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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

Just a week?

Man's going to come back at me hard after 7 days of not being able to vent.

I'm going to get it hard. Why are you protecting this returner?

Genuine question.

He seems to fixate and then meltdown, not sure he should be allowed back, the recurring patten is noted in the FAQ's and yet the mods, bless 'em are often soft enough to give folk a second or third chance.

Anyway, why's the Dispatches programme only on Brand, surely Walliams, J Carr and a fuckton of other sleezeoids maybe worthy of a nosey?
He seems to fixate and then meltdown, not sure he should be allowed back, the recurring patten is noted in the FAQ's and yet the mods, bless 'em are often soft enough to give folk a second or third chance.

Anyway, why's the Dispatches programme only on Brand, surely Walliams, J Carr and a fuckton of other sleezeoids maybe worthy of a nosey?

I'd be fucking devastated if Jimmy Carr turns out to be a wrong un. 😪
Don't know much about Jimmy Carr but isn't he meant to be a well known twat?
Not being that familiar with contemporary comedians, it's Alan Carr I used to picture when people would go on about what a baddie Jimmy is, thinking 'He seems pretty inoffensive to me.'

I think it might be summat to do with the surname.

Not sure I've ever even seen Jimmy Carr.
It’s probably says a lot about him that he found the wordplay between the rapier sword and the word rape amusing and he is undoubtedly a smug Tory twat but it’s not illegal to be one
It's easy to get self righteous, shouting 'somebody knew, somebody should have done something''. All sorts of institutional pressures maybe even fear of repercussions. But some people would have a very clear sense of what he was like, the stories in circulation and the accusations made over the years. And well, I'd imagine his agent would have been well up on that list.

The Savile case was staggering in the volume of abuse and the length of time it went on, with several points it could have been stopped/several people and institutions who should have done more. But as someone said upthread, Brand's abuse seems to have been much more in the 'semi-public domain', or at least behind the flimsy veil of the entertainment industry. Female comedians having to build their own networks to warn each other from going anywhere near him, fucking hell, what a society we live in. And we know full well how it worked, without the need for any of the inquiries, that depressing tale of gender, power, money and institutional cowardice, probably with a few threats of legal action against whistle blowers in there as well.

I think there's a really thorny issue in general (in the entertainment industry sure but more widely too) with how this sort of thing fits with a big range of 'lesser' sexist behaviours that aren't necessarily illegal. The sort of thing that gets pointed to when something like this comes out and everyone goes 'oh it was obvious.' What are the implications of it doesn't though? Everything is fine? Innocent until proven guilty? Something else?
His routine is quite tiresome shock stuff, but he's only ever been accused of tax dodging in his personal life afaik.

Edit: Actually looking around there is this.
Story from The Sun and while it sounds potentially dodgy I think we really might be in hearsay and jumping to conclusions territory with that one based on that article alone.
I think Brand had his fans on here tbf Tony. :)
This set me off looking for an ancient thread on Brand:

It's 114 pages and I only contributed to few pages in the second half of the thread, so I don't know/can't remember what the whole discussion covered. There was however a fair bit about whether his new leftist persona had 'learned from' or 'moved on' from his past. What was known about that past, from the bits I've just looked at, wasn't anything like as bad as what we know now. However there was discussion about his general treatment of women amid his 'sex addiction' and also whether he was a pick up artist. Here's a clip that was linked on the thread. It wasn't as gross as some of the rapey pick up artist stuff, but, well...

There was also a link to this gruesome article:

Hidden in plain site? Erm, yep. And how the fuck did 'we' allow the twat to get anywhere near the left (in as much as he ever was 'allowed'. More a case of creating another messiah spot for himself as he now occupies on the far right)?

P.S. I don't think it's a good idea to mine that thread to see who was right and wrong, either about the politics or his morality (and what turned out to be his crimes). What was interesting for me was the Pick Up stuff, adding to the idea of what was already in view. And how small a step it is from 'organised seductions' through to sexual offences.
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Didn’t Jimmy Carr do a tour called “rapier wit”?

Edit - 2009

Also, Frankie Boyle, who used to write for Carr iirc, has rape 'jokes' in his set. Afaik, he's never been accused of anything and he comes out with rape lines (I would guess) purely to invert your expectations. But still, just fuck off
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