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Rejecting vaccination - "growing public health time bomb", NHS Chief warns

A huge piece of work just the same.

That could be part of the problem. Chuck enough analyses and numbers at 2 groups of *anything* and you’ll see statistically significant correlations, just randomly.

And for all the jargon and blah, they never actually mention how the rats were chosen for each sample type, or whether experimenters or raters were blinded to this.
The madness continues

Exclusive: US homeopaths claim 'therapies' prevent measles and 'cure' autism

Thousands of American children are being put on homeopathic alternatives to vaccination by practitioners who claim they can prevent measles and “cure” autism, the Guardian has learned.

At least 200 homeopaths in the US are practicing a controversial “therapy” known as Cease that falsely asserts that it has the power to treat and even cure autism. The acronym stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression.

The “therapy” relies
............. on a load of old bollocks and people stupid enough to believe it.
I just got hold of my medical records.
I was hoping it would have contained childhood diseases too - so I may have to continue avoiding clear-out time at the local Waldorf school...

Apparently health workers are advised to have two doses of the MMR.

I can't figure out how the same person could have followed me around from childbirth through secondary school vaccinating me :hmm:

I distinctly remember getting a sugar lump around 1966 ...

01-Sept-1976 Mrs Wendy Tiley (WDT)
Booster polio vaccination
01-July-1975 Mrs Wendy Tiley (WDT)
Second typhoid vaccination
23-Aug-1962 Mrs Wendy Tiley (WDT)
Booster polio vaccination
14-Dec-1961 Mrs Wendy Tiley (WDT)
Triple - DTP - vaccination
08-Jun-1961 Mrs Wendy Tiley (WDT)
First polio vaccination
22-Sept-1960 Mrs Wendy Tiley
Strange times... there was a health visitor who rode a Vespa and wore a cork helmet ... and free rosehip syrup - I suppose people had started collecting during the wore and were still going 15 years later ...


What is happening to my branes ?
Perfectly good opportunity to fill gentlegreen with paranoia and you ruin it with one puff of logic. :(

Oh yeah! People could've posted theories as to why this woman spent almost two decades following gentlegreen around injecting him with "vaccines" and it would've been funny because such things are obviously conspiraloon nonsense and would never happen IRL. Missed opportunity for jokes there. Oh well, too late now. Nothing to see here, move along please... :hmm:
Oh yeah! People could've posted theories as to why this woman spent almost two decades following gentlegreen around injecting him with "vaccines" and it would've been funny because such things are obviously conspiraloon nonsense and would never happen IRL. Missed opportunity for jokes there. Oh well, too late now. Nothing to see here, move along please... :hmm:

Possibly in an attempt to create some kind of vegetarian hippie super-soldier. :hmm:
Oh yeah! People could've posted theories as to why this woman spent almost two decades following gentlegreen around injecting him with "vaccines" and it would've been funny because such things are obviously conspiraloon nonsense and would never happen IRL. Missed opportunity for jokes there. Oh well, too late now. Nothing to see here, move along please... :hmm:
As it happens I had a childhood dream which I still remember where at least one woman was sticking needles in my kneecap :hmm:
Don't trust that Dr Jenner and his Cowpox vaccinations, they have terrible side effects

And all because that idiot thought to make up a false connection between vaccination and something that wasn't connected, and the woo merchants found something to exploit.

Perhaps the UK should start to insist on vaccinations, certainly by normal school starting age. Could also offer catch-ups to those who missed out at ten proper time.
I would allow medical grounds as the only exceptions ... and try to find alternative medium to carry the vaccines as well.
And all because that idiot thought to make up a false connection between vaccination and something that wasn't connected, and the woo merchants found something to exploit.

Perhaps the UK should start to insist on vaccinations, certainly by normal school starting age. Could also offer catch-ups to those who missed out at ten proper time.
I would allow medical grounds as the only exceptions ... and try to find alternative medium to carry the vaccines as well.
Some places do that in US, and on occasion anti-vax parents have forged the paperwork to get their children into schools.
Some places do that in US, and on occasion anti-vax parents have forged the paperwork to get their children into schools.

Make it a 20 year sentence with sequestration of all asset's - house, pension, everything. Some will still do it of course, loons and fanatics always will, but paying such a price will soften the cough of the less committed.
Make it a 20 year sentence with sequestration of all asset's - house, pension, everything. Some will still do it of course, loons and fanatics always will, but paying such a price will soften the cough of the less committed.

and make all their children "wards of court"
Make it a 20 year sentence with sequestration of all asset's - house, pension, everything. Some will still do it of course, loons and fanatics always will, but paying such a price will soften the cough of the less committed.
You forgot sending them down the salt mines. Thankfully we've still got a few operational salt mines so that'd be no bother.
Good luck getting them to agree to medicating without consent, not to mention assault.
This would be a special agency of dedicated non-GMC aligned nurses, right?
well, yes, as nurses aren’t aligned with the GMC, their professional body is the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the GMC is for GPs, surgeons, consultants and other hospital doctors.
Well for one thing, it wouldn’t be “medicating” as vaccines aren’t drugs, and for a second, nurses - like doctors - promise to work “for the public good”, and if that means forcibly vaccinating an anti-vaxers kids, then any ‘assault’ charge isn’t going to stick.
Which is basically compulsory vaccination for the vast majority of parents.

I see no different between a court ordering the vaccination of a child against the wishes of some anti-vaxxer nutjob parent, and a court ordering a blood transfusion against the wishes of some Jehovah's Witness nutjob parent.

A tiny percentage of parents are happy to risk the lives of their children, because of their stupid beliefs, the children's right to life trumps those nutjob's beliefs.
You ever had a look at VaxTruth…? It’s seriously disturbing. Natural Health News is another, it peddles homeopathic ‘vaccinations’.

Except with vaccination, it isn’t just in the best interest of that child, but society as a whole. In Australia, many hospitals now demand proof of current vaccination when visiting neonatal and paediatric units, after Riley Hughes died from complications of whooping cough because, at only 10 days old, he was too young to be vaccinated. If you can’t produce a current vaccination certificate, then you won’t be allowed to visit. Riley’s parents still receive abuse from AVers on an almost daily basis, these people are mentally ill, they must be, nothing they do is remotely rational, or sane. Spreading disinformation about vaccination should be a crime - public health endangerment or something.
You ever had a look at VaxTruth…? It’s seriously disturbing. Natural Health News is another, it peddles homeopathic ‘vaccinations’.

Except with vaccination, it isn’t just in the best interest of that child, but society as a whole. In Australia, many hospitals now demand proof of current vaccination when visiting neonatal and paediatric units, after Riley Hughes died from complications of whooping cough because, at only 10 days old, he was too young to be vaccinated. If you can’t produce a current vaccination certificate, then you won’t be allowed to visit. Riley’s parents still receive abuse from AVers on an almost daily basis, these people are mentally ill, they must be, nothing they do is remotely rational, or sane. Spreading disinformation about vaccination should be a crime - public health endangerment or something.
A homeopathic vaccination :D! A glass of water.
You ever had a look at VaxTruth…? It’s seriously disturbing. Natural Health News is another, it peddles homeopathic ‘vaccinations’.

Except with vaccination, it isn’t just in the best interest of that child, but society as a whole. In Australia, many hospitals now demand proof of current vaccination when visiting neonatal and paediatric units, after Riley Hughes died from complications of whooping cough because, at only 10 days old, he was too young to be vaccinated. If you can’t produce a current vaccination certificate, then you won’t be allowed to visit. Riley’s parents still receive abuse from AVers on an almost daily basis, these people are mentally ill, they must be, nothing they do is remotely rational, or sane. Spreading disinformation about vaccination should be a crime - public health endangerment or something.
Natural News articles are not mentioned on this site, due to the batshit content. A former poster was quite fond of posting links from them, and some of us would denounce whatever he posted using science. Good times.

Also, a gentle hint - you don't need to explain things all the time. Most people know that nurses aren't regulated by the GMC, for example. Just assume we know. Those that don't will ask, I promise.
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