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Letsroll9-11 claims to have identified the pilot who shot down flight 93

editor said:
The article linked in the first post categorically claims that: "A one Major Rick Gibney fired two sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in mid flight at precisely 0958".

Note the words, "destroyed it in mid flight".

Not 'damaged'. Not 'clipped'. But destroyed.
I think you've already discredited that account though Ed which leaves us with eye witness reports and ATC transcripts which in turn contain eye witness reports from other pilots in the area.
The sidewinder missile is a heat seeking missile that specifically targets the engines of an aircraft. Even if the missile doesn't go off it will cause severe damage to the engine. Bearing in mind the engines are adjacent to the wing fuel tanks there is going to be very little left of the wings at least if the engines are struck.

Could 'forced down' have refered to the passengers 'forcing down' the aircraft?
editor said:
But I see no reason at all to find anything odd about what he said or any reason to suppose he would lie.

But as the nearest eye witness, he has categorically stated that the plane had not been blasted to bits by sidewinder missiles or "destroyed" in mid air as previously claimed.

Unless you've any proof that he's a liar, then you'll have to accept that the exciting 'plane blasted to bits mid-air by sidewinder missiles' theory is a work of fantasy.

Yeah, well, as i commented before, i did see reason to doubt his testamony. If he was listening to the bee gees and had his head in a rabbit hole, then that is futher doubt as to his testamony.

He was definitely the nearest eye-witness though, no one gets closer than 50 foot!

Because i have no proof, it doesn't mean i have to accept such logistically doubtful an account. The world ain't that black and white except for bush.

Such an incredibly loud noise only becoming loud at 50 foot above one's head seems pretty much out of this world to me...
Pickman's model said:
of course, scrapyards are just as quiet as libraries, aren't they?

You don't say. Fuck me down, what an observation. How the fuck did i miss that one? Apologies all round.

But wasn't he in a field? And since when did fields have scrapyards in them?
editor said:
I forgot that he was in a scrapyard.

So that completely trashes fela's desperate attempt to rubbish the eye witness account then!

He wasn't, he was in a field.

Desperate? Hardly. Read my words again. To rubbish it? Nah, read my words again.
Random said:
It could have been hit by missiles yet not 'blasted to bits'.

Plus I definitely remember the first reports during 11 Sep reporting that the plane had been 'forced down' in Pennsylvania. Anyone else rmember that language being used on the TV?

Sorry random, memories are in short supply when necessary.
Just imagine, tootling along in one's life, in a field, then suddenly, hey presto, this huge big fuck-off jet is 50 foot above one's head, out of nowhere.

Not a bad story to tell the lads down the pub that evening. I wonder how many of the lads believed him. 50 foot!!!! 'Yeah, get off the acid mate'.

At the time, Purbaugh was working at the Rollock Inc. scrap yard on a ridge overlooking the crash site less than half a mile away.

So he was in a scrap yard and it was on a ridge. Therefore with a plane approaching from behind any noise would be deflected by the ridge and the plane would not be heard until it passed over the top of the ridge placing it directly over the scrap yard and consequently directly overhead of the witness.

Is that really that hard for some people to comprehend???

With regard to the white military aircraft seen in the vacinity, from the description, and it has been stated on other sites, it could possibly have been an A10A which looks nothing like the F16-s flown by the happy hooligans who are supposed to have shot the flight down.
Planes go past my office window at forty feet (seriously) and you only hear them coming 2-5 seconds before.
I also have a copy of the software that WASN'T used to remote control the planes to crash. Granted the investigation is taking longer than the NTSB norm but then it isn't a normal investigation. If the third plane was shot down personally have no problem with that but the poor bloke who pulled the trigger surely has enough on his plate without having his name bandied about he would have been doing his job.
I feel really sorry for the delued souls who believe the US government orcesrated it themselves ...such visions of maglign omnipotent states will do them no good at all when they are sectioned.
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