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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

P.S. I don't think it's a good idea to mine that thread to see who was right and wrong, either about the politics or his morality (and what turned out to be his crimes). What was interesting for me was the Pick Up stuff, adding to the idea of what was already in view. And how small a step it is from 'organised seductions' through to sexual offences.

Well, am cringing at it and admit to getting it wrong. Genuinely believed he might have been a force for change. Bloody hell.
I find it incredibly hard to believe an ex junkie and sex addict had nothing but full respect for every woman he met. Just don’t make sense.

Not just that but the twat dialled-in the promiscuity to his shitty acts. Anyone who goes around shouting about shagging thousands of women is a cunt. He should’ve been strung-up when him and Johnathan Toss publicly humiliated Andrew Sachs’ grandaughter on national radio and Ross should’ve swung beside him.
Mi5 and the Lizards framed me as a sex pest is a defence just not a very good one.
their was stuff from his radio 2 show on radio4 and it was toe curling sexual harrsement that should have got him sacked.
Not just that but the twat dialled-in the promiscuity to his shitty acts. Anyone who goes around shouting about shagging thousands of women is a cunt. He should’ve been strung-up when him and Johnathan Toss publicly humiliated Andrew Sachs’ grandaughter on national radio and Ross should’ve swung beside him.

Fuck me, had forgotten just how bad that was: Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross's 'offensive' calls: transcript

How either of them were allowed to continue in the public eye is utterly shameful.
Ross is in the Hammond role in that transcript, giggling like a little schoolboy in the background.

Always preferred his brother

His dad says he didn't do it and even if he did that it's not important.

Ron Brand, 80, is the man the star credits for super-charging his 'rapacious' sex addiction after he lost his virginity to a prostitute paid for by his father who was sleeping with two more women in a neighbouring bed in Hong Kong.

What a fucking scummy family.
It's horrible to see the usual suspects clamouring to lend support to him.

Wonder what kind of state the victims are going through, right now?

Had an argument with a mate who was saying that Brand didn't seem the sort and why were victims only coming out now?

FFS, why do you think? Having to relive trauma/not being believed/not ready/being vilified.
His left wing posturing was just situationist derived carpetbaggery. He has never read Marcuse. Rotten sex offender opportunist

It was just a money-making scheme. Quote from an interview, which I'll have to paraphrase because I can't find it right now.

Interviewer reads section from his book.

"The economy is just a metaphorical device. It's not real. That's why it's got the word con in it."

"You know that's bollocks though Russell?"

"Yeah but people love that kind of stuff. They lap it up."

Always a grifter.

Russell Brand's father, 80, furiously defends his son against rape and sex assault allegations claims he abused women and suggests the BBC are pursuing a 'vendetta' against the comedian

He's off his head, the investigation was nothing to do with the BBC.
It was just a money-making scheme. Quote from an interview, which I'll have to paraphrase because I can't find it right now.

Interviewer reads section from his book.

"The economy is just a metaphorical device. It's not real. That's why it's got the word con in it."

"You know that's bollocks though Russell?"

"Yeah but people love that kind of stuff. They lap it up."

Always a grifter.
That's from Lunch with the FT back in 2014. Lucy Kellaway skewers him nicely, but in an FT context. He comes out of it as a total scumbag without her actually having to say so.
Archived here
It's horrible to see the usual suspects clamouring to lend support to him.

Wonder what kind of state the victims are going through, right now?

Had an argument with a mate who was saying that Brand didn't seem the sort and why were victims only coming out now?

FFS, why do you think? Having to relive trauma/not being believed/not ready/being vilified.
Doesn't seem the sort? He is exactly the sort.
It was just a money-making scheme. Quote from an interview, which I'll have to paraphrase because I can't find it right now.

Interviewer reads section from his book.

"The economy is just a metaphorical device. It's not real. That's why it's got the word con in it."

"You know that's bollocks though Russell?"

"Yeah but people love that kind of stuff. They lap it up."

Always a grifter.
It's here: Lunch with the FT: Russell Brand

Someone else posted it the other day.

Even when I agreed with some of the stuff he said about Drug Policy he used to annoy the shit out of me with his Abstinence being the only way stick. It always felt it was all about him and this article reeks of it too - using the people in the cafe where he will be a big person and can flaunt his act.
Fuck me, had forgotten just how bad that was: Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross's 'offensive' calls: transcript

How either of them were allowed to continue in the public eye is utterly shameful.
It was shockingly offensive and showed them both up for what they really are.

I was about to say, "ah, but TBF he was in fact slung off Radio 2 by the BBC after this 'Sachsgate' episode, and that his Hollywood film career had dried up years ago, after word got round about how behaves towards women."

But looking at his Wikipedia entry I see I'm quite wrong.

He resigned (wasn't sacked) from his Radio 2 show, and later got a 20-week slot on TalkSport. Repeatedly invited to appear on TV, e.g. Question Time, Newsnight; book deals with major publishers; appearances on UK and US TV shows as recently as 2018-19. And looking at the Filmography list at the end of the Wikipedia pages, he was still getting work as recently as last year. 🤮🤬
Unfortunately, there's many who see the whole thing as a stitch up.

Yes. The defenders of Brand – including some who I’d hoped better of – seem so captured by crazy narratives of conspiracy and controlling hidden hands that their objective and critical reasoning faculties have finally and publicly collapsed. Their demand for evidence is easily satisfied by both the growing number of accounts and witnesses and by Brand’s own output which has consistently drawn attention to how he uses fame and position to obtain sex. Those querying the lack of due process wilfully ignore the glaring culpability and active enabling by those (BBC, Channel 4, production companies) who were actually in a position to hold him to account and who could have ensured due process. Those engaged in whataboutery have apparently lost any sense of compassion or professed solidarity for those on the receiving end of Brand.

What is the most shocking thing about this whole affair isn’t the allegations about Brand (are they even a surprise given the endless number of red flags that many just chose to ignore or elide in their cheerleading of his half-baked ‘politics’?) but the number of seemingly otherwise sentient people backing him up and finding themselves in a horrible alliance with other post-truth nutters. This includes people on the left who have, it seems, finally jumped the shark in their defence of Brand. I always knew, in theory, that the internet and twitter in particular was producing a parasitic and largely useless set of politics based on political and personal virtue displayed through association with celebrity and consumptive culture, but I’d never realised that it was as large scale and warped as it patently is
This includes people on the left who have, it seems, finally jumped the shark in their defence of Brand. I always knew, in theory, that the internet and twitter in particular was producing a parasitic and largely useless set of politics based on political and personal virtue displayed through association with celebrity and consumptive culture, but I’d never realised that it was as large scale and warped as it patently is

Are there many of them though? I mean I'd exclude people like Galloway from the left (as he does himself now I think) and most of the defence of him I've seen has been from the alt-right and conspiracy lot. Some of this is like cult members defending the leader, and I expect that much of it will slowly drift away over time as they slowly realise they've been duped all along.
Are there many of them though? I mean I'd exclude people like Galloway from the left (as he does himself now I think) and most of the defence of him I've seen has been from the alt-right and conspiracy lot. Some of this is like cult members defending the leader, and I expect that much of it will slowly drift away over time as they slowly realise they've been duped all along.

Yes. The defenders of Brand – including some who I’d hoped better of – seem so captured by crazy narratives of conspiracy and controlling hidden hands that their objective and critical reasoning faculties have finally and publicly collapsed. Their demand for evidence is easily satisfied by both the growing number of accounts and witnesses and by Brand’s own output which has consistently drawn attention to how he uses fame and position to obtain sex. Those querying the lack of due process wilfully ignore the glaring culpability and active enabling by those (BBC, Channel 4, production companies) who were actually in a position to hold him to account and who could have ensured due process. Those engaged in whataboutery have apparently lost any sense of compassion or professed solidarity for those on the receiving end of Brand.

What is the most shocking thing about this whole affair isn’t the allegations about Brand (are they even a surprise given the endless number of red flags that many just chose to ignore or elide in their cheerleading of his half-baked ‘politics’?) but the number of seemingly otherwise sentient people backing him up and finding themselves in a horrible alliance with other post-truth nutters. This includes people on the left who have, it seems, finally jumped the shark in their defence of Brand. I always knew, in theory, that the internet and twitter in particular was producing a parasitic and largely useless set of politics based on political and personal virtue displayed through association with celebrity and consumptive culture, but I’d never realised that it was as large scale and warped as it patently is

I have a feeling that which of the above turns out to be right will be a measure of how far things have got in that nauseous hinterland between those ex-leftists, conspiracists and the alt-right. Not only a question of how much rationality is left, how much common decency, but also how much there's a willingness for self reflection in the face of evidence. What would be interesting would be to see where some of the 'big names' who supported Assange stand on Brand. I can guess a few of them will be with him and, perhaps more importantly, adopting the language of 'mainstream media'. Galloway, was of course the safe bet, though I suspect a few of the others will be a little bit uneasy at the moment.

Edit: actually, doing a mental inventory of some of Assange's 'left' supporters, I think the majority will have the sense to either keep their mouth shut about Brand or come out on the right side. However, the point stands, at least in the sense of how much of an overlap there is between Assange and Brand's wider support.
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