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Question Time tonight

Is their propensity to book right wing hacks a reflection of newspaper sales in this country? Bruce always makes a point of how the audience's ratio reflects that of the country, so I wonder if it's roughly the same for the journos.
Is their propensity to book right wing hacks a reflection of newspaper sales in this country? Bruce always makes a point of how the audience's ratio reflects that of the country, so I wonder if it's roughly the same for the journos.
It’s a reflection of who runs the BBC these days, and part of that shitty attention-seeking tactic they call ‘provoking debate’.
I thought the BBC was going to blacklist climate change denialists, after Nigel Lawson's bullshittery on the matter "for balance". Hitchens challenged the concept of anthropogenic change on Thursday, which I hope, but don't expect, means he won't sully our screens again.
Would have liked to hear what Nandy had to say about South Africa,Israel and Genocide but this topic didn't make the cut again despite the best efforts of a chap in the audience to shoehorn it in.
Would have liked to hear what Nandy had to say about South Africa,Israel and Genocide but this topic didn't make the cut again despite the best efforts of a chap in the audience to shoehorn it in.
Yes, and more debate about the merits or otherwise of first past the post, which was particularly pertinent to an audience of the undecided.
From what I could see, it was good fun last night. I think FB said there was a majority of Tory voters in the audience. It certainly didn't seem like it. 👍
From what I could see, it was good fun last night. I think FB said there was a majority of Tory voters in the audience. It certainly didn't seem like it. 👍
True. What always pisses me off, though, is the overwhelming pro-establishment right wing bias of the panel. Last night was one cabinet minister, one shadow cabinet minister, one soft establishment spokeswoman, one wish washy journalist and one outright right wing reactionary bastard. Nearly always the only really radical voices come from the audience.
From what I could see, it was good fun last night. I think FB said there was a majority of Tory voters in the audience. It certainly didn't seem like it. 👍
Lol! 'A majority of Tory voters in the audience'

Were these 'FB posts' even watching the same programme? :confused:
“Should we prepare for war?” thoroughly discussed by a panel of five warmongers

I thought the audience was good on that - more than one made the point that the working class wouldn't be queing up to fight wars for the rich. n fact, the words 'working class' were used more in that debate than I've heard on TV for a while. Also, to be fair, the Guardian middle class liberal on the panel wasn't a warmonger.
Also, to be fair, the Guardian middle class liberal on the panel wasn't a warmonger.
True, but neither did she question the basic tenets of a nation state projecting its power through the lives of the individuals subject to it. So I thought my summary was snappier.
Somewhat heartening to observe that once again elements of the audience were not about to sit through an hour of supposedly topical debate without reference to the ongoing mass murder in the Near East.Actually some of the most disruptive heckling i have seen on QT.
Remember guys, don't give free bus passes to fat kids! There's always one. Well, more than one but one that stands out above the rest.
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