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Charlatan Alert!

laptop said:
Curiosity, plus what for shorthand I referred to as a "grammar" of discussion and evidence evaluation, that'd encompass effective understandings of basic logic, cause and effect, probability... those things that all members of the community of rational discourse share...

So, Professor 'Expert', would you be so kind as to explain to us just how your famous "evidence evaluation" method assisted you to the conclusion that the Mr Blobby Goes to Dulles To Hijack Flight 77 video, is in fact genuine? How does "basic logic, cause and effect and probability" work in this particular case? Can you elaborate for us on how you managed to transform lead (worthless, unintelligible rubbish) into gold (convincing evidence) on this occasion?
bigfish said:
Can you elaborate for us on how you managed to transform lead (worthless, unintelligible rubbish) into gold (convincing evidence) on this occasion?
That's your specialist subject I believe.

Or perhaps you'd like to list the conspiracies that you've subsequently proved beyond all doubt to be true during your years of posting here?
editor said:
That's your specialist subject I believe...

No it's not, it's Professor 'Experts' specialist subject. After all, he was the one who brought the forum the famous 'Mr Blobby Goes To Dulles To Hijack A Jetliner' Video, just like you're the one who brought us the famous 'Delayed Action (8 hours) Underground Shock Wave Theory offering a rather hilarious explanation of how WTC 7 collapsed.

But you two aren't "conspiraloons", right?

bigfish said:
No it's not, it's Professor 'Experts' specialist subject. After all, he was the one who brought the forum the famous 'Mr Blobby Goes To Dulles To Hijack A Jetliner' Video, just like you're the one who brought us the famous 'Delayed Action (8 hours) Underground Shock Wave Theory offering a rather hilarious explanation of how WTC 7 collapsed.
Any chance of taking your tired comedy/fantasy routine to a more appropriate bulletin board, please?

Nice dodging of my "list your proved conspiracies" question there, too!

Par for the course as usual.
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