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Question Time tonight

Very rare for me to do this, but I watchesd the end of QT tonight -- last couple of questions.

Who the fuck is this John Rhys-Davis lunatic? I'd never heard of him, but his brain was exploding on public TV!! :eek:
He's a fucking 'luvvie', who fails to realise that the clever people are the ones who write the words that they get paid to spout.
Thing is, they only put him on because they new he would blow a fuse, which presumably is what someone thinks makes good telly, but I'm not convinced that is what QT should be about.

How much does the thinking in the media in this regard account for the rise of the Johnsons, the Farages, the Rees Moggs, even the Trumps? Eccentricity shouldn't be allowed obstruct constructive, objective dialogue. Requiring everything to be framed confrontationally must surely further embed divisions.
Tonight we have Amber Rudd MP, Jonathan Reynolds MP, Anna Soubry MP, Nigel Farage MEP and businessman John Mills, a supporter of Leave Means Leave.

I really hope the QT producers fuck with that line-up and have no questions at all regarding Brexit.
Another question should be 'what were you doing visiting Assange in the Ecuadorean embassy?' and 'I don't recall' is not an acceptable answer. Also why did Roger Stone state that durning the filming of 'Get me Roger Stone' you has a major hissy fit when you unexpectedly encountered the film crew and unequivocally stated that you were not to appear anywhere in the documentary?
He's the BBCs favourite man. And they tax you for the pleasure of being held close to Auntie's soothing bosom. Fucking scam.
The opening paragraph of the opening section is

Labour MEPs in the European Parliament have fought hard to deliver changes that have made a difference to people’s lives.
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