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Question Time tonight

I see This Week has been cancelled, good. Less Andrew Niel is always a good thing. Hopefully QT can go next, an audience of plants, honking right wing axe grinders and sundry actors listen to rees mogg defending boer era concentration camps. Burn it all.
Tim Wonacott is currently free to replace him :hmm:
I see This Week has been cancelled, good. Less Andrew Niel is always a good thing

I hope he's got the support of his friends in such times.

It's hard to tell which of the breakaway mob they've got on. One part of the Beeb's website says Anna Soubry, another says Chris Leslie.
JB had to dig himself out of a hole over the thick voters; he did come at it from the wrong angle though. He should have
started it from a personal angle rather than voters generally. Credit though.
There were times when it looked like Andy McDonald was going to explode over some of the things Chris Leslie was saying.
Sadly the Johnson quotes about Muslim women has been quickly forgotten.
Two weeks ago in Motherwell we waited twenty minutes before Fiona Bruce brought in Eunice Olumidi (almost as an afterthought) seated to her far left. Last night it was another twenty minutes before she brought in John Barnes.
What Eunice and John have in common isn't gender.
Fucks sake, some shit from spiked on too

I'll confess that I wasn't aware of the nature of Spiked before last night. I looked them up and it appears they're a mouthpiece for the Koch brothers. Do others think this ought to have been stated by Bruce, for naive people like me, if nothing else?

Also, what do you think about what Barnes briefly touched upon, that Judaism is a religion, not a race? It's something that I've thought about before, for all religions, but never discussed with anyone, so further thoughts would be interesting.
Judaism is religion; Jewishness is about race or ethnicity. But then race is a social construct anyway (unless we're talking about the human race).
Fairly dull this week, I thought. The only notable lowlight was Shriver using India to imply that we, the UK, shouldn't bother doing much to curb GG emissions.
"...a 75% Brexit rather than a 100% Brexit."

I have no idea what Iain Martin was going on about here. Leaving aside the PM's attempts to say what Brexit means, the only thing on the ballot paper was leaving the EU, and that's a binary choice.
I see This Week has been cancelled, good. Less Andrew Niel is always a good thing. Hopefully QT can go next, an audience of plants, honking right wing axe grinders and sundry actors listen to rees mogg defending boer era concentration camps. Burn it all.

I will miss This Week. It was nice to have a political/current affairs program that completely took the piss
Really enjoyed the Belfast audience last night. One audience member accused the Shinner of wanting a hard border to make a united Ireland more likely and another demanded to know when Labour would stand in Norn Ireland. Random scouse bloke also hammered both on universal credit. Let's have it in Belfast every week!
Didn't they get rid of the god bit in court witness statements relatively recently? Would there be all that much objection if they waived it from Parliament?
"You can't make all these questions into binary questions."

Damian Hinds on teaching about LGBT relationships in schools. They'd just finished 45 minutes of talking about an in-out referendum.
How many years away are we from having an episode where there isn’t a question on Europe or Immigration? I reckon at least five.
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