one of Maxwell's demons
Not a random sample, though. I'm guessing you were there on holiday, and irrc you don't speak too much Spanish (correct me if I'm wrong), meaning that the Cubans you will have spoken to will basically have been the jineteros - those who seek out tourists to make some money, who speak some English, and who mostly are looking for a way to get out of the country.And in Havana, although rather more quietly for fear of getting their bollocks wired to the mains.
Everyone I met in Cuba fucking hated him and his shit stinking regime.
tbh some of the very nicest people I met when I lived there were people still committed in some way to the revolution, despite everything. Such people do exist.
The imponderable, as ever, is what difference the blockade made. Did it in some ways sure up the regime? Hard to find objective statements about that, but one thing can safely be said, I think: Castro's regime squandered the help it received from the USSR and failed to maintain or improve basic infrastructure. His legacy includes vastly improved schools and hospitals, but it also includes cities that are (literally) falling down, roads that haven't seen a workman since the revolution and a system so inefficient that, on a fertile tropical island, people go hungry every day.