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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry

Grotesque, yes, baffling, no.

There will always be people who see what they want to see, and conveniently ignore what the don't want to see.
He is claiming it is an attempt to silence him. It can't be an attempt to silence him when he has said nothing. He might delusionally think that he is uncovering evidence of stuff, but it is delusional. He has said nothing that has not been said a million times already by other fools.

He talks too fast, there is no substance to what he says. He depends upon talking too fast to cover up the gap holes in the logic in his narrative.
tbf sadly a lot of manosphere fellas will look at the Russell brand stuff going on
and see it as another attack on men ..

had two fellas at work who not watched the show comment "this happens so often these days and is it a money grab"

had to point out the fact do you think the fella who talked about being willing to try to have sex with anyone who stand still for 2 minutes
and bragged about it might be a bit of a shitty character and Blaming the Dark Force/teh Joo's / MSM was a shitty line to take before the documentary dropped

someone people are already so far down the rabbit hole of bullshit almost no hope of them seeing the light
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I suspect most of his followers will continue to support him. A conspiracy by the MSM/Deep State/big pharma/the Jews.. ahem... sorry, globalists and rootless cosmopolitans, etc, etc, against brand Brand, all neatly fits in with the beliefs of his gullible fans.

Apparently he’s gained followers on social media since the weekend. Who looks at this stuff and thinks “I’ll give him a follow”….

"If nothing the mainstream media says can be trusted by virtue of its being the mainstream media (and serving as one the agenda of the World Economic Forum, or the paedo-lizards, or Big Pharma, or the Neoliberal Establishment, or the Postmodern Marxist Deep State, or what have you), you are adrift in an entirely post-truth environment. You don’t know more than the ‘sheeple’ who watch the news and read newspapers: you know less. You’ll pick your guru, ‘do your own research’ down a YouTube rabbit-hole algorithmically serving you ever more conspiratorial content, and you’ll lose touch with the boring, fastidious, fact-based-and-needing-to-be-careful-not-to-be-sued work of professional reporters that might help you back to reality"
Holding this greaseball to account will be a net good, no matter what the screaming is online. Hang him out to dry. I know it does little to change the structural misogyny that results in this behaviour in the first place, but it'll be one small thing to show the cunt up for what he is: a greasy entitled nonce. His victims to deserve infinitely to see their pain acknowledged - preferably by the state. It'll hopefully help change the atmosphere for reporting these people, and for another marker to other entitled powerful nonces and harrasers to keep their grubby hands to themselves. That their "charm" and 'powers of persuasion" and the rest of their filthy antics are not wanted and will not be tolerated.
I am old enough to remember when people on the left regarded the use of the word "cunt" as a swearword as very misogynistic indeed.
Apparently he’s gained followers on social media since the weekend. Who looks at this stuff and thinks “I’ll give him a follow”….
As and when this (hopefully) leads to criminal prosecutions, I imagine the multimillionaire Russell Brand will be crowdfunding his legal defence. And those are the fools who will pay for it. :(
Meanwhile, Max Blumenthal is - “Whatever the merits of the allegations might be” - blaming it on Ukraine and ‘Covidians’ nudge-nudge wink-wink

Such a narcissistic view, isn't it - that these folks paranoid conspiracies are enough for "state and shadowy elites" intervention. Too thick to realise that those truly in power love to see legions hoodwinked by this utter horseshit. They truly cannot see that they are conspiracists and little else and that elites won't give a single shit what their latest paranoid projection is. Scary tbh.
Followers of Tate and Musk who hadn’t heard of him previously.

It must be me, but I expected him to lose followers as a result of the coverage as people who were revolted by it would ‘unfollow’ him. But, no, that’s not how it works apparently. According to that YouTube report above he’s gained 100,000 new followers and his revenue will increase as a result
It won't be all manosphere types, a lot of people will just be following the latest drama. He's gotten a few extra views today from me picking through his content to get an idea of what he's actually been blathering about these last couple years.

There a difference between looking at his content to see what mad shit he’s been spouting and ‘following him’ surely?
It must be me, but I expected him to lose followers as a result of the coverage as people who were revolted by it would ‘unfollow’ him. But, no, that’s not how it works apparently. According to that YouTube report above he’s gained 100,000 new followers and his revenue will increase as a result

Cashing in on being an accused rapist, strange times. Maybe it really is the medium rather than the message that is wrong these days.
lets hope this goes to trial. at the very least, the USA will boot him out of his LA hidey hole if he does get done.

He lives in the U.K. and (have not checked) would imagine that California has a statute of limitation on rape and this is past it. Which is why Times/Telegraph/Dispatches has gone all in; sue us ya cunt, like The Mail with their Murderers headline.
Apparently he’s gained followers on social media since the weekend. Who looks at this stuff and thinks “I’ll give him a follow”….
Decided to have a look at a site that used to go to when first moved here. The comments are depressingly predictable for the most part.

As Serge says above, fuck this internet shit.
I would have thought his green card and admission status would be questioned. but he is wealthy and has enthusiastic lawyers.

if yer reading Russel, then this may be useful. you seedy cunt

Decided to have a look at a site that used to go to when first moved here. The comments are depressingly predictable for the most part.

As Serge says above, fuck this internet shit.
This was one of the comments:
They obviously found a way to silence him. They do not allow such a media personality to oppose their agenda.
Nothing else, just that. I can imagine a conversation with the author of that comment:

So, who are they?
Well, it's them, the people who he talks about.
And what is their agenda?
It's to control people.
Oh, right. Okay, let's try and help you out a bit: is it the 'mainstream media'?
Yes, yes, it's them!
And what is their agenda?
It's to control.... rinse and repeat.
Such a narcissistic view, isn't it - that these folks paranoid conspiracies are enough for "state and shadowy elites" intervention. Too thick to realise that those truly in power love to see legions hoodwinked by this utter horseshit. They truly cannot see that they are conspiracists and little else and that elites won't give a single shit what their latest paranoid projection is. Scary tbh.
Surely Blumenthal knows exactly what he's doing.
Apparently he’s gained followers on social media since the weekend. Who looks at this stuff and thinks “I’ll give him a follow”….

Every journalist, influencer, entertainment blogger and social media dopamine addict in the world who wants to be fast with their hot takes on whatever shit he comes out with next. I wouldn't read it as any measure of support.
This was one of the comments:

Nothing else, just that. I can imagine a conversation with the author of that comment:

So, who are they?
Well, it's them, the people who he talks about.
And what is their agenda?
It's to control people.
Oh, right. Okay, let's try and help you out a bit: is it the 'mainstream media'?
Yes, yes, it's them!
And what is their agenda?
It's to control.... rinse and repeat.
Yep. Have had many discussions like that in the past and just haven't the energy to do it now.

It often feels like the entire world is going in a very strange and worrying direction. And urban is the only sanctuary of sensibility.
This was one of the comments:

Nothing else, just that. I can imagine a conversation with the author of that comment:

So, who are they?
Well, it's them, the people who he talks about.
And what is their agenda?
It's to control people.
Oh, right. Okay, let's try and help you out a bit: is it the 'mainstream media'?
Yes, yes, it's them!
And what is their agenda?
It's to control.... rinse and repeat.
Theres a few young lads at work with this sort of dialogue. I challenge them a lot but it's impenetrable, most of the time.
All Tate fans, a few outright COVID deniars. Listening to them which I do sometimes in the tea room, you just realise it's such nonsense that it's not even worth engaging, instead hoping they grow out of it by doing something radical like, ya know, reading a book or getting tired of YouTube.
Theres a few young lads at work with this sort of dialogue. I challenge them a lot but it's impenetrable, most of the time.
All Tate fans, a few outright COVID deniars. Listening to them which I do sometimes in the tea room, you just realise it's such nonsense that it's not even worth engaging, instead hoping they grow out of it by doing something radical like, ya know, reading a book or getting tired of YouTube.
I have classrooms full of them. It's depressing as fuck. Dozens of teen boys who will groan at being asked the simplest of questions but spring into life at the mention of Tate going to prison.
Yes. There's a feeling of "okay this is a hellscape" whenever I delve into political waters online. So I don't. Its not even that it's because people disagree, more the strange sense of atomisation, addiction to scroll and win, hopelessness and extremism roaring back at you through the screen. I would think most online discussions on brand online are toxic . Maybe I am wrong but I have no inclination to check.
This is why I stick to Urban75 and reading books. Reddit etc is mostly terrible, other social media even worse.
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