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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

Just watched his video on it (sorry), and he, as expected, just rants about how the "MSM" is coordinating an attack on him. What a handy narrative to have.

If they were going to do that surely they'd have done some years ago when he was a household name not now when he's just another crank in an increasigly crowded field of them.
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If they were going to do that surely they'd have done some years ago when he was a household name not now when he's just another crank in an increasigly crowded dield of them.

Nah, the loon's logic will be he was just a comedian then, now he's a danger to the deep state/secret cabal/MSM/etc. as he knows and is exposing the truth.

There's a report on the BBC from the gig last night, sounds like strong support from the attenders.
Just watched his video on it (sorry), and he, as expected, just rants about how the "MSM" is coordinating an attack on him. What a handy narrative to have.

It is rather isn't it? Likely I would say not a coincidence. Same with the self admittance of sex addiction. They guy was always a creepy slimeball, and these kind of men often just can't help telling on themselves.

He basically has admitted to everything over the years in various his various "comedy" skits. After Katy Perry, and fucking up his career in the UK, and then in Hollywood the last place to hide is where he's at now, really.

He is not a stupid man by any means.

Incidentally, I fully support the kind of law the woman who he groomed and had a "relationship" with (if you can call it that) at 16 years old is taking about.

There is no way a 30 year old (or even a 22 year old) should be sniffing around teenagers like that. I happily would support the drive to outlaw it.
Also, re his "coordinated attack by MSM"...so what if it is? He pays his mortgage on his LA mansion by spending his life undermining, attacking, dismissing "MSM" along with his other slimy grifters, so are they not allowed to do a bit of the same once they come across some allegations? Team channel 4/The Times. So what?

Of course to him it's motivated by even deeper eviler forces like the deep state. But nah it's probably that news editors want to put the boot in for no other reason than putting the boot in.
Channel 4 and The Times should play them at his own game. "Yes we are working very much together in a coordinated attack once we received these allegations which makes a change from the coordinated attack on us by the grifters of YouTube. Yes Russell, now we have these allegations we are very much out to get you."
Archived Telegraph story about Brand's performance last night:

'I love you, I appreciate you': Russell Brand addresses sexual assault allegations onstage
Brand was greeted by a standing ovation as he immediately addressed the controversy at his Wembley show

Like the Bob from Brockley thread posted above, the excellent anti-antivaxxer John Bye has just posted a thread of more of the cunts supporting this fucker.

It's archived here as a webpage at threadreaderapp.
original X-twitter link

Elsewhere I saw Kate Shemirani x-tweeting in support of him yesterday. George Galloway has 'liked' a series of x-tweets suggesting he is being persecuted for his truth telling. Paul Embery is anxious to distance himself from the "hypocrisy" of those "judging" him: "Russell Brand is entitled to the presumption of innocence". Claire Fox has 'liked' a performatively 'even handed' thread posted by Julia Hartley-Brewer. Presumably Spiked Online is incoming very shortly.

And lots of this:

Blossoming Magnolia lists the innocent men destroyed by women's lies: Brett Kavanaugh,  Johnny Depp, Donald Trump, Russell Brand

The Blossoming Magnolia @blossommingmag

I think we can all agree, based upon historical, fact-based evidence, that #MeToo proved women Iie...alot... to manipulate and get what they want and they'll do anything, use anyone, say anything... in order to get it. They do not mind destroying men.
Here's a short list of innocent men who've been falsely accused with a wrap up smear campaign. Reputations destroyed by false allegations, helped along by the deep state:

Brett Kavanaugh
Johnny Depp
Donald Trump
Russell Brand

It won't matter that these men can or have proven their innocence. The smear will stick because they will be able to depend on their base of stupid people to believe, without thinking or questioning the narrative, just like an NPC.

Barry Chambers x-tweets: Fred West did a great job of my Nan's garden wall
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