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fubert said:
as far as i know icke has nothing against jews specifically. icke claims he's been hassled by the anti-nazi league because of some of the stuff he's written.

i think the anti-semetism thing comes up because he writes about the rothchilds and bilderbergs, who happen to be jewish families, but his stuff isn't based on their religion at all.

i'd personally like to see where he's shared a platform with the people mentioned above though.
He does, however, do things like support David Irving and other far right revisionists and believe in the Principles Of The Elders Of Zion. He may or may not be an anti-semite - I don't know either way and I suspect he may just be barking - but he certainly is quite happy to use their mythology, is not choosy about whom he gives support to and is popular with neo-Nazis.

Wikipedia has a good summary:
Loki said:
I don't understand the interest in Icke's ramblings, he's a well known nutcake.
i think that's half the reason some folk find the interest in it, kind of as if he was writing science fiction.
FridgeMagnet said:
He does, however, do things like support David Irving and other far right revisionists and believe in the Principles Of The Elders Of Zion. He may or may not be an anti-semite - I don't know either way and I suspect he may just be barking - but he certainly is quite happy to use their mythology, is not choosy about whom he gives support to and is popular with neo-Nazis.

Wikipedia has a good summary:

thanks for the link. but the problem remains, he doesn't have a problem with the people he's mentioned because they're jewish, but because of what he thinks they have done. at least that's what does and would claim.

the holocaust stuff is interesting, i'll check some books tonight and see if he mentions it. there is a "hitler was rothchild" appendix to one of his books mind. i seem to remember just rolling my eyes at it and not bothering.
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