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Claim of responsibility 'contains errors'

But hang on - you'll have to forgive me for being a bit slow here, I'm no technical internet wizard like editor. But if you want to control any possible investigation into the contents of a server, and hence website, won't you have to control the server's geographical location?
DrJ, if you're interested I could set up a forum for this type of view, you could email it your friends/associates etc and it could be used as a place to discuss your alternative world view about events etc thus drawing the attention away from here. Its a serious offer, let me know.
If you want to physically remove the server or server hard drives for further investigation then yes it needs to be located on territory that you have a security relationship with. In practice the co-operation between states in these matters will be the same as the co-operation in any other security matter = the vast majority of the world will co-operate.

If the server was in 'unfriendly' territory then there are I guess a number of alternative techniques for retrieving useful infomation from the server.

I happen to have several servers for work that are hosted at EV1servers which is the company in question. Its a large company with fairly reasonable prices so lots of sites are hosted there.

Personally I wouldnt read much into the server location. Or into the fact that these sites are allowed to continue to operate. Mainly for the same reasons that they dont arrest and shutdown all criminal groups as soon as they discover them.

DrJazzz said:
But hang on - you'll have to forgive me for being a bit slow here, I'm no technical internet wizard like editor. But if you want to control any possible investigation into the contents of a server, and hence website, won't you have to control the server's geographical location?
Kid_Eternity said:
DrJ, if you're interested I could set up a forum for this type of view, you could email it your friends/associates etc and it could be used as a place to discuss your alternative world view about events etc thus drawing the attention away from here. Its a serious offer, let me know.
Thanks Kid, but you should know that even if I did decide to indulge in extra web activities, I have been posting on Urban75 for several years and I very much feel part of the community which has developed around the boards.
DrJazzz said:
Thanks Kid, but you should know that even if I did decide to indulge in extra web activities, I have been posting on Urban75 for several years and I very much feel part of the community which has developed around the boards.
I hear ya, I aint saying not post on here but offering a way of you getting to discuss these things with likeminded people and not drawing that type of thing on here (which is what the Ed has repeateldly said he doesn't want).:)
Larry O'Hara said:
This fact doesn't tell us anything at all about Israel, but an awful lot about the British police/spooks, who were prepared to dosclose their immediate suspicions to some people, but not others (ie the mass of commuters)....It is just that unless I'm missing something, the only body to come badly out of this are the police.

You are. First, officers would have been involved in security for the visit. They would most likely have been the ones to warn the embassy. Second, no matter who made the warning, there is a great difference between speaking to one person / organisation and informing the media. In the former there is rarely a risk of causing mass panic and incurring unnecessary injuries/ deaths whereas in the latter there is.
editor said:
If you find the editorial policy here soooo censorial and oppressive and if, as DrJ claims, masses of posters are simply too tewwified by the beastly atmosphere to share their tinfoil fantasies with the masses, I fail to see why you:

(a) continue to post here and
(b) haven't started up your own "desperate-editor"-free conspiraloon boards, where you'll never be told off for endlessly repeating the same fact-free shite for the zillioneth time or have your mile-long cut'n'paste odysseys trimmed.

I mean, why put yourself through all the stress of posting here when you could be as free as a bird to post an endless fluttering farrago of evidence-unhampered fruitloop yarns on your own site?

You and DrJ seem very sure that there's a huge audience here simply itching to post up their support for invisible pods firing invisible missiles into buildings invisibly wired with invisible explosives, so why not have the courage of your convictions and set up a board today?

I started urban75 because I felt that my beloved Cardiff City supporters were being misrepresented in the media so I did something about it.

I'd say that uncovering the greatest, most murderous conspiracy the world has ever known is just a tad more important than that, so why haven't you done something about it?

Or is endlessly whining here and posting up dubiously sourced 'facts' the best an armchair 'truth-seeker' like you can manage?

It's not much, is it?
But you were quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen and the like. Face it. This site is not about you and your beloved Cardiff, its evolved and maybe you should accept that Urban is now a place where people congregate to share their views on many topics other than football. Also, there is a conflict of interest with you as owner of site, moderating and posting. You need to seperate your roles or loosen the reins a bit.
Raisin D'etre said:
But you were quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen and the like. Face it. This site is not about you and your beloved Cardiff, its evolved and maybe you should accept that Urban is now a place where people congregate to share their views on many topics other than football. Also, there is a conflict of interest with you as owner of site, moderating and posting. You need to seperate your roles or loosen the reins a bit.
Seperate how? Frankly a multiple personality welsh editor with the power to ban or bin and then blame it on the other voice in his head worries me.

But let's not move away from the topic, after all it hasn't been shown that the orriginal claims are bollocks has it!
Bob_the_lost said:
Seperate how? Frankly a multiple personality welsh editor with the power to ban or bin and then blame it on the other voice in his head worries me.

But let's not move away from the topic, after all it hasn't been shown that the orriginal claims are bollocks has it!
Bob! How nice to hear from you again - could you elaborate why you think the original claims are bollocks? I was composing some reply to your earlier comments which are as follows:
Bob_the_lost said:
So in other words, there's no evidence for any sort of warning to the israeili embassy (before the bombs), merely a rather effective security service working on damage limitation?
What is interesting is that the Netanhyahu was warned in initial reports by British Police to stay in his hotel and not attend the economic conference he was due to address. This is reiterated by a terrorism expert - Netanyahu had indeed received prior warning just before the first blast.
Just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy to say they had received warnings of possible attacks, the official said. He did not say whether British police made any link to the economic conference.
Journalists then started to report that Net had received the warnings after the first blast and not before as was initially reported. Then Israel was instructed not to talk to the British press. In the meantime, Scotland Yard said they had not warned him.

Curious and curiouser.
Raisin D'etre said:
But you were quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen and the like.
Ah, a good old fashioned, off-topic personal attack. Marvellous!

So, please feel free to elaborate how I "milked" the attention that "followed gay policemen and the like" because I've no idea what you're on about.
Raisin D'etre said:
lso, there is a conflict of interest with you as owner of site, moderating and posting. You need to seperate your roles or loosen the reins a bit..
The only conflict I have is why I should listen to a clueless conspiraloon with precisely zero experience of creating and running a successful bulletin board telling me how I should run this site.

You haven't the slightest clue how much work goes into building and maintaining such a big site, but I'll tell you one thing: the moderating policy has played a major part factor in its continuing success.

You don't like it? Start your own.
Raisin D'etre said:
But you were quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen and the like. Face it. This site is not about you and your beloved Cardiff, its evolved and maybe you should accept that Urban is now a place where people congregate to share their views on many topics other than football. Also, there is a conflict of interest with you as owner of site, moderating and posting. You need to seperate your roles or loosen the reins a bit.

You sound like a shareholder at a plc AGM.
Do you not understand that this is not a democracy?
You have not 'bought' the rights to make demands simply cos you post here.
House rules Raisin - like it or lump it as far as i'm concerned.
Raisin D'etre said:
Journalists then started to report that Net had received the warnings after the first blast and not before as was initially reported. Then Israel was instructed not to talk to the British press. In the meantime, Scotland Yard said they had not warned him.

Curious and curiouser.
Don't you read your own links?
From the link above:
The source indicated that part of the reason for such circumspection stemmed from the high level of "speculation" concerning the attacks. He specifically referred to a report that came out soon after Thursday's bombings that Israel had received advance warning of the attacks, pointing to the "danger that this kind of report can bring to Israel."

The Foreign Ministry, and Israeli embassy officials at the highest levels, totally rejected the report.

What one source did note, however, was that Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu received a call from British police soon after the first explosion, but before the full extent of the attacks was known, because it had occurred by the site of a conference at which he was to speak and for which he was about to depart. After the call from the police to his security staff, Netanyahu stayed put.
One Jewish official suggested that the "conspiracy theory" about Israel's prior warning lasted all day, despite immediate official denials, because a dispute still rages about whether Israeli officials tipped off British intelligence before the Israeli Embassy was bombed in 1994.
editor said:
Ah, a good old fashioned, off-topic personal attack. Marvellous!

So, please feel free to elaborate how I "milked" the attention that "followed gay policemen and the like" because I've no idea what you're on about.The only conflict I have is why I should listen to a clueless conspiraloon with precisely zero experience of creating and running a successful bulletin board telling me how I should run this site.

You haven't the slightest clue how much work goes into building and maintaining such a big site, but I'll tell you one thing: the moderating policy has played a major part factor in its continuing success.

You don't like it? Start your own.
So predictable! As if you have no record of personal attacks and the like and pray tell, why is pointing out how your success in life is due to gay policemen is also a personal attack when you spend all your time attacking me as a conspiraloon? I deal with facts yet you revert to fantasy?!
Jelly said:
You sound like a shareholder at a plc AGM.
Do you not understand that this is not a democracy?
You have not 'bought' the rights to make demands simply cos you post here.
House rules Raisin - like it or lump it as far as i'm concerned.
Exactly! I'm posting. Now get on do the same. I also happen to be a shareholder in my own small way. ;)
Raisin D'etre said:
So predictable! As if you have no record of personal attacks and the like and pray tell, why is pointing out how your success in life is due to gay policemen is also a personal attack when you spend all your time attacking me as a conspiraloon?
As personal abuse goes this is positively surreal!

Kindly elaborate as to how I was "quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen" and then be sure to expand on the exact circumstances why my "success in life is due to gay policemen", please.

I've no idea why you're coming up with this weird personal abuse, but it is not acceptable.
Raisin D'etre said:
Exactly! I'm posting. Now get on do the same. I also happen to be a shareholder in my own small way.

So where's my salary and perks then?

Or do you think you have the right to impose demands on things you get for free just because you've used them a lot?
You're getting your salary from the likes of me and your benefactors. At the same time the likes of me make this site through our contributions literary, intellectual and financial. Remember, this site is about the people that visit here and post Mr Uptown Heirarchin!
Raisin D'etre said:
You're getting your salary from the likes of me and your benefactors.
Are the drugs kicking in or something?

How the fuck do you pay my salary?

I earn my living through my journalism, web design and photography, not from running this site.

Now - for the last time - kindly elaborate as to how I was "quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen" and explain why my "success in life is due to gay policemen", please.
editor said:
As personal abuse goes this is positively surreal!

Kindly elaborate as to how I was "quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen" and then be sure to expand on the exact circumstances why my "success in life is due to gay policemen", please.

I've no idea why you're coming up with this weird personal abuse, but it is not acceptable.
Not as surreal as your steadfast refusal to think and not recognise how Urban and You are intrinsically connected with gay policemen. Do you have a problem with that?
editor said:
Are the drugs kicking in or something?

How the fuck do you pay my salary?

I earn my living through my journalism, web design and photography, not from running this site.

Now - for the last time - kindly elaborate as to how I was "quite happy to milk the media attention that followed gay policemen" and explain why my "success in life is due to gay policemen", please.
How did you come to fame Mr Uptown Heirarchin'?
Raisin D'etre said:
Not as surreal as your steadfast refusal to think and not recognise how Urban and You are intrinsically connected with gay policemen. Do you have a problem with that?
I've no idea what you're on about. Who are all these "gay policemen" that I'm "intrinsically connected" with (ooerr), how did I "milk the media attention" that supposedly "follows" them and how are they responsible for my "success in life"?

Oh, and how do you pay my salary?

If you don't come up with a reasonable explanation for this baffling off-topic personal attack, you may find yourself being given an extended off-urban period to sober up.
Raisin D'etre said:
How did you come to fame Mr Uptown Heirarchin'?
Am I famous?! Cool!

I believe I reached my peak audience figures when I was a guest on a national American TV chat show talking about urban75.

In January, 1999. I believe some people are still talking about the unwisely-selected red socks I wore.

I don't recall any gay policemen being around at the time, though.

Please answer my questions now otherwise you'll leave me with no option but to flip open the 'ban button' cover.
Raisin, however infuriating editor may be, I've never detected anything remotely selfish in his intentions where Urban75 is concerned.

Calm down everyone! :)
Thank you for that. I may have my faults but I've got principles!

I've turned down many big fat ££££££ corporate advertising deals over the years and worked my bollocks off to ensure that there is no advertising on this site and that it remains totally free to anyone.

I fear your chum Raisin may have to be given a 'cooling off' period because her bonkers abuse really isn't on, though.
Lets just say you interest me. Provide some proof of my conspiralooning, ( Im not talking about Saddams dates because I was having a laugh) otherwise back-off! I don't do drugs. I do contribute to your lifestyle. And you do know about the gay policemen although you pretend not too.
DrJazzz said:
Raisin, however infuriating editor may be, I've never detected anything remotely selfish in his intentions where Urban75 is concerned.

Calm down everyone! :)
So why does he have to keep referring to me as a conspiraloon?
Raisin D'etre said:
Bob! How nice to hear from you again - could you elaborate why you think the original claims are bollocks? I was composing some reply to your earlier comments which are as follows:
What is interesting is that the Netanhyahu was warned in initial reports by British Police to stay in his hotel and not attend the economic conference he was due to address. This is reiterated by a terrorism expert - Netanyahu had indeed received prior warning just before the first blast.Journalists then started to report that Net had received the warnings after the first blast and not before as was initially reported. Then Israel was instructed not to talk to the British press. In the meantime, Scotland Yard said they had not warned him.

Curious and curiouser.

Well you could look at them, and remember when they were written for a start. This information was out within hours of the bombs going off, all it would have taken is one person to cock up the time the calls were received and the entire thing is out the window.

Your links do say that the warnings were before the first blast, but others say that they are wrong and that they occured afterwards. Rumour control is impossible through the web, and this looks to be another case of it.

But the original issue wan't the israeli's and thier warnings, but the supposed errors in the claim, which looks to be fine.

So, no errors + no warning + no prepositioned security experts in vital places = no conspriacy?
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