Forced adoptions are not eugenics, though, are they? The women are not being sterilised or murdered, nor are their children.
I would call the designation of women as unfit to breed an act of eugenics, but let's not get bogged down in semantics.
We can agree that murder is one thing, forced sterilisation is another, and the capture of children at birth is a third thing.
How would you answer the question I ended that post with, namely "Do you think the capture of babies from their mothers at birth is any less a crime than the forced sterilisation of women to stop them getting pregnant?"?
I should add that some of us are paying attention to what SS types are saying about this case online, and about the capture of babies at birth generally, and their attitude is expressed as follows:
"Well we can't stop them from having sex, or from having babies, so what do you expect us to do?"
"She's using her fertility as a weapon".
"She thinks she's entitled to have babies whenever she wants".
"I bet they don't bother with contraception".
"That's her thing - pushing out babies in order to fight the system".
"I hope she stays in prison until she's past the menopause".
"She's putting her relationship with him first".
"I bet she saves all her tenderness for him".
Then they make jokes about her choice of footwear
...or the claw clip she uses to hold her hair up...
...or the way she has whispered quietly to her fellow defendant in court
...or the way she has blown him a kiss when they are both leaving the courtroom
...or unpleasant racist jokes about what they call "Irish twins".
The attitude is basically "We know THAT type of woman, and we won't let THAT type of woman get away with it".
They're not seeing her as a human being who wants to raise the children she's had with the partner she loves.
It almost beggars belief, that people who are saying such appalling things seem to think that their targets, their victims, are the ones who are going around thinking they're so entitled.
And they use words and phrases such as "narcissist" and "flat affect" - with all the forensic glee that craniometric terminology was once used by their counterparts in Germany - not realising that their own belief that Constance Marten tried to hide from them, and hide her pregnancy and her baby from them, only because she was trying to make some kind of wicked point "against the system" (which of course in their view a proper person would never do) is a blatant case of the institutional narcissism of tinpot humiliator special police thought.
Is there an SS officer in the country who'd think it was an outrage if a judge ordered Marten to be sterilised? Which, as I've said before, would be against international humanitarian law, and won't happen even if she gets convicted, not officially anyway - but would any SS officer mind if it did? SS officers don't know right from wrong. They don't think that way at all.
Another example of how they think... Constance Marten has revealed that two of her other children when they were in foster care were physically assaulted and spat at. And these SS types online are going
"Well she hasn't got any proof, because spitting doesn't leave any marks".
This is how they view their victims, both parent victims and child victims - as worthless sources where any kind of fact is concerned, obviously especially when it's a fact that puts the SS in a bad light.
They are also going
"Why should SS officers have to come to court in a case like this? Their records should be accepted as fact. Or do you want to bring the family court judge to the witness box too, to explain himself and be cross-examined?"
They want to disclaim responsibility for capturing children, even though it's their lies on the basis of which a child is captured, saying the decision is made by a judge who's completely separate from them. Then afterwards they want to put themselves on the same level as the judge, as someone whose authority must not ever be impugned. They are evil, evil.