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Question Time tonight

Fiona Bruce should have been told in her earpiece that it was a fact & not an opinion & shut him up but it was Fiona Bruce so what do you expect?
It was good though.

Brings the divide back to the front if the debate.

As does the crap on Politics Live today where they thought they were trying to catch Labour out.

"Do you believe that someone earning £80k is rich? "Do you people who send their children to private schools are rich?" etc.

Maybe the bubble thinks that's a tricky question.
Firstly, it should've been stated that the Telegraph hack was a former colleague of Johnson, in order to contextualise her comments.

Secondly, one questions her thinking when she utters the following: "We need the monarchy to be a national symbol of all that's great about Britain."
Unlike killer b i have zero sympathy with the 80k it consultant-hoist with his own petard on national TV.Having said that it came as a surprise to me that those earning over 80k p.a are actually as small a segment of the UK population as five per cent.If the pay-structure of all large companies had to be made public on an annual basis it seems to me that this in itself would represent a radical step forward in tackling inequality and the divisions in our society.When no-one knows what the next guy or gal is earning it is,surely,an unhealthy situation.
I don't have sympathy for him as such - I just don't think the price of challenging a politician on TV - even if you're an arsehole - should be getting monstered in the papers and on social media for days after.
Unlike killer b i have zero sympathy with the 80k it consultant-hoist with his own petard on national TV.Having said that it came as a surprise to me that those earning over 80k p.a are actually as small a segment of the UK population as five per cent.If the pay-structure of all large companies had to be made public on an annual basis it seems to me that this in itself would represent a radical step forward in tackling inequality and the divisions in our society.When no-one knows what the next guy or gal is earning it is,surely,an unhealthy situation.
I was a bit surprised. I mean it's a right wage and people on 80k shouldn't be moaning but the 5% surprised me. Although if you look at the HMRC stats behind it, it does relate to income tax only, so excludes those who pay themselves a lower income and take dividend - which is how a high proportion of big earners will operate
I was a bit surprised. I mean it's a right wage and people on 80k shouldn't be moaning but the 5% surprised me. Although if you look at the HMRC stats behind it, it does relate to income tax only, so excludes those who pay themselves a lower income and take dividend - which is how a high proportion of big earners will operate
I don't think a lot of people on around that salary do much in the way of tax avoidance which would take them out of the figures, at least not IME - it just isn't a very large sector of the population. It's a very mouthy one though, with a lot of connection to journalists, and they don't recognise that they are unusual because that's the world they live in.
I don't think a lot of people on around that salary do much in the way of tax avoidance which would take them out of the figures, at least not IME - it just isn't a very large sector of the population. It's a very mouthy one though, with a lot of connection to journalists, and they don't recognise that they are unusual because that's the world they live in.
I don't really mean active tax avoidance, just that a lot of big earners aren't employees. No company director is going to pay everything as income. But yeah I don't think it will throw the figures out massively
Finally got around to watching the QT special yesterday. It wasn't worth it. My advice to those wondering whether to catch up is don't bother. Swinson came off by far the worst, but there wasn't one spectacular car crash moment, it was more of a slow burn of disaster over 30 minutes. Johnson was Johnson. If you aren't taken in by him, you'll have seen what you normally see. I have no idea what it is that people who like him are seeing, but no doubt whatever it is was there as usual. Corbyn was similarly himself. Slightly muted, unpolished, and occasionally tetchy, though he seemed to notice and reigned those moments in, successfully making a joke out of the most noticeable one of those. He warmed up as time went on, but never really shone. His summing up minute was awkward and untelegenic. Sturgeon came off best, but also had less hostility from the audience. It was nevertheless an assured performance, polished but without smarm.

However, I learned nothing. It was the most I'd ever seen of Swinson, and that's certainly not something I hope ever to repeat.
I don't have sympathy for him as such - I just don't think the price of challenging a politician on TV - even if you're an arsehole - should be getting monstered in the papers and on social media for days after.

Agree, though his intervention did seem designed to get over one fact above all others to the world which was I earn 80k.
Christ all fucking mighty, Lionel Shriver is a special kind of twat. :facepalm:

She didn't come across wonderfully, did she? I don't know her history, so does she have form in this area?

I thought McDonald did alright, and it was fun seeing Lewis laughed at for his mathematical skills.
She didn't come across wonderfully, did she? I don't know her history, so does she have form in this area?

I thought McDonald did alright, and it was fun seeing Lewis laughed at for his mathematical skills.
Don't really know anything about her tbh. But she was a disgrace last night.
Yeh, that guy grilling Lewis was brilliant.
She didn't come across wonderfully, did she? I don't know her history, so does she have form in this area?.
She was on once a couple of years ago (at least). The only thing I can remember her saying was that everyone should be like Ireland with ultra low corporation taxes.
Thick as two planks.
It mystifies me what differentiates some panellists from audience members. At least Owen Jones has a working life of some kind, but that Kate Andrews from 'The Institute of Economic Affairs' is an invention, a con that she should be so elevated.
I am founder of 'The Lewisham Forum of World Development' and have loads of opinions but never get invited on to Question Time, yet some of those vacuums are on endlessly.
People can get political punditry gigs simply for being opinionated without ever having actually done anything.
It mystifies me what differentiates some panellists from audience members. At least Owen Jones has a working life of some kind, but that Kate Andrews from 'The Institute of Economic Affairs' is an invention, a con that she should be so elevated.
I am founder of 'The Lewisham Forum of World Development' and have loads of opinions but never get invited on to Question Time, yet some of those vacuums are on endlessly.
People can get political punditry gigs simply for being opinionated without ever having actually done anything.

Think Tank wonks shouldn't be invited on any broadcast media discussion unless their organisation reveals the sources of their funding.

I'll find you a couple of thousand links that say it was holographic planes that flew into the world trade centre and all the passengers are being kept captive in a Colorado mountain if you want.

Fucking Twitter and The fucking Canary.

You forgot the nano-thermite.
He was almost out-fuckwitted by Tice, who must've had a different ballot paper in 2016 to me. Mine didn't mention the single market or the customs union.
Did anyone watch Friday night's post-GE special? A very poor showing from Bruce, not forcing Robert Jenrick to respond to the citation of various Johnson quotes, re. "Picanninies", "bumboys", Merseyside "victim status" and men marrying dogs.
Fuck me that was nauseating. Yes, we call sympathise with what Prince Harry's mother went through, but I'm sure Auto Glass fixed it up soon enough.
Made an exception to actually watch QT last night as my family's local vermin MP (Helen Whately) was on....she didn't disappoint.
Part of the Fox clan of actors. Apart from the racism thing, he must be quoted in the air travel thread :D

"He replied: “Yes, my carbon foot print is huge.

“But obviously we make up for it by preaching to everyone else how they should change their lifestyles."
They partially made up for last week's royal wankfest by having the rendering of large expanses of Earth unhabitable - an only slightly less important topic - up first.
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