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Rejecting vaccination - "growing public health time bomb", NHS Chief warns

Just to be clear here, cos I dont follow the argument - but i had my injections when i was a kid. Do i need more? I dont bother with the flu one every year. What should I be doing? what have I potentially caught from my vaccinations?
Maybe a tetanus booster every decade? The pneumococcal vaccine is worth if you get offered it, but wouldn't worry if you're not.
Well I'm starting to think about getting the MMR ....
I'd speak to your GP, see what they advise. I suspect that, given your age, you've probably been exposed to those diseases over the years so it's unlikely to be necessary. But speak to your GP.
I’m not immune to chicken pox despite having it as a child (and shingles), as I’ve been on immunosuppressants for a number of years which I think has made my body forget the virus (though doctor’s explanation was a bit confusing). I’m not able to have live vaccines for the same reason. I did ask about getting my kids vaccinated as they will do relatives of vulnerable people on the NHS but was told this wasn’t recommended. I’m working in a primary school these days so will likely get hit with it sooner or later.

Some other countries do routinely vaccinate, but there are some issues that have lead to them not going down this route here - something about adults need occasional exposure to the virus to maintain their immunity. You can get it done privately but it was over £100.
I’m not immune to chicken pox despite having it as a child (and shingles), as I’ve been on immunosuppressants for a number of years which I think has made my body forget the virus (though doctor’s explanation was a bit confusing). I’m not able to have live vaccines for the same reason. I did ask about getting my kids vaccinated as they will do relatives of vulnerable people on the NHS but was told this wasn’t recommended. I’m working in a primary school these days so will likely get hit with it sooner or later.

Some other countries do routinely vaccinate, but there are some issues that have lead to them not going down this route here - something about adults need occasional exposure to the virus to maintain their immunity. You can get it done privately but it was over £100.
I got chicken pox for first time in my 30s and it fucked me up, proper did a job on me. My face turned into a bollock and it zapped my energy for about two months. Horrible.
I'd speak to your GP, see what they advise. I suspect that, given your age, you've probably been exposed to those diseases over the years so it's unlikely to be necessary. But speak to your GP.
exposed to but asymptomatic ?

I was hoping that when I got my medical records it would have noted which diseases I caught as a child, but they only detailed which vaccinations I'd had - or not.
Chickenpox it the only one I remember having.
We had our daughter vaccinated for chickenpox privately. I still remember getting them very young and being so fucking sick. The WHO recommends vaccination and the only reason I could see the NHS don’t offer it is to use kids to provide adults with a booster against shingles and frankly fuck that and fuck adults and their shingles
We had our daughter vaccinated for chickenpox privately. I still remember getting them very young and being so fucking sick. The WHO recommends vaccination and the only reason I could see the NHS don’t offer it is to use kids to provide adults with a booster against shingles and frankly fuck that and fuck adults and their shingles
Isn't the reason they don't give chicken pox vaccine on NHS because they don't know how long it inoculates for and it's much worse as an adult? I got it mid 30s and it fucked me up whereas my kid (who gave it to me) sailed through it in 3 days. So better to get it young instead of delaying until it fucks you up. Also you don't get shingles from chicken pox, you get shingles if you had chicken pox before and it remains inactive before err activating. Or something.
Isn't the reason they don't give chicken pox vaccine on NHS because they don't know how long it inoculates for and it's much worse as an adult? I got it mid 30s and it fucked me up whereas my kid (who gave it to me) sailed through it in 3 days. So better to get it young instead of delaying until it fucks you up. Also you don't get shingles from chicken pox, you get shingles if you had chicken pox before and it remains inactive before err activating. Or something.
I couldn’t find any evidence for that length of inoculation thing and the doctor said it’s not an issue. As I say I had it young and I was absolutely fucked from it too. Saw no reason for my daughter to go through it if she didn’t have to.
Can’t believe the documentary/film ‘vaxxed’ hasn’t been mentioned on this thread yet.

There’s a second film (vaxxed 2) that Robert De Niro was going to premiere at the Tribeca film festival but was pressured to pull it at the last minute.

Haven’t watched either of these films but watched the trailer for the second one which looks like it features parents who claim their kids have ended up disabled after being vaccinated.
I couldn’t find any evidence for that length of inoculation thing and the doctor said it’s not an issue. As I say I had it young and I was absolutely fucked from it too. Saw no reason for my daughter to go through it if she didn’t have to.
Ah fair enough. Fucks sake so I got proper sick for weeks and ended up with massive holes on my face when I could have just taken my daughter for a jab
Can’t believe the documentary/film ‘vaxxed’ hasn’t been mentioned on this thread yet.
That's because it's a stinking piece of loon shit for gullible and dangerous cunts to believe in.

Try and absorb this:
The "Vaxxed" documentary aims to draw a link between vaccines and autism, but it relies on research from a discredited British doctor named Andrew Wakefield, who also directed the film.

What the movie doesn't tell you is that Wakefield's controversial and un-replicated research on the dangers of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccines has been retracted and debunked by years of rigorous studies.
So that's why it hasn't been mentioned here. No one is so fucking stupid as to give it the time of day. Well, everyone except you, of course.

Amazon Has Removed a Misleading Documentary on Vaccines, And It's About Time
"Don't call me by a fairly neutral descriptive term, call me by a term that makes me sound like I'm right! I'm asking politely so that means you have to do it," says someone with the username CrazyMothers.

Can’t believe the documentary/film ‘vaxxed’ hasn’t been mentioned on this thread yet.

There’s a second film (vaxxed 2) that Robert De Niro was going to premiere at the Tribeca film festival but was pressured to pull it at the last minute.

Haven’t watched either of these films but watched the trailer for the second one which looks like it features parents who claim their kids have ended up disabled after being vaccinated.

No, there was only one film and De Niro changed his mind after taking extra advice. He's a very powerful man in Hollywood - if he wanted to show it, he would.
Don't get why Marty1 is still here tbh. I don't think he's a troll more a sincere sort of boring idiot but coming here to recommend david Icke and now anti-vax shit? Zero tolerance for that sort of thing is what i thought made this website different.

I didn’t recommend either.
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