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Reopen 911 Forums and film screenings

Loki said:
Well I hate to dredge this thread up again, but I find a lot of DrJazzz's and fellow conspiraloons' threads distasteful, if not offensive. Well you missed the Huntley thread; I can assure you it was utterly disgraceful. I would forgive DrJ if he had ever taken the opportunity (offered to him ample times) to apologise; but his attitude is "well I'll just post up this thing I found and nah, I can't be bothered to research it." And when it's torn to shreds DrJ is long gone. He doesn't believe in defending his corner once he's been shown to be plain wrong. He's admitted as much himself!

I don't see why I or anyone else should put up with this on my favourite bulletin board.
oh ffs! :mad:

I apologised for the most heated of the Huntley threads, at the time, which I conceded was hasty and flawed. I then conceded - when we found out his previous misdemeanours - that although there is still much that puzzles me about the Huntley case - it certainly looked like the right person had been put away.

I refused to indulge your incessant demands because I don't see that I need to repeat myself for the benefit of your thread diversions, with something that is now years ago.

As for defending my corner - well christ, you should have a go posting up something that goes totally against the grain and see how far you get. I think I do a rather good job of it, especially as before me, 'conspiracy stuff' was unfailingly laughed off these boards.
DrJazzz said:
As for defending my corner - well christ, you should have a go posting up something that goes totally against the grain and see how far you get. I think I do a rather good job of it, especially as before me, 'conspiracy stuff' was unfailingly laughed off these boards.
Perhaps you should have a go at posting up stuff that is:
  1. sane
  2. defensible

You might get further. Just a tip.
DrJazzz said:
I think I do a rather good job of it, especially as before me, 'conspiracy stuff' was unfailingly laughed off these boards.
Apart from the predictable nodding response from your few conspira-cohorts, it still is.

Most people have long given up trying to argue sensibly with your bonkers, fact-free claims and so just ignore you now.
DrJazzz said:
oh ffs! :mad:

I apologised for the most heated of the Huntley threads, at the time, which I conceded was hasty and flawed. I then conceded - when we found out his previous misdemeanours - that although there is still much that puzzles me about the Huntley case - it certainly looked like the right person had been put away.

I refused to indulge your incessant demands because I don't see that I need to repeat myself for the benefit of your thread diversions, with something that is now years ago.

Well I missed this apparant apology, which is somewhat odd. I do remember asking several times whether you felt ashamed about your disgraceful Huntley thread, and would you care to apologise. Only to be met with silence. If you apologised somewhere, it certainly wasn't in an obvious place as no-one seems to recall it.

So, will you apologise for that utterly offensive thread now?
editor said:
Most people have long given up trying to argue sensibly with your bonkers, fact-free claims and so just ignore you now.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one to fall into this catagory.
editor said:
Come on: if you're claiming that the government of Canada has "banned" Icke, it's up to you to provide credible proof.

If I posted up a claim that I was crowned king of America on my website, would you believe that too?

What?! you're not king of America? :oops:

Ern, you are one lying cunt do you know that? :mad: :mad: :mad:
editor said:
Are you hoping for a bigger turn out than your last 'exclusive 9/11 screening'?

Over 400 at the film screenings on Thursday and over 500 at Friends House last night. It seems that given a bit more publicity and there is interest out there.

Are you still waiting for your $200?
sparticus said:
Over 400 at the film screenings on Thursday and over 500 at Friends House last night. It seems that given a bit more publicity and there is interest out there.
Wow. That's about as much as a second division indie band might get or a disco night in Scunthorpe. You must feel overwhelmed with success.
DrJazzz said:
I apologised for the most heated of the Huntley threads, at the time, which I conceded was hasty and flawed. I then conceded - when we found out his previous misdemeanours - that although there is still much that puzzles me about the Huntley case - it certainly looked like the right person had been put away.
What you did was take the piece of information that the bodies had been dumped near a USAF base, and then construct a convoluted X-files plot where you imagined that american military personnel had killed the girls and framed Huntley, using at one stage drugs and brain-washing to make him confess. You have a belief that the USG is evil so wherever they crop up your imagination constructs a back-story to fit the facts to the theory rather than vice-versa.

There was one "strange" bit to the case which I pointed out at the time (but maybe becauise I don't have a conspiracy theory website nor am I a rampant USG hater you didn't pay it any attention). This was:

When the jury were taken out to the site where the bodies were found - the prosecution QC is quoted in the press as specifically pointing out the the jury where the USAF base was and saying something to the effect of "this will be a factor in the prosecution case during the trial". In fact no evidence was ever submitted concerning the base as Huntley's own confession and forensic evidence was enough to convict him.

Back when we were discussing the case I speculated that since this USAF base is one where aircraft-mounted nuclear waepons are stored, it is probable that the surrounding area is heavily monitored, both by patrols and through hi-tech means - and that this may well have yielded *something* (eg heat images of someone/something at the right time). I also speculated that while this could have been used, once it was seen that a conviction would be secured anyway, the prosecution decided not to, as it would either entail disclosing security info or entail a closed court etc.

I can go back and find the quote that led me to this "theory" if anyone wants, but the main point I am making here is that instead of actrually engaging with the evidence that *was* available, doing some research into facts that *are* in the public demain and using some reasonable and logical inferences, you tend to fall hook line and sunker for the most outlandish and bizarre stories in a way that inevitably make speople write off *everything* you say. In fact after you had psoted your/Vialls stuff, I was slightly reluctant to make the observations that I did, seeing as people had got rightfully really pissed off by your fabrictaions that USAF personnel and UK police and courts are involved in massive and organised child abuse and murder.
Advertising a second-hand condom sales seminar the way this was promoted (I saw it in at least 3 separate newspapers) would have also attracted 500 dumb punters.

How many of them left this 9/11 forum thinking "I knew this was bullshit from the start" ?

I didn't go, but I can imagine the proven lies regarding holograms and missiles were still doing the rounds... I'd like to be proved wrong, mind.

So what was discussed/resolved then, Sparticus?
I think the point is that some people *want* to believe - and they arrange anything and everything to fit their theory. Most "normal" people try and start with observable facts and then see what explanation fits the best. I can't get too angry as I have suffered in the mast from manic-depression and had some distinctly "odd" (aka delusional) ideas at that time as well. Many people can have similarly odd/delusional ideas when they are high on drugs or whatever, others are like that all the time. There is a thin line between being highly creative, with a wonderful imagination - and being conspiracy-obsessed, paranoid and delusional as can be seen from looking at many great writers, composers and so forth throughout history.

That doesn't mean that you have to put up with bullshit here tho'.

(and for the record, having met him quite a few times, I do like Dr Jazzz as a real life person ;) )
Well, you've just offered the most trite and banal explantion as to why these people act and think like they do - everyone knows this already. (Don't start a big fucking go at me either tj).
butchersapron said:
Well, you've just offered the most trite and banal explantion as to why these people act and think like they do - everyone knows this already. (Don't start a big fucking go at me either tj).
Well, "Get on!" wasn't the most illuminating deconstruction of his post.
Loki said:
Well, "Get on!" wasn't the most illuminating deconstruction of his post.
There was no need for an "illuminating deconstruction of his post." (Though it's clear that you don't even undertstand what the term means - it means 'fuck me that's so obvious you didn't need to explain it' - see above point about not needing an " illuminating deconstruction of his post - deconstructing the point ruins the impact somewhat, given that half of it is posed against the length of the original words that provoked the reply) Fuck me!

Thanks though.
Peeky, i only kick you around when i'm bored - and bored i am not. Continue if you want, like a cat trying to get my attention...but i'm not bothered tonight...
Actually my heart's not in it either tonight.

I look forward to your "kicking me around" another time.

Get back to Dr Jazzz.

Loki said:
An add in the Metro should guarantee an absolutely packed event; that is, if anyone's interested.

Only read as far as this post so far.

This is the interesting thing to me: that so few were even interested in the topic enough to go along.

The big question is: why the mass apathy?
editor said:
Wow. That's about as much as a second division indie band might get or a disco night in Scunthorpe. You must feel overwhelmed with success.

Is being gracious to you alien? You love to (repeatedly) stick it to sparticus about him attracting one person, but when 200 come along you say you can get more poeple together for whatever (kudos to you for being such an overwhelmingly popular man), and then when you hear that 4 or 500 come along, you still dismiss it derisively.

Fuck man, you cannot give a fucking inch.

500 is a lot better than one, or can you not see that through your fog-shrouded and dilapidated spectacles?
pk said:
I didn't go, but I can imagine the proven lies regarding holograms and missiles were still doing the rounds... I'd like to be proved wrong, mind.

Hey guess what pk? If you'd like to be proved wrong on all this, check this out...

...you could have GONE YOURSELF to the meetings and found out. Then your desires on this topic would have been met, or at least extinguished.

To be proved wrong you have to listen. Clearly that's not on your agenda.
fela fan said:
To be proved wrong you have to listen. Clearly that's not on your agenda.

Everyone did listen, at first. What we heard from the likes of Dr.Jazzz actually had the effect of causing most people to dismiss the nonsense he was saying.
fela fan said:
Fuck man, you cannot give a fucking inch.

500 is a lot better than one, or can you not see that through your fog-shrouded and dilapidated spectacles?
Less of the personal abuse.

Five hundred people (if that's how many there were) is a derisory, laughable amount of people for a nationally advertised event claiming to reveal 'the truth' about what would be the biggest conspiracy the world has ever witnessed.

Instead of posting up your endless fantasies about how you 'know' the truth without the need to read any media, perhaps you should consider why so few people on this planet go along with the conspiraloons.

Any idea, maaaaaaaaaaan?


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fela fan said:
...you could have GONE YOURSELF to the meetings and found out. Then your desires on this topic would have been met, or at least extinguished.

To be proved wrong you have to listen. Clearly that's not on your agenda.
So are the Scientologists 'right' just because I haven't gone to one of their meetings?

And have you been to any of these 9/11 meetings?
editor said:
So are the Scientologists 'right' just because I haven't gone to one of their meetings?

And have you been to any of these 9/11 meetings?

10,000 kms is a tad too far for me to get to any of them, and so far none have happened in thailand.

So the answer's no. But had i been still living in england, yes i'd've gone.
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