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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

Yep, many if not most will be able to fold this into their worldview and brand will stoke that. Won't help him as and when this becomes a legal process, but their aggressive frothing might stop some victims coming forward or speaking to police.

Yeah I'd be worried if any of the names of the victims come out that they'd be targeted by his cult loon followers.
There's a report on the BBC from the gig last night, sounds like strong support from the attenders.







Can anyone clarify why he received a standing ovation reportedly lasting several minutes from 2,000 of his fans at the Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre yesterday evening, given these allegations?
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Didn’t know that Leilani Dowding, ex page 3 girl and probably on some reality tv shows is one of the conspiracy theory brigade.

She was going on about some grooming conspiracy on twitter and I told her I masturbated as a 14 year old to her in Loaded.
Err... what?

Don’t act fucking coy, she got famous taking her clothes off in magazines aimed at pubescent boys. I was that age when her image was all over those mags.

Then I saw her in twitter getting fired-up about some very nasty conspiracies pertaining to the grooming of children by ‘the global elite’.

I thought reminding her of how she became famous in the first place was apt.

Me and that Joe have beef before. And I feel vindicated.

They should not be here. Also as their previous incarnation they weren't great.

You saw your arse because you didn’t understand how to quote cross-thread, now fuck-off with your piling-on you tedious twat.

As these things always do, this story is smoking out some right cunts.

And you can fuck off as well with your echo chamber bollocks.
did you leave the online misogyny there, or did you follow it up with a dick pic and rape threat for extra lols?

I thought it hypocritical that she was regurgitating wacky - yet totally egregious - conspiracies when she knew full fucking well that after that lad/blokey early-20 something type, it was school boys who were buying the mags she was semi-nude in.

I think it’s disingenuous of you to pretend that that isn’t the case.
Blaming glamour models for teenage boys masturbating over them is a new one.

All feeds into the over-sexed culture that Brand seemed to excel in, wouldn’t you say?

Also who else would we blame? Who is responsible for the way she saught fame? You can fuck off as well trying to beg brownie points by nature of virtue signaling.
I thought it hypocritical that she was regurgitating wacky - yet totally egregious - conspiracies when she knew full fucking well that after that lad/blokey early-20 something type, it was school boys who were buying the mags she was semi-nude in.

I think it’s disingenuous of you to pretend that that isn’t the case.

Why is her past as a soft porn model relevant? Why do you think she should be ashamed of it? Does it make her a "slag" or something in your eyes? Have a pop at her horrible views - fine. but slut shaming? fuck off.
George Galloway smells something unpleasant surrounding @rustyrockets (= Russell Brand). Actually I think we all do.

George Galloway x-tweets ''I’m no Sherlock Holmes but I smell a giant RAT in the events swirling around @rustyrockets today...''

A giant RAT eh. Could that be the one that crawled up George's arse and died?

Michael Martin replies to Galloway: ''There will be blowback for the legacy media.''

Looks like it is :eek:

Another case of he who smelt it dealt it. And doubtless we have more chemical weapons apologism to look forward to from the old fart.
George Galloway smells something unpleasant surrounding @rustyrockets (= Russell Brand). Actually I think we all do.

George Galloway x-tweets ''I’m no Sherlock Holmes but I smell a giant RAT in the events swirling around @rustyrockets today...''''I’m no Sherlock Holmes but I smell a giant RAT in the events swirling around @rustyrockets today...''

A giant RAT eh. Could that be the one that crawled up George's arse and died?

Michael Martin replies to Galloway: ''There will be blowback for the legacy media.''''There will be blowback for the legacy media.''

Looks like it is :eek:

Another case of he who smelt it dealt it. And doubtless we have more chemical weapons apologism to look forward to from the old fart.
Is there an issue that galloway hasn't slimed onto the wrong side of?
It's easy to get self righteous, shouting 'somebody knew, somebody should have done something''. All sorts of institutional pressures maybe even fear of repercussions. But some people would have a very clear sense of what he was like, the stories in circulation and the accusations made over the years. And well, I'd imagine his agent would have been well up on that list.

The Savile case was staggering in the volume of abuse and the length of time it went on, with several points it could have been stopped/several people and institutions who should have done more. But as someone said upthread, Brand's abuse seems to have been much more in the 'semi-public domain', or at least behind the flimsy veil of the entertainment industry. Female comedians having to build their own networks to warn each other from going anywhere near him, fucking hell, what a society we live in. And we know full well how it worked, without the need for any of the inquiries, that depressing tale of gender, power, money and institutional cowardice, probably with a few threats of legal action against whistle blowers in there as well.
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