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Questions for IWCA

butchersapron said:
Well, they're not 'official' Sinn Fein for starters. That was the point you missed or were unaware of. And you've fuck all to with either anyway.

Who mentioned Gerry Adams sell-outs imbacile ? :rolleyes:

You are seriously dense, is that who you throught we were discussing :D

Thats why you put on that stupid front.
Ben66 said:
Who mentioned Gerry Adams sell-outs imbacile ? :rolleyes:

You are seriously dense, is that who you throught we were discussing :D

Thats why you put on that stupid front.
No it's not, as i just said, as you were having some difficulty differnetiating between RSF and SF. Because, you're nothing to with RSF at all are you. You're just an irish nationalist, a soil addict, who has also bought into some daft religious ideas whilst knocking about on the far right. That's all.
Ben66 said:
Who mentioned Gerry Adams sell-outs imbacile ? :rolleyes:

You are seriously dense, is that who you throught we were discussing :D

Thats why you put on that stupid front.

You seriously don't get it, do you little Benfrew?

Not like your mother gets it, anyway.
butchersapron said:
Well, they're not 'official' Sinn Fein for starters. That was the point you missed or were unaware of. And you've fuck all to with either anyway.

actually if he is a proper third positionist he could well be a memeber of RSF, their economic policies have always been based on the petite bourgeois.

why would you think RSF are any better than blood and soil nationalists? Cos they say they want a fairer economic system? their policies are less radical than the italian fash ffs.
revol68 said:
actually if he is a proper third positionist he could well be a memeber of RSF, their economic policies have always been based on the petite bourgeois.
But he's not - he might like to be, but he's not. The farmer's son fuck.
ViolentPanda said:
You seriously don't get it, do you little Benfrew?

Not like your mother gets it, anyway.

Say that to my face and I would kneecap you, you little skunk pussie. Lucky youve never been banged up you would be on your knees all day.
Ben66 said:
Say that to my face and I would kneecap you, you little skunk pussie. Lucky youve never been banged up you would be on your knees all day.
Are you saying that you'd rape him? (After pretending to rob a post office)
butchersapron said:
No it's not, as i just said, as you were having some difficulty differnetiating between RSF and SF. Because, you're nothing to with RSF at all are you. You're just an irish nationalist, a soil addict, who has also bought into some daft religious ideas whilst knocking about on the far right. That's all.

Were you dropped on your head as a kid I never even mentioned sell out Sinn Fein. I have always said RSF.
Ben66 said:
Were you dropped on your head as a kid I never even mentioned sell out Sinn Fein. I have always said RSF.
You don't know your irish history, esp your modern republican history very well do you?
Ben66 said:
Say that to my face and I would kneecap you, you little skunk pussie. Lucky youve never been banged up you would be on your knees all day.
My God has anyone won the wanker of the year award so early as Jan 18th. Surely nobody can match the sheer essence of wankiness that Ben66 manages to create from the get go. Isn't their some rules about threatening violence on these boards?
jannerboyuk said:
My God has anyone won the wanker of the year award so early as Jan 18th. Surely nobody can match the sheer essence of wankiness that Ben66 manages to create from the get go. Isn't their some rules about threatening violence on these boards?
That last bit was edited in - he wants banned.
There is indeed...I love a perma-ban before bedtime...bye-bye young master few shillings short of The Beast......waves cheerily
IWCA and Multiculturalism

Stuart Craft, in his attack on the "dogma of multiculturalism" http://www.bliwca.fsnet.co.uk/multic01.htm, goes on to criticise Oxford City Council for allocating money for Eid lights, using money from the European Capital of Culture to support "East Oxford’s very strong multicultural society with a large Asian population" and for "tackling of ‘racism’ (‘especially hidden racism’)"

Craft argues that money should instead be invested for "the wellbeing of all" giving the example investing in police to tackle class-A drug dealing.

On another occasion coucillor Craft has articulated support for the occupation of Iraq:

"For all my suspicions of Bush and Blair’s motives for going into Iraq and while understanding that the USA and their allies are ready and willing to cause more carnage than the regime they purportedly went in to remove, it remains a fact that the people of Iraq were living under a fascist-type dictatorship in the shape of Saddam and the Baath Party.

"Paradoxically, many of the same people who were quite rightly calling for international intervention against this vile regime under which hundreds of thousands perished, are now siding with the Iraqi resistance which reportedly numbers many Baath supporters amongst its ranks."


To me this illustrates the politically short-sited localism and economism of the IWCA. On the one hand Councillor Craft moans about his council investing in cultural projects for ethnic minorities and anti-racism initiatives as a waste of cash whilst at the same time backs a war that has cost billions of pounds in public money – additional money that central government could have allocated to local councils.

I reckon Craft’s rant against multi-culturalism is highly devisive and reeks of bigotry.
JoePolitix said:
additional money that central government could have allocated to local councils.

I reckon Craft’s rant against multi-culturalism is highly devisive and reeks of bigotry.

Yeah and the government could have given the billions to me or left it to Blairs pet dog. Wern't going to do any of those things in a month of Sundays. If you want to call Craft a bigot just do it - don't be so shy. The IWCA are racists innit?
Ben66 said:
Say that to my face and I would kneecap you, you little skunk pussie. Lucky youve never been banged up you would be on your knees all day.

Kneecap me? Of course you would, you semi-literate Travis Bickle manque, what are you going to use, the keyboard you google all of your so-called "facts" from?

Would that be before or after you've married Claudia Schiffer, won the lottery and beaten Peirce Brosnan in a james Bond lookalike contest?

By the way, I've probably spent longer in prisons like Wandsworth, Brixton and the Scrubs than a sad little wimp like you spent time sucking your wet nurse's tit.

The day a mimsy bigmouth like you frightens me enough to even make me spill my tea, I'll top myself.
butchersapron said:
Are you saying that you'd rape him? (After pretending to rob a post office)

He could try.

He wouldn't succeed (unless he's actually got half a dozen mates to help him, which I doubt), but he could try.
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