For any who wouldn't find the idea of restricting voting based on education repugnant anyway (i can't believe there are any here, but rather I'm addressing the implication from some articles for general information), I'd like to point to actual statistics from Ashcroft's poll that are being much abused.
University degree + Higher University degree in the polling split 3750 remain (58%) / 2634 leave (42%). Couple this with the accepted difference given the known age preference of voters (less older people have degrees shock). Here's a comparative stat for you, in 1970 less than 10% of school leavers went to university and in 2010 it was around 40%. Educational attainment seriously doesn't look like a factor unless it suits someone's purpose to say so. We can argue the implications of age in the vote, sure, but any statistician can tell you education isn't the big correlation.