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Question Time tonight

"[the EU] has a court that isn't accountable" said Tim Martin. My understanding is that the UK judiciary is also independent of electoral oversight, so was I misunderstanding what he was saying?
It was entertaining-Bruce allowed the Tottenham Popular Front to build up a head of steam in a way that her predecessor in the Chair never would have done.The format of the programme assumes a respect for the professional opinion of politicians that increasingly seems no longer to be there.No doubt this is because to a man/woman they (the politicians) have demonstrated that they know neither how to deliver Brexit on the one hand or,on the other,how to weasel their way out of delivering it.At this rate by 2020 bankers will be held in higher regard.:eek:
I'd have liked a panelist or an audience member to have mentioned drug legislative reform, in regard to the gangs debate. I get why the Tories are petrified of being seen to be "soft on drugs" - see the reaction to Gove snorting. However, it seems like a fairly open goal for Labour to propose decriminalisation and regulation of the cannabis market, as has happened in multiple other Western states, to various levels of success.
Thank goodness for the last contribution from the audience juxtaposing the 2.4 million spaffed up the wall by the Royals in Frogmore House with the grim conditions facing the four million children currently in poverty.Not even sure that Flint really gets how ugly that is.
For those those of you who haven't seen it, the producers seem to have unearthed another crackpot journalist, "telling it like it is", in the shape of Tom Harwood.
That Tom Harwood is the posh gobshite that spent years hanging round the NUS trying to be the edgy rightwing libertarian counter. Durham or somewhere. Little cunt was always going to get walked into a political career. Probably be a minister in a decade or two
I think there's a dude with a 'Fight for Socialism' and hammer and sickle on it on tonight. Sadly not on the panel.
First time I've watched QT in ages, last time it was still dimbleby. Thought it might be a bit interesting tonight after recent events. What a fucking idiot I am. Four tories on panel and somehow Layla Moran is still the worst one, absolute shit
That Tom Harwood is the posh gobshite that spent years hanging round the NUS trying to be the edgy rightwing libertarian counter. Durham or somewhere. Little cunt was always going to get walked into a political career. Probably be a minister in a decade or two
I get him mixed up with Tom Slater, the little Spiked prick.
Turned it off now. But Thornbury looked weak, Labour not committing to a GE looks shit, and no idea why a labour frontbencher wouldn't just say when asked that Labour will take its own leave deal to a referendum. Allows Bruce to take the piss
She thinks she’s part of the debate. Somebody is attempting to explain their answer, which has some complexity to it, and she interrupts them to bang on with some soundbite “aha”.
Why was Iain Dale so shocked when Thornberry called Johnson a liar? The two fields Dale supposedly knows about are journalism and politics, and Johnson has been sacked from jobs in both for lying.
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