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Wayne Couzens: A Question

I think his LinkedIn says he was managing the family garage 5 years ago, course he may not have updated it.

Last year he bought an electric scooter from Wish that got wrongly delivered to someone called Lorenzo in London and was finding it difficult to complain....advising his one follower that he would use Amazon or eBay in future.
Still... quite a jump to kidnap and murder maybe.

Possibly not if you have a 'perfect' life which is about to crumble cos you were caught shaking your cock at a McDonalds drive thru a few days earlier.

His behaviour may have escalated when he knew the game was up
As mentioned before, id be amazed if the recent flashing stuff wasnt the tip of the iceburg. Very likely he's been up to other dodginess/abuse of power shit before.

Still... quite a jump to kidnap and murder maybe.
Problematic behaviours - whether stemming from reasons of (for example) sociology or neuropsychiatry - which aren't challenged, checked and stopped early on, do tend to escalate. Badness fills a vacuum.
Reminds me of that quote about Eichmann, “the banality of Evil”

Definitely. I think the posts might be used to suggest he wasn't suffering any noticeable mental health issues at that time. They're quite regular, like anyone who's had a poor service might make.
PC Simon Harwood sidestepped disciplinary proceedings after a long string of complaints about misconduct and violence by retiring from the Met on health grounds, then rejoining three days later as a civilian worker. After twenty months pushing keyboards down steps he joined Surrey Police as a constable, transferring back to the Met after eighteen months - with no follow up on his previous thuggery - where he clocked up a bunch more complaints for violence, before finally killing Ian Tomlinson in 2009. Whilst he did eventually - after much prevarication by the CPS under Starmer - face trial for manslaughter, he was acquitted. The only 'punishment' he faced was getting sacked off by the Met.
I agree I think.
People seem to be wording their posts quite carefully so far, but it would only take one rogue post to raise all sorts of issues ..... :(
Seems to be more moderate than most new reports atm.
It may not be the ideal thread to raise the issue but why do so many people insist on calling Dungeness "Dungerness"? :mad:
So why can't they spell Dungeness properly?
We Cantiaci, we daughters and sons of Hengist and Horsa, we riders of Invicta, we above and below mighty Vaga; we know Head Land's name, for it whistles in our ear on the darkest night and sings to our heart through the longest day, and we care naught for the arrogant proclamations of the janissaries of empire on how we should say or write our own names.

So I think that about covers it :thumbs:
We Cantiaci, we daughters and sons of Hengist and Horsa, we riders of Invicta, we above and below mighty Vaga; we know Head Land's name, for it whistles in our ear on the darkest night and sings to our heart through the longest day, and we care naught for the arrogant proclamations of the janissaries of empire on how we should say or write our own names.
Exactly as I suspected.
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