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Rishi Sunak’s time is up!

But Downing street is denying it
No it's saying it won't be rushed into a premature decision...so they aren't denying it just don't think being in Manchester isn't the right time and place to announce it....waiting until they flying home presumably
No it's saying it won't be rushed into a premature decision...so they aren't denying it just don't think being in Manchester isn't the right time and place to announce it....waiting until they flying home presumably

Also what gets me is surely a decision like this needs some serious research and reports done, the likely impacts etc. It's not something that you can/should decide quickly or without long term consideration. So have all those reports been done, read, etc.? And if so then is all that's waiting is an annoucement of the decision that's been made, or if the decision hasn't been made then what's the process for making it, who needs to meet and decide, and when will that happen, etc.?

It's all just insane bollocks, the media is completely complicit in acting like it's just a quick decision Sunak is going to make tomorrow depending on how he feels in the morning.
The most politically explosive module of the covid public inquiry has started its public sessions today. The lead counsel has been giving an overview of the issues to be considered and examples of the sort of evidence they will hear in the weeks ahead. The role of the treasury is very much on the agenda, and they have lots of whatsapp messages involving Sunak, and he will be giving evidence.

I expect there is plenty of shit that will be damaging to Sunak, but the extent to which the press, politicians and the public seize upon it of course remains to be seen.

I wont be able to cover all of it but when Sunak stuff comes up I will link to my covid forum posts about it in this thread.
The most politically explosive module of the covid public inquiry has started its public sessions today. The lead counsel has been giving an overview of the issues to be considered and examples of the sort of evidence they will hear in the weeks ahead. The role of the treasury is very much on the agenda, and they have lots of whatsapp messages involving Sunak, and he will be giving evidence.

I expect there is plenty of shit that will be damaging to Sunak, but the extent to which the press, politicians and the public seize upon it of course remains to be seen.

I wont be able to cover all of it but when Sunak stuff comes up I will link to my covid forum posts about it in this thread.
The inquiry won't be concluded until well into the latter half of the decade. Sunak will be residing in the US by then.
The inquiry won't be concluded until well into the latter half of the decade. Sunak will be residing in the US by then.
The inquiry is broken into modules, each of which will report at different times.

Besides, we dont need the inquiries own conclusions in order for the press and public to reach views on this stuff. Because we are getting the evidence now, not years away. This modules public hearings have begun and will last for several months.

Eat out to help out already came up today, as did the role of the treasury in influencing pandemic decisions. And a meeting with shitheads when factions within government were trying to stop the second lockdown from becoming policy. And there are loads of Sunak-related whatsapp messages that will be emerging and Sunaks own appearance to give evidence to the inquiry to come.
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While everyone is speaking about HS2 this appears to have been overlooked
Bearing in mind this is the torygraph and recent events regarding Patel and Braverman amongst others, I wonder if the Tory press have it in for sunak.
Well the lead counsel for the inquiry certainly noticed and put this in his opening statement on Tuesday:

My Lady, we requested, or rather you requested through us, from decision-makers and advisers WhatsApps relevant to Government decision-making. We've received approximately 250 separate WhatsApp groups from over 24 custodians, in addition to thousands of pages of one-to-one WhatsApp threads. In light of the press reporting this morning, I should say that that material includes copies of WhatsApp groups to which Rishi Sunak MP was a participant. We also have multiple one-to-one threads of WhatsApps with him. We have the material extracted from an old phone belonging to Mr Johnson, so rather more than the press in other quarters has received from various other people.

It's right to say we have not received everyone's WhatsApps, texts or iMessages. A lot were not retained and were got rid of in accordance with what their owners believed was Government policy, long before the Inquiry came calling. Some were apparently deleted accidentally and we'll be asking why that happened.

However, in light of the very large number of messages and diary entries that we have received, we have, we believe, a very good picture of what happened. Given the multitude of people who were party to or privy to the core decision-making, and who took decisions in the presence of other people, and the range of WhatsApp and diary material that we have -- which of course necessarily engages more than one person, because they're conversations -- there are unlikely to be any hidden corners that have escaped the Inquiry's examination.

Thats from pages 78 and 79 of this transcript: https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/w...3442/2023-10-03-Module-2-Day-1-Transcript.pdf
While everyone is speaking about HS2 this appears to have been overlooked
Bearing in mind this is the torygraph and recent events regarding Patel and Braverman amongst others, I wonder if the Tory press have it in for sunak.
Isn't that the same bollocks Johnson came up with, or a version thereof? Just contact someone who knows what they're doing to hack into whichever cloud it's all stored on.

Apropos of nothing, does anyone know what Rebekah Brooks is up to these days?
Anyone else hear his wife saying what a great bloke he is at the Tory party conference? Looks like we've all been horribly wrong about him. :(
Listening to a group of people discussing Sunak today & his various announcements in the last few days.
Most of them seem to be becoming [even more] disenchanted ...

Do hope that the recent Electoral Calculus predictions are at least fairly accurate [and the rich people's party lose control of the HoC] ...
It appears that he was referred to as 'Dr Death the Chancellor' in whatsapp messages between epidemiologists that they sent between themselves when having to sit through a notorious September 2020 meeting between Johnson, Sunak, some reasonable government scientists and some unreasonable 'let it rip' shitheads.

Please post here if this revelation is written up properly in the press. I have gone into a bit more detail in the uk forums thread about the inquiry (see the following post onwards The Covid Inquiry ). Unless I've got my facts wrong, the person who called him that is currently government chief scientific advisor (she succeeded Patrick Vallance in that role).

We havent heard details of what he might have said in that meeting to cause such a description, or too much other Sunak-related evidence in detail yet. Eat out to help out has come up numerous times already though. It was widely reported in the press later that Sunak was during this period one of those arguing against new restrictions to halt the looming wave, and that 2nd wave was to a great extent avoidable, and that many tens of thousands of lives would have been saved if government had acted sooner.
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Reporting on the Dr Death thing.

So far they only have the idea that it was Eat Out To Help Out which caused her to give him that label, but I suspect it was other stuff he was saying in that meeting too, which we havent heard about yet.

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