. It's not about ignoring other abuse. I'm certainly not that's for sure.[/QUOTE]

You have read statistics? Seriously?
That makes it a fact does it?
Sometimes I despair at people quoting things as facts without any proof cos they read it somewhere

I've read statistics that show despite the fact Asians are a minority they make up a disproportionate amount of offences of this nature. Now we can chew over and dispute those statistics but the right are having a field day with this and we need to have answers. It's not about ignoring other abuse. I'm certainly not that's for sure.

You have read statistics? Seriously?
That makes it a fact does it?
Sometimes I despair at people quoting things as facts without any proof cos they read it somewhere[/QUOTE]
comrade spurski
your quotes of other people come up as quotes from you. It's disconcerting :confused:
Were the victims not mainly selected from a vulnerable section of society (care etc.) rather than selected 'because they were white' as the media narrative seems to be putting it? I wonder how many Pakistani/Muslim children were in the care system at the time this was going on - the ethnic profile of victims may just be more reflective of who was in the care system and a 'racial' motive for their targeting could be discounted on this basis.

There may be closer links within Pakistani communities (like any expat community) than within 'native' communities, and abusing children within local circles could be riskier than picking on a group outside of this, in particular picking vulnerable/damaged individuals who don't have the power/connections to report abuse and are less likely to be believed or respected by authorities. They likely chose such targets because they believed (or knew from experience) that they could get away with it.
I am at this very moment sat talking to my workmate, a Pakistani lad from Eastwood in Rotherham and he is fucking livid about these abusing bastards. His big concern is his safety when walking home from the bus stop in about 45 minutes. There are some proper nasty bastards about in town late at night and any excuse for thumping an Asian bloke is usually taken. He feels so bad about it all but again he says the authorities were told time and time again and now the community will suffer for a couple of dozen bastards and a load of police and council officers.
This isn't a race thing. Jimmy Savile, Gary Glitter and Rolf Harris aren't Asian.

Children have been allowed out of children's homes (for how long,who knows?) because carers are faced with putting choke holds on these children who know the law but not their own minds.
I've seen this stuff for years now, for instance police picking up kids late at night, taking them back, only to see them out again the same night(exploited in too many ways to mention) .
The whole of child welfare is not fit for purpose and regrettably never has been.
While our politician's are allowed outside interests, then we cannot trust them to do an exclusive job imho.
How long are we going to have these expensive and useless inquiries?
Just look at our country, the west in general, it's all broken. Can we wake up now?
I am at this very moment sat talking to my workmate, a Pakistani lad from Eastwood in Rotherham and he is fucking livid about these abusing bastards. His big concern is his safety when walking home from the bus stop in about 45 minutes. There are some proper nasty bastards about in town late at night and any excuse for thumping an Asian bloke is usually taken. He feels so bad about it all but again he says the authorities were told time and time again and now the community will suffer for a couple of dozen bastards and a load of police and council officers.
Liked because I sympathise with your mate at work.
When one group, ethnically self-defined, views another group, ethnically defined [albeit, crucially externally so], as sub-human or in some way capable of or conducive to exploitation for reasons that are essential to that ethnicity, then that is racism.

This is not about abuse of white people, it's about abuse of children.

Just like people who are sickened by these acts are not reacting to the race of the perpetrators, but to their actions.
Were the victims not mainly selected from a vulnerable section of society (care etc.) rather than selected 'because they were white' as the media narrative seems to be putting it? I wonder how many Pakistani/Muslim children were in the care system at the time this was going on - the ethnic profile of victims may just be more reflective of who was in the care system and a 'racial' motive for their targeting could be discounted on this basis.

There may be closer links within Pakistani communities (like any expat community) than within 'native' communities, and abusing children within local circles could be riskier than picking on a group outside of this, in particular picking vulnerable/damaged individuals who don't have the power/connections to report abuse and are less likely to be believed or respected by authorities. They likely chose such targets because they believed (or knew from experience) that they could get away with it.

I don't think a racial motive can be discounted on the basis that vulnerable girls are supposedly more likely to be white (in fact if it was true, I think that would be racist in one sense of the word), and it's certainly not a stretch of the imagination that these sick child rapists may be racists, but one fact that might shed some light on the 'is it also a racial hate crime issue?' question is if we could know how prevalent rape was perpetrated on Muslim girls by Muslim rape gangs.

The Rotherham report considers a point along these lines with its citation of research led by the UK Muslim Women's Network, who have said Asian Muslim girls are in one sense particularly vulnerable to rape and exploitation because of the perception on the part of these victims of sexual violence that they would be disbelieved, alienated and ostracised if they ever went public with allegations of abuse - which of course makes it particularly difficult to know how prevalent their victimisation is.


11.14 One of the local Pakistani women's groups described how Pakistani-heritage girls
were targeted by taxi drivers and on occasion by older men lying in wait outside
school gates at dinner times and after school. They also cited cases in Rotherham
where Pakistani landlords had befriended Pakistani women and girls on their own for
purposes of sex, then passed on their name to other men who had then contacted
them for sex. The women and girls feared reporting such incidents to the Police
because it would affect their future marriage prospects.

11.15 The UK Muslim Women's Network produced a report on CSE in September 2013
which drew on 35 case studies of women from across the UK who were victims, the
majority of whom were Muslim. It highlighted that Asian girls were being sexually
exploited where authorities were failing to identify or support them. They were most
vulnerable to men from their own communities who manipulated cultural norms to
prevent them from reporting their abuse. It described how this abuse was being
carried out. 'Offending behaviour mostly involved men operating in groups . . . The
victim was being passed around and prostituted amongst many other men. Our
research also showed that complex grooming ‘hierarchies’ were at play. The physical
abuse included oral, anal and vaginal rape; role play; insertion of objects into the
vagina; severe beatings; burning with cigarettes; tying down; enacting rape that
included ripping clothes off and sexual activity over the webcam.' This description
mirrors the abuse committed by Pakistani-heritage perpetrators on white girls in
EDL's Andy Edge is having a hunger strike outside Rotherham nick since this afternoon. He wants the PCC to resign as he should. A few fash have turned up to support him and have sparked up a BBQ outside the nick which I am sure is helping his cause.

Edge is the Stockport RO and is facing 3/4 years behind bars for getting all violent at their Birmingham demo last month and is a type 1 diabetic. I can only see this as ending up with him getting his arse saved by a couple of paramedics of the Muslim persuasion.

Latest updates seem to be on the #edlhungerstriker hashtag on Twitter
I don't think a racial motive can be discounted on the basis that vulnerable girls are supposedly more likely to be white (in fact if it was true, I think that would be racist in one sense of the word), and it's certainly not a stretch of the imagination that these sick child rapists may be racists, but one fact that might shed some light on the 'is it also a racial hate crime issue?' question is if we could know how prevalent rape was perpetrated on Muslim girls by Muslim rape gangs.

The Rotherham report considers a point along these lines with its citation of research led by the UK Muslim Women's Network, who have said Asian Muslim girls are in one sense particularly vulnerable to rape and exploitation because of the perception on the part of these victims of sexual violence that they would be disbelieved, alienated and ostracised if they ever went public with allegations of abuse - which of course makes it particularly difficult to know how prevalent their victimisation is.


11.14 One of the local Pakistani women's groups described how Pakistani-heritage girls
were targeted by taxi drivers and on occasion by older men lying in wait outside
school gates at dinner times and after school. They also cited cases in Rotherham
where Pakistani landlords had befriended Pakistani women and girls on their own for
purposes of sex, then passed on their name to other men who had then contacted
them for sex. The women and girls feared reporting such incidents to the Police
because it would affect their future marriage prospects.

11.15 The UK Muslim Women's Network produced a report on CSE in September 2013
which drew on 35 case studies of women from across the UK who were victims, the
majority of whom were Muslim. It highlighted that Asian girls were being sexually
exploited where authorities were failing to identify or support them. They were most
vulnerable to men from their own communities who manipulated cultural norms to
prevent them from reporting their abuse. It described how this abuse was being
carried out. 'Offending behaviour mostly involved men operating in groups . . . The
victim was being passed around and prostituted amongst many other men. Our
research also showed that complex grooming ‘hierarchies’ were at play. The physical
abuse included oral, anal and vaginal rape; role play; insertion of objects into the
vagina; severe beatings; burning with cigarettes; tying down; enacting rape that
included ripping clothes off and sexual activity over the webcam.' This description
mirrors the abuse committed by Pakistani-heritage perpetrators on white girls in

Yeah but even less people give a fuck about brown girls getting abused by brown men. It's just not newsworthy :(
Nonces are not going to be too fussed about the colour of the kiddies they are noncing unless they are are full on racists and even then they are quite happy to employ massive hypocrisy as long as their mates don't find out about it and as long they get the opportunity to do some noncing.

Saying that, a local London Hitler enthusiast is quite happy to indulge in his indiscretions but does not want his Nazi mates to know about it (or care about it)

There is nothing racial' about it. Nonces nonce at just about every opportunity they can, and think they can get away with. Nonces are not guided by religion, they are guided by their need to control of vulnerable people who are weaker than themselves and bring their own social inadequacies into play.

Unfortunately, there are certain cultural barriers which make brown girls unable and unwilling to report and get justice for crimes against them and that needs dealing with. Not too dissimilar to the same barriers have been there for the white 'estate girls' in Rotherham, barriers put up by the ineffective wankers at Rotherham 'Child Support' where they had been classed as written off and not worthy/beyond help.

That has to be dealt with. Brown/White. This is not just Rotherham and Rochdale. It is considerably more widespread without a doubt and so much of it has been bought about by a culture which dictates that you have to be careful about offending people which has now got out of control.

A paedophile is a paedophile whatever their race or culture and someone who abuses kids has to be bought to justice which is more important than 'offending' races or cultures. Anyone who sits on their arses whilst this sort of this happens does not deserve to be in the jobs they have.

I am left wing as fuck but this shit and denial within the left has to stop.
Is there a north/south divide as to how this is viewed? When urban speaks it generally pronounces on things from a london/south viewpoint, there seem to be lots of posters from the north saying that there are particular circumstances in northern communities that don't necessarily translate across the UK as a whole?
Is there a north/south divide as to how this is viewed? When urban speaks it generally pronounces on things from a london/south viewpoint, there seem to be lots of posters from the north saying that there are particular circumstances in northern communities that don't necessarily translate across the UK as a whole?

I don't think that anyone is arguing that, especially since multiple posters have mentioned similar cases in Peterborough and Cambridge.
Nonces are not going to be too fussed about the colour of the kiddies they are noncing unless they are are full on racists and even then they are quite happy to employ massive hypocrisy as long as their mates don't find out about it and as long they get the opportunity to do some noncing.

Saying that, a local London Hitler enthusiast is quite happy to indulge in his indiscretions but does not want his Nazi mates to know about it (or care about it)

There is nothing racial' about it. Nonces nonce at just about every opportunity they can, and think they can get away with. Nonces are not guided by religion, they are guided by their need to control of vulnerable people who are weaker than themselves and bring their own social inadequacies into play.

Unfortunately, there are certain cultural barriers which make brown girls unable and unwilling to report and get justice for crimes against them and that needs dealing with. Not too dissimilar to the same barriers have been there for the white 'estate girls' in Rotherham, barriers put up by the ineffective wankers at Rotherham 'Child Support' where they had been classed as written off and not worthy/beyond help.

That has to be dealt with. Brown/White. This is not just Rotherham and Rochdale. It is considerably more widespread without a doubt and so much of it has been bought about by a culture which dictates that you have to be careful about offending people which has now got out of control.

A paedophile is a paedophile whatever their race or culture and someone who abuses kids has to be bought to justice which is more important than 'offending' races or cultures. Anyone who sits on their arses whilst this sort of this happens does not deserve to be in the jobs they have.

I am left wing as fuck but this shit and denial within the left has to stop.
Paedophiles prefer Blond, Blue eyed boys, probably the same for girl victims, and these creeps are fully capable of being Racist.
Fingers is spot on when he talks about the barriers brown girls and boys face in disclosing abuse. Particularly because, as is commonly understood, abuse is often carried out by someone known to the person and their family. I don't think abuse about skin colour at all. It's more about access, vulnerability and it the scum think they can get away with it.
Fingers is spot on when he talks about the barriers brown girls and boys face in disclosing abuse. Particularly because, as is commonly understood, abuse is often carried out by someone known to the person and their family. I don't think abuse about skin colour at all. It's more about access, vulnerability and it the scum think they can get away with it.
Excellent...have been trying to think how to phrase that and you have done it brilliantly
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