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So O'Neill's on the side of the real oppressed - the poor posh boys who just want to have a lark. Perhaps, to nip any future middle-class moralising in the bud and do the gentry's offspring and premiership footballers a favour all at once, he could print a list of all the things into which it's perfectly harmless and nonsexual to put your penis.
Hilariously confused piece from Brendan O'Neill on the piggate thang. It's his faux outrage at the middle classes that made me laugh. It seems to me that anyone O'Neill doesn't like is 'middle class', even if they're not middle class. What a tool.:D
This Cameron 'piggate' furore is just pearl-clutching class hatred in disguise
I thought O'Neill didn't like the middle class because they're 'liberals' who don't understand authoritarian instincts of English w/c people turning to UKIP and the Tories.
A champion of 'free speech' and 'liberty' generally, Brendan O'Neill, penned this piece for The Dictator Spectator, which claims among other things that Corbyn is a man "against the people".
The crusade against meat-eating sums up the mean-spiritedness of Corbynistas, and of the modern left more broadly. The creed followed by these folks isn’t Marxism — it’s killjoyism.
Jeremy Corbyn isn't a man of the people. He's a man against the people - Spectator Blogs

When it comes to naked elitism, vegans outdo Etonians every single time. When I addressed the Political Society at Eton in 2013 —

You addressed the "Political Society at Eton"? Say no more.

Fuck off, O'Neill, you miserable shitbag.
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I reckon there's a team of writers at the IoI or Spiked that write for the Brendan O'Neill brand name. How does he find the time to churn out the same rubbish over and over again? Here, O'Neill compares Corbyn to Trotsky and discovers the two are nothing like each other. *sigh* You don't say. :facepalm:
As to the second part of Trotsky’s summary of the radical project — abolishing the power of man over man — Corbyn again does the opposite. For all the claims that Corbyn represents a massive break with the Blairite era, in fact he’s ploughing ahead with one of the worst innovations of the New Labour government: the politics of behaviour, a top-down attempt to ‘reinforce what is good and acceptable behaviour’, in Frank Field’s words. Corbyn was one of the first MPs to call for a ban on smoking.
Trotsky vs Corbyn
I reckon there's a team of writers at the IoI or Spiked that write for the Brendan O'Neill brand name. How does he find the time to churn out the same rubbish over and over again? Here, O'Neill compares Corbyn to Trotsky and discovers the two are nothing like each other. *sigh* You don't say. :facepalm:
Now, who do we know that has been exceptionally well-remunerated outspoken for expressing her anti-ban opinions?

Martin Durkhin has just made 'Brexit The Movie' its a full length film getting its premiere tonight. he described the EU, as 'class war against the public"
Just watched it. Good grief. It is like a Who's Who of the despicable, dodgy and disgusting. Alternately guffawing at the Ayn Randites and friends with their "Voice of the people" schtick and gawping open mouthed at the gall of the fully paid up members of the elite and corporate shills fulminating against elitists and intellectuals....Any legit points about bureaucracy, authoritarianism and remoteness lost in idiotic populist distortion around legislation and gleeful advocacy of more neoliberal globalisation, racist stereotyping of French, Italians and Asians plus a kind of mirror version of Loach's Spirit of 45 where everything he talks about is seen as satanically evil. Should be watched by all Left Brexiters just to remind themselves of the "mainstream" agenda of the leave campaign. Are the Furedi cultists playing a double game here? ( That is quite often the question with them tbf)
Doubt I can find it now, but there was an article in the Education section of the Guardian yesterday (Tuesday 17th), about some branches of the NUS in some universities disafiliating because of the new leader (the one who's dared to be a bit radical about Palestine). And there was a passing reference to Spiked as 'advocates of free speech' or similar :mad:

Fucks sake. That's the BBC habit of treating insane nutjob organisations as respectable thinktanks :mad: i.e. being thoroughly dishonest about them. Or just unforgiveably ignorant.

That might :hmm: be the journalist's fault more than the Guardian's (because other Graun writers, eg Monbiot, have been hostile to Spiked before) but still.
So anyway, I looked up the Institute of Ideas on shitebook, and that led me to spiked, which had this litttle column on the "tyranny of the trans movement".

I know right? I immediately thought, "dis gon b gud".

The tyranny of the trans movement

"And now, this week, news comes that businesses in New York City will face fines under a new law that makes it a violation of someone’s human rights not to use their preferred gender pronoun. Henceforth, employees, landlords and businesses who refuse to refer to transgender people with terms such as ‘ze’ and ‘hir’ will be in violation of the New York City human-rights law."

The thing is, they link to infowars.com - a fukcing conspiraloon website - in support of their claim that the people of Noo Yawk will soon be crushed under the transgender jackboot. And is this conspiraloon site basing its claims on fact? Sadly, no:

New NYC Laws Prohibit Discrimination Against Transgender Community

A fukcing conspiraloon site.
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Is this "Invoke Article 50" stuff being run by Spiked a return to street politics by the ex RCP/Furedi cult? Is it a recruitment thing? The "smart" youngsters with their Spiked branded placards are reminiscent of the contrarian RCP in their unlamented heyday. They were there outside Downing St yesterday, and have been out opposing the London EU romantics anti-Brexit demos (who appear to have a similar age and class profile in many ways)
Is this "Invoke Article 50" stuff being run by Spiked a return to street politics by the ex RCP/Furedi cult? Is it a recruitment thing? The "smart" youngsters with their Spiked branded placards are reminiscent of the contrarian RCP in their unlamented heyday. They were there outside Downing St yesterday, and have been out opposing the London EU romantics anti-Brexit demos (who appear to have a similar age and class profile in many ways)
Yes it is them.
They run a school! An actual school.

I vaguely recall Keith Joseph once saying he would have no issue with a school run by trotskyites. But the fucking RCP? Even he would have objected

The RCP/LM runs a school

I don't follow education policy that much normally, for obvious reasons, but the DfE are clearly as asleep at the wheel as they were when various religious-loon academies -- I mean evangelical Xtian, creationism-approving ones -- were also allowed to open a few years ago.

Fucking disgrace :mad:
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They run a school! An actual school.

I vaguely recall Keith Joseph once saying he would have no issue with a school run by trotskyites. But the fucking RCP? Even he would have objected

The RCP/LM runs a school
As that piece says it'd be interesting to find out what's on the curriculum.

If you've no problems belboid I'll cross post this on the academies thread as it's worth keeping an eye on.
Was it Morgan, Gove or Wilshaw who said that 'moaning lefties' (or whatever) should open their own schools?
Even though all the incarnations I have known (since the 80s) have had as many facepalm moments as insight, I enjoyed reading some of their history stuff.

I used to live round the corner from 2 of them (I think one was already name-checked, her housemate was better to chat to). The main man they had round here could spout and had very nice trousers, but was appalling.

They did some good anti-deportation work a long, long time ago.

Fuck, I hate The Moral Maze, and their (twat foundation) contributions.

Currently Spiked might have some interesting things to say about freedom of speach and identity politics, but they always get it wrong in so many ways.

What a waste of nice trousers.
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