Raisin D'etre said:A separate study by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung [conducted by Medien Tenon] of news networks in five different countries showed that the BBC offered the least airtime of any broadcaster to opponents of the war: just 2% of its coverage. (Even ABC news in the United States gave them 7%). Channel 4 News, by contrast, does well: it seems to be the only British network that has sought to provide a balanced account of these conflicts.
One BBC journalist told the Glasgow team that he had been instructed not to provide "explainers": what the editors wanted was "all bang-bang stuff". Analytical and investigative reporting has given way to breathless descriptions of troop movements and military technology.
Just 23 percent of the BBC stories about Iraq featured casualties whereas 40 percent of Channel 4 news stories referred to them. The report also found that the BBC was the least likely to report the unhappiness of Iraqi people over the US and British invasion.
The BBC was also less likely than Sky, ITV and Channel 4 to quote independent sources on what was happening, such as the Red Cross. Deputy head of the journalism school at Cardiff, Justin Lewis, told the Guardian:
"Far from revealing an anti-war BBC, our findings tend to give credence to those who criticised the BBC for being too sympathetic to the government's pro-war stance."
Hmm interesting. But anyone who watches TV news knows Channel 4 News is by far the best.