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Question Time tonight

Are you fucking thick? The same ukip twat gets on 4 times in different geographical areas? Multiple tories get slipped in, get prime seats, get seen consulting and sharing questions with producers?

Anyway...pointless. You know fuck all.

Try learning something.

BBC Question Time’s definition of balance

Yes it shows that only weirdos like this ukip lad would apply to go on the QT audience in 'different geographical areas' or places as I like to call them. It's not normal behaviour. I wouldn't expect you to understand though dex, on account of you being a weirdo like
zands is a parody account. I lolled tho. I don't know if the audience memeber was a plant or whatever but zands is taking the piss.
Yes it shows that only weirdos like this ukip lad would apply to go on the QT audience in 'different geographical areas' or places as I like to call them. It's not normal behaviour. I wouldn't expect you to understand though dex, on account of you being a weirdo like
You know...that cunt lives near me.

The big man in a local 'flute band'. You really don't know what you're talking about. He's a manky jacket.

Anyway...back to Scotland tonight. I'm listening on google.
Tonight I see that awfully nice James Cleverly is on. One not to be missed.
From Brighton 2/3rds remain. :thumbs:
PS also has Chris Boardman.
It was quite awkward when an audience member got Cleverly and Lewis muddled up, as they are very different.

I was very glad Boardman brought up public health policy funding as a complement to financing the NHS. It always seems to be a overlooked factor, and I believe widely thought to be far more cost-effective than the more hospitals, etc attack lines.
They didn’t seem to know what to do with him, because he was so unaware of reality. Should have just pointed out that this wasn’t a matter of opinion, it is a matter of cold, hard statistical evidence. Also should have pointed out that it is only marginal rates— if he’s earning 80k then he’s entirely unaffected. If it’s 85k then it’s an extra £0.25k a year. This point always seems to get lost
I saw that bit, it was quite strange. He didn't seem to realise that that earning over £80k put him in the top 5% with billionaires because salaries are so low for loads of other people :facepalm:

Twitter saying today that this one is actually a son of a Duke, if true the fact he doesn't know much about what average people earn speaks to him not actually having any experience of such matters.
But leading lawyer Jolyon Maugham tweeted: "Fact. Earning £80,000 a year puts you well into the top *3%* of adult earners."

He added: "£80,000 - what an MP earns - puts you into the top 3% but it doesn't give you the lifestyle the English middle class once had.

"No private school, no comfortable house (certainly not in London), and so on. What we used to call a middle class existence is increasingly unobtainable.

"I'm not playing a violin for him - about 97% have it worse - but it does tell a story about how all the gains are going to an infinitesimally small number of people and how (in a way) everyone else can be cross with justification."
I suppose this just highlights the massive wage gap that there is at the moment. This guy's near the top but doesn't believe it because he's no-where near being a billionaire.

It's no excuse for being so clueless though. Has he not looked at what's been going on for the last 10 years? :rolleyes:
I don't know what I would even do with £80K a year yet alone dream about earning that much!
tbh you live to your means. I make a fair bit more than that, but we have an average size house, second-hand cars, no fancy toys, a non-exotic holiday once a year, and virtually never eat out. I think as your income grows, your expenses just grow to use it up, but so slowly that it's hard to see where it's all actually going - I certainly don't feel like part of the top 2%, although I'd never make as much of an arse of myself as that twat on QT did by claiming that I'm not massively lucky compared to most people in the country.
I think David Lammy makes some good points here - this kind of thing going viral can result in significant ramifications - and while I don't have a great deal of sympathy for this guy, he's mostly just very thick and misinformed. It's been great PR for the Labour Party, but QT probably shouldn't be trolling for clicks with stuff like this...

Sadly I had almost the exact same conversation with someone I know a few months back. Flat out refused to believe that he was "better off than most" despite being in the top 10% of income.
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