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editor said:
Instead of posting up your endless fantasies about how you 'know' the truth without the need to read any media, perhaps you should consider why so few people on this planet go along with the conspiraloons.

Any idea, maaaaaaaaaaan?
i dunno, that sounds a bit like the 2billion smokers can't be wrong thing. The mnajority of people on the planet have religious beliefs which i consider every bit as unlikely as the most outlandish lizard theories, but i don't think the amount of folk believing something necesarrilly says much about the truth of stuff.
butchersapron said:
There was no need for an "illuminating deconstruction of his post." (Though it's clear that you don't even undertstand what the term means - it means 'fuck me that's so obvious you didn't need to explain it' - see above point about not needing an " illuminating deconstruction of his post - deconstructing the point ruins the impact somewhat, given that half of it is posed against the length of the original words that provoked the reply) Fuck me!

Thanks though.
Just saw this. And my answer is :confused: :confused: :confused:

Thanks anyway.
By accident I went to the Manchester hearing and although it seemed a smorgsboard of odds and ends, there is certainly something to be questioned behind the official events around 9/11...theres free dvds knocking about...but frankly it pisses me off everyone wants to listen to silly arsed theories but know one wants to act :confused:

Edit to add: Manchester meeting was about 200, but many didnt tolerate the 3 hour length of the preceedings...
october_lost said:
By accident I went to the Manchester hearing and although it seemed a smorgsboard of odds and ends, there is certainly something to be questioned behind the official events around 9/11...theres free dvds knocking about...but frankly it pisses me off everyone wants to listen to silly arsed theories but know one wants to act :confused:
what action were you thinking of? i thought the main aim of these kind of campaigns was just spreading the word, which they seem to be acting on.
when enough people are aware of the evidence and then the extent to which this evidence has been withheld from the public there will be plenty of action.
sparticus said:
when enough people are aware of the evidence and then the extent to which this evidence has been withheld from the public there will be plenty of action.
Damn right! That explains why after years of conspiraloons repeatedly posting up "the truth" here month after month after month, about 0.01% of the posters here have been persuaded by the fearsome 'arguments'!
neilh said:
what action were you thinking of? i thought the main aim of these kind of campaigns was just spreading the word, which they seem to be acting on.
actually I was thinking of action outside of the sense of the 9/11 stuff. Maybe activists should instead of having meetings, gathering etc they should host presentations on 'Small clique in charge and devastating the world' in the hope it attracts more people.

Anyway whats this nonsense about proof :D
october_lost said:
'Small clique in charge and devastating the world'
No argument about that hypothesis.

Big problem with invisible pods/missiles and pretend planes, though.
sparticus said:
when enough people are aware of the evidence and then the extent to which this evidence has been withheld from the public there will be plenty of action.

And that is the loonspuds' biggest fallacy.

What came of the uncovering of Watergate - note, an actual conspiracy, uncovered by journalists, not by wild speculators?

Mass disengagement from politics.

(That's an analysis, people, not something susceptible to citation from the Authorities. But a workingf definition of loonspuds is that they don't do analysis, they don't do the world, they only do textual annotation.)

And more fucking speculations about non-conspiracies. Though the technological development of cheap photocopying must share the blame.
october_lost said:
actually I was thinking of action outside of the sense of the 9/11 stuff. Maybe activists should instead of having meetings, gathering etc they should host presentations on 'Small clique in charge and devastating the world' in the hope it attracts more people.

Who says we are not? Who says that the only thing I (and others 9/11 campaigners) are involved in is 9/11.

I choose to focus on 9/11 because it is one way of demonstrating that a 'Small clique is in charge and devastating the world'. When you demonstrate the role this small clique has played in 9/11 then many other commonly held 'truths' will be similarly challenged
sparticus said:
When you demonstrate the role this small clique has played in 9/11 then many other commonly held 'truths' will be similarly challenged
Something you've failed spectacularly to "demonstrate" in any credible way, despite posting up your bollocks here for years on end and holding "film premieres" exposing the truth to an audience of one.

Who's your next fantasy '9/11 truth' supporter going to be after your attempt to drag the Zapatistas into your deluded world failed so miserably?
sparticus said:
When you demonstrate the role this small clique has played in 9/11 then many other commonly held 'truths' will be similarly challenged
No mate, this is so silly, proving the 9/11 conspiracy as truth, would only have reformist effects at best, because its plainly only ever going to head towards a sub-committee which impeaches x, y and/or z.
when enough people are aware of the evidence and then the extent to which this evidence has been withheld from the public there will be plenty of action.

Yeah, they're gagging to hear about the pods. There'll be rioting that's for sure.
editor said:
Originally Posted by St Elsewhere
According to David Icke himself (realplayer) it was self-appointed censors at Jewish-supremacist pressure group - The Simon Wiesenthal Centre - who got him banned.

That much I can believe.

In fact, it seems that the Jewish Board Patrol like to make their dreary, quibbling presence felt on this very board. (yawn)

Where? Who are they?

:D Poor Mister editor - just can't get no satisfaction ;)

Seek and ye shall find....

St Elsewhere said:
:D Poor Mister editor - just can't get no satisfaction ;)

Seek and ye shall find....
Answer the question please, smart arse.

You're already in my bad books for your earlier FAQ-busting cut-n-paste-a-thons, so I'm not in the mood for unsubstantiated accusations.

Back up or shut up, if you will.
editor said:
I'm still waiting for my $200 9/11 Thread Binning payment from the CIA.
Checks in the mail. :cool:

St. Elsewhere...are you fair dinkum or just taking the piss??
er, this bit?
The recent discovery of Eustace Mullins scheduled speaking engagements in Toronto and Montreal bewilders Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies.

"The Center believes that one must seriously question the motivation of any organization that would choose to host such a speaker. Eustace Mullins has been writing Holocaust-denial, pro-Nazi, anti-Jewish, and racist propaganda for decades and often masks his anti-Semitism with a critique of the U.S. Federal Reserve. David Icke, who contends that Jews are descended from extraterrestrial lizards, will accompany Mullins, said Leo Adler, Director of National Affairs for the Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies.

Mr. Adler continued, "The ludicrousness of having two speakers who contend such foolishness appear together makes one have to question the mindset of the organizers. It takes time, money, and effort to host such an event and so one must marvel at why any organization would expend resources to bring in and align themselves with such folly and inanity."
FridgeMagnet said:
er, this bit?
thanks, missed that first time round.
though from what i know about icke's views, that letter's totaly misrepresenting them - afaik it's not a case of jews he thinks are descended from lizards, but many folk, some of which are jews but the majority who aren't, being descended from them.
not that i don't think it's well dodgy for him to be speaking alongside this other guy, supposing what the letter says about him is true.
I honestly don't know what Icke thinks about Jews. However, he seems perfectly happy to (literally) share a platform with hardcore holocaust deniers, anti-semites and neo-Nazi conspiracy theorists, which I think would justify a description of him as a "cock" at the least. That's not the only example by any means.
as far as i know icke has nothing against jews specifically. icke claims he's been hassled by the anti-nazi league because of some of the stuff he's written.

i think the anti-semetism thing comes up because he writes about the rothchilds and bilderbergs, who happen to be jewish families, but his stuff isn't based on their religion at all.

i'd personally like to see where he's shared a platform with the people mentioned above though.
fubert said:
as far as i know icke has nothing against jews specifically. icke claims he's been hassled by the anti-nazi league because of some of the stuff he's written.

i think the anti-semetism thing comes up because he writes about the rothchilds and bilderbergs, who happen to be jewish families, but his stuff isn't based on their religion at all.

i'd personally like to see where he's shared a platform with the people mentioned above though.
the chapter in john ronson's "them" on icke in canada is interesting, with him going back and forth between icke and the protestors; much as i don't agree wi icke, they come off worse by utterly misrepresenting him as an antisemite.
neilh said:
the chapter in john ronson's "them" on icke in canada is interesting, with him going back and forth between icke and the protestors; much as i don't agree wi icke, they come off worse by utterly misrepresenting him as an antisemite.

well some random caller who i heard on a radio show claimed that mossad reckon icke is part of some anti-semite agenda, which icke of course denied.
fubert said:
well some random caller who i heard on a radio show claimed that mossad reckon icke is part of some anti-semite agenda, which icke of course denied.
well you can get any number of weird conspiracy theories from some random caller; certainly there is a chance like with anyone that he has got different views from what he says, but i think it's a bit dodgy when folk try to infer that by talking about international bankers or lizards he's talking bout jews.
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