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Questions for IWCA

Ben66 said:
Republican Sinn Fein have no connection to IWCA.

You are mistaking us with the IRSP.

and??? :confused:

Can you answer my question please?

Why are you so interested in IWCA? :confused:
Ben66 said:
Heres some of our policies mystic.

*snip* soil-addict drivel
That C&P proves what? That irish republicans exist and that you can find their site (but have trouble finding the IWCA one). Well done.
Ben66 said:
So IWCA support muti-culturalism ? The site is political drivel that says little.

Please cut and paste what you refer to.
Who said they did. You going to tell us when and where those nasty iwca members told you all this stuff and about multiculturalism or did you make it up? If you are so inept that you can't find what they think about MC on that site i'm not going to past and cut anything. A five year old could find it. If you think the site is drivel, then thats up to you. Not trying to tell what to think just pointing out that the IWCA, of which i'm not a member, has a criticism of MC which bears no relation with the nonsense you started with. You've not really added much since.
jannerboyuk said:
Who said they did. You going to tell us when and where those nasty iwca members told you all this stuff and about multiculturalism or did you make it up? If you are so inept that you can't find what they think about MC on that site i'm not going to past and cut anything. A five year old could find it. If you think the site is drivel, then thats up to you. Not trying to tell what to think just pointing out that the IWCA, of which i'm not a member, has a criticism of MC which bears no relation with the nonsense you started with. You've not really added much since.

From S Croft :
"In the hope that common sense will finally prevail I am submitting the first part of my original motion:

This Council opposes the dogma of multiculturalism and will make every effort to ensure that council funds are not wasted on divisive projects which in the long term serve to foster competition for council resources between ethnic or religious groups, further entrenching differences within communities rather than encouraging integration".

-Your councillor admits you oppose multi-culturalism.
jannerboyuk said:
Thats it - you are are on my list for being a trot bastard and ignoring the cleverness of my glib duck saying!

Gonna put me in a camp then with other ducks. Such a nice, clever, authoritarian, pigeonholing sort aren't you?
Ben66 said:
From S Croft :
"In the hope that common sense will finally prevail I am submitting the first part of my original motion:

This Council opposes the dogma of multiculturalism and will make every effort to ensure that council funds are not wasted on divisive projects which in the long term serve to foster competition for council resources between ethnic or religious groups, further entrenching differences within communities rather than encouraging integration".

-Your councillor admits you oppose multi-culturalism.
Yeah except i'm not a member of the IWCA (as i have already mentioned) and i didn't say that the IWCA doesn't oppose or has a extensive critique of what they see as MC. I'm not even agreeing 100% with that critique but to assert that it amounts for a desire for a monoculture with no judo classes or kebabs is bollocks that anybody with commonsense can see. The suggestion still stands that if you wern't a troll your original questions would have taken a more intelligent approach. But as you think that the IWCA are nothing but 'political drivel' i fail to see your interest in a genuine discussion.
To use your technique i asusme that you support "competition for council resources between ethnic or religious groups"?
MC5 said:
Gonna put me in a camp then with other ducks. Such a nice, clever, authoritarian, pigeonholing sort aren't you?
Who mentioned the pigeons? I've nothing against pigeons.
Ben66 said:
From S Croft :
"In the hope that common sense will finally prevail I am submitting the first part of my original motion:

This Council opposes the dogma of multiculturalism and will make every effort to ensure that council funds are not wasted on divisive projects which in the long term serve to foster competition for council resources between ethnic or religious groups, further entrenching differences within communities rather than encouraging integration".

-Your councillor admits you oppose multi-culturalism.

sounds like a good point to me ben, no? thanks for pointing it out anyway.
The 'Apllnoinian-Dionsion tragedy' Rides Again....

Wondered when you'd put in another appearance, 'Ben 66'.

How's life in the Real World?

Haven't you got a spell checker yet?
MC5 said:
Gonna put me in a camp then with other ducks. Such a nice, clever, authoritarian, pigeonholing sort aren't you?

Always thought you were more of a turkey, MC5?
Ben66 said:
Trot ? I'm an Irish Republican. Who supports Republican Sinn Fein.

On regards to multiculturalism they are for full equality of all individuals what they deviate from is crude forms of 'Multiculturalism' that view folk as homgenious blobs that dont take into account issues that we may have in common regardless of where we are from.

As a member of RSF im curious to know your view on the E4 situation and whats going on in Limerick ;)
cathal marcs said:
On regards to multiculturalism they are for full equality of all individuals what they deviate from is crude forms of 'Multiculturalism' that view folk as homgenious blobs that dont take into account issues that we may have in common regardless of where we are from.

As a member of RSF im curious to know your view on the E4 situation and whats going on in Limerick ;)

Give an example of crude forms of multi-culturalism, which they oppose ?

The E4 situation is getting worse so is the disinformation campaign, Republican POWs will not be criminalised. Part of the disinformation campaign are lies POWs brewing "hooch" with crimials in E4 etc.
What sort of person would want to simultaneously present a damaging charicature of Irish Republicanism, and mount an attack on the IWCA, an attack so confused, that in the space of a couple of posts they're accussed of opposing and supporting multiculturalsim? :confused:

Louis Mac
Louis MacNeice said:
What sort of person would want to simultaneously present a damaging charicature of Irish Republicanism, and mount an attack on the IWCA, an attack so confused, that in the space of a couple of posts they're accussed of opposing and supporting multiculturalsim? :confused:

Louis Mac

Quote what I said ?

What caricature of Irish Republicanism, what are you talking about, ? the Irish govt has a moral duty to defend its citizens and take back its territory.
cathal marcs said:
On regards to multiculturalism they are for full equality of all individuals what they deviate from is crude forms of 'Multiculturalism' that view folk as homgenious blobs that dont take into account issues that we may have in common regardless of where we are from.

As a member of RSF im curious to know your view on the E4 situation and whats going on in Limerick ;)

Posted on 11/1/2006 at 15:50:01 by IRPWA

Throughout the history of the struggle for Irish freedom both the British and Irish Free State goverments have attempted,through certain sections of the media,to vilify the Republican movement and portray those involved as criminals.This tactic has always been fiercely resisted,nowhere more so than in the prisons where, in 1981,ten men died on hunger strike to achieve their demand for political status.
This state sponsored campaign of slander continues today and is sadly supported by certain elements within prison who continue to issue false and misleading statements in an attempt to undermine the Republican movement and curry favour with the goverment in the hopes of being granted early release.It is in line with this situation that the Republican P.O.W.s on E3 landing take this unprecedented step in releasing the following statement.

Republican prisoners of war,regardless of when or where they have been incarcerated,have always conducted themselves with the dignity befitting their status and such is the case on the E3 landing in Portloise Prison.To be housed on E3 all prisoners must adhere to a strict set of rules regarding their conduct.Failure to comply with these rules warrants dissmissal from the landing,as was the case with a recent individual.Only the highest of standards are expected and received,from the prisoners,none of whom have any criminal records and who would not find themselves in prison were it not for the political situation on this island.There is not nor have there ever been,a case where any prisoners on E3 have sought to be segregated from others.All the P.O.W.s on E3 are united on these issues and are releasing this statement in order to counter recent malicious reports in the media which have tried and failed to sow divisions among those who continue the struggle for a united Ireland.
But as a member of RSF what Cumman are you a member of mate? i dont know many people in RSF that recognise the freestate as the 'Government' of Ireland or have any time for the RIRA either.
Ben66 said:
From S Croft :
"In the hope that common sense will finally prevail I am submitting the first part of my original motion:

This Council opposes the dogma of multiculturalism and will make every effort to ensure that council funds are not wasted on divisive projects which in the long term serve to foster competition for council resources between ethnic or religious groups, further entrenching differences within communities rather than encouraging integration".

-Your councillor admits you oppose multi-culturalism.

If you arrive at the conclusion that the IWCA oppose multi-culturalism because an IWCA councillor has said he "opposes the DOGMA of multi-culturalism" then you're even more stupis than you showed yourself to be on your "Jim Morrison" thread.

Opposition of dogma isn't the same as opposition of the concept, you fucking norbert.
cathal marcs said:
But as a member of RSF what Cumman are you a member of mate? i dont know many people in RSF that recognise the freestate as the 'Government' of Ireland or have any time for the RIRA either.

I'm definitely getting tempted to rename the pretend republican "Ben66".

I'm thinking "Benfrew", in honour of that fine upstanding horsecock-sucker "renfrew", would be a suitable name.
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