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Protest outside Old Bailey in support of Constance Marten & Mark Gordon

A podcast containing a reconstruction of some of today's evidence given by Constance Marten at the Old Bailey:

She's doing extremely well - putting the state on trial, with practically no support from anywhere in the political spectrum.
Pity you weren't kidnapped off your parents at an early age. You might have grown up less of a sick cunt.
Please read the forum rules before you post again. Many thanks.

FYI, the state DID try to kidnap me from my parents when I was 7, and a social worker told a most wicked lie in court, but their case was so utterly absurd and so easily disprovable that it was dismissed by the magistrate. Had things gone differently, I would have been seized there and then. The official who would have seized me came up to my mother and hypocritically said the decision was right and that I would have been "like a fish out of water" in captivity. Obviously he wouldn't have objected to seizing me if the decision had gone the other way. There were strong-looking cops with folded arms guarding the doors to the courtroom.

I know what side I'm on, rather as you appear to know very well what side you're on.

But keep on bravely posting your hate-filled one-liners on the internet calling the opponents of state oppression "sick c***s".
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I won't be apologising.

Have you heard of Plato?
That's a very stupid remark. You might as well cite Egyptian pharoahs. The father of eugenics was Francis Galton. See also Malthus before, Spencer, and then Wells etc. - but of course I am wasting my time on you. The British state right now in the 2020s classifies far more women as unfit to breed than any other, although, who knows, perhaps North Korea gives it a run for its money. Malthusian hatred is shot through the Tory party.
That's a very stupid remark. You might as well cite Egyptian pharoahs. The father of eugenics was Francis Galton. See also Malthus before, Spencer, and then Wells etc. - but of course I am wasting my time on you. The British state right now in the 2020s classifies far more women as unfit to breed than any other, although, who knows, perhaps North Korea gives it a run for its money. Malthusian hatred is shot through the Tory party.
Where is the evidence that the UK state is engaged in a policiy of eugenics? Is it forcibly steralising women? Is it killing the children of women considered to be inferior?
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That's a very stupid remark. You might as well cite Egyptian pharoahs. The father of eugenics was Francis Galton. See also Malthus before, Spencer, and then Wells etc. - but of course I am wasting my time on you. The British state right now in the 2020s classifies far more women as unfit to breed than any other, although, who knows, perhaps North Korea gives it a run for its money. Malthusian hatred is shot through the Tory party.

Its really not a stupid remark, given as you state, you mentioned birthplace. Had you cited modern eugenics then you might have an arguable point but you didn't. Galton, much like yourself, merely took a previously existing theory and moulded it to his own ends.

That said, you seem like the type to not process a differing point of view at all well.
Out of interest, is it just me who's the clown, twat, loon, and all round fucking piece of fucking shit and obvious "freeman of the land" cunt, or is it all the women protestors outside the Old Bailey today, the Support Not Separation coalition that they are from, and all who resist SS persecution, all the families who have fled abroad, and so on? Are we all insane wicked cunts who pose a despicable danger to children, cunts who dare defy the people-serving truth-telling child-respecting heroes of the SS? Constance too is some kind of super-cunt who dared to use her womb against the state, and whom the state was absolutely right to designate as Unfit to Breed, right?

And guess what - this prosecution is about to collapse.

The prosecution are between a rock and a hard place because they can't call Napier Marten to come and tell lies in "rebuttal" of the true statements Constance made in the witness box yesterday.

You might have more of a point if the baby hadn't, y'know, died.
Are we keeping this deluded fuck? I kinda like them. They talk utter bollocks with quite the conviction. It's always interesting to hear what the loonspuds say. It's not like anyone here is gonna buy into it so ulitimatley their drivel is harmless in the grand scheme of things

So either they stay and everyone gets to pull them apart for shits and gigglea


They get banned immediately for being a completely clueless loonspud

editor down to you
Are we keeping this deluded fuck? I kinda like them. They talk utter bollocks with quite the conviction. It's always interesting to hear what the loonspuds say. It's not like anyone here is gonna buy into it so ulitimatley their drivel is harmless in the grand scheme of things

I don't think it's harmless at all. I don't want to come here and be reminded of the fact that there are people who believe that rapists should be allowed to raise children. Every day I work with broken, fucked up kids who have been treated like shit by the people who were supposed to cherish and protect them. Because despite the many people who work tirelessly to safeguard kids, who follow every procedure and ethical standard, who work themselves half to death because they know the vital importance of what they do; the sheer scale of child abuse is insurmountable.

And then you've got some know-nothing weirdo who thinks they're entitled to call social services and child protection workers kidnappers? A trope that puts both them and their work at risk? There should be no platform for that shit. It's not funny.
I don't think it's harmless at all. I don't want to come here and be reminded of the fact that there are people who believe that rapists should be allowed to raise children. Every day I work with broken, fucked up kids who have been treated like shit by the people who were supposed to cherish and protect them. Because despite the many people who work tirelessly to safeguard kids, who follow every procedure and ethical standard, who work themselves half to death because they know the vital importance of what they do; the sheer scale of child abuse is insurmountable.

And then you've got some know-nothing weirdo who thinks they're entitled to call social services and child protection workers kidnappers? A trope that puts both them and their work at risk? There should be no platform for that shit. It's not funny.
Fair point. I work in social care and have dealt with safeguarding all my career. When I say harmless I mean in terms of its not going to make anyone here on urban consider the bullshit anything other than bullshit it is.
Much as I enjoy playing with my food, I'm with SpookyFrank on this - not least because this creatures fellow weirdos will be be drawn here by finding the key words on Google, and soon we'll be infested with them.

Anyone in education will have had to deal with the fall out of attitudes - and the actions that come with them in the way children are treated - like the ones espoused by this monster/conspiraloon/grifter - and they are not funny.
I don't think it's harmless at all. I don't want to come here and be reminded of the fact that there are people who believe that rapists should be allowed to raise children. Every day I work with broken, fucked up kids who have been treated like shit by the people who were supposed to cherish and protect them. Because despite the many people who work tirelessly to safeguard kids, who follow every procedure and ethical standard, who work themselves half to death because they know the vital importance of what they do; the sheer scale of child abuse is insurmountable.

And then you've got some know-nothing weirdo who thinks they're entitled to call social services and child protection workers kidnappers? A trope that puts both them and their work at risk? There should be no platform for that shit. It's not funny.

I dunno how we've got to 3 pages. There's a dead child at the centre of this and someone defending those responsible. They should be fucked off asap.
This and this. It’s not fun; it’s not funny: it’s deeply weird and unsettling. This person is dangerous and we don’t have to entertain them here.
I dunno how we've got to 3 pages. There's a dead child at the centre of this and someone defending those responsible. They should be fucked off asap.
We would probably show more empathy with this women carrying around their dead child if she wasn’t an aristocrat with funds. It’s not uncommon. It is uncommon to be prosecuted in this manner though.
We would probably show more empathy with this women carrying around their dead child if she wasn’t an aristocrat with funds. It’s not uncommon. It is uncommon to be prosecuted in this manner though.
At the risk of continuing this thread, (I think there's another discussing this?), I do feel sympathy for everyone concerned. It's an awful case all round. The OP has clearly got their own issues surrounding the situation but the way it's framed here is shit - and as Danny said, weird and unsettling. Though the whole case could be described that way I guess.
At the risk of continuing this thread, (I think there's another discussing this?), I do feel sympathy for everyone concerned. It's an awful case all round. The OP has clearly got their own issues surrounding the situation but the way it's framed here is shit - and as Danny said, weird and unsettling. Though the whole case could be described that way I guess.
It would more normally be a prosecution for infantacide and that would be rare. Her being white and posh and god forbid having a relationship with a black man was the fuel for the media to attack.
I've been following this case fairly closely and there's some very weird stuff going on. I feel pretty sorry for Constance Martin.
It’s not going to be helped by secretive proceedings in the family courts. I doubt she can legally reference what happened in those proceedings so a huge bit of context is unavailable.
And then you've got some know-nothing weirdo who thinks they're entitled to call social services and child protection workers kidnappers? A trope that puts both them and their work at risk? There should be no platform for that shit. It's not funny.

It also deflects from the real issues surrounding social services. All my interactions with them scream to me of a service that is underfunded and suffering from staffing turnover and spreadsheet management.

I don't have any real insight into the situation as my interactions with them are very limited so take this with a pinch of salt.
It also deflects from the real issues surrounding social services. All my interactions with them scream to me of a service that is underfunded and suffering from staffing turnover and spreadsheet management.

I don't have any real insight into the situation as my interactions with them are very limited so take this with a pinch of salt.
I have worked with lots of social workers and many are shocking.
I am sort of interested how this lot can insist that they're both totally innocent, so I'll give the poster a while to add more details, otherwise the bin awaits.

Please read the forum rules before continuing to post.

The original thread on what is now an ongoing criminal trial - begun on 18 January 2023. This appears to be the fourth (?) thread on it - does anyone know why there is a need for multiple threads on the same ongoing criminal case?

And guess what - this prosecution is about to collapse.

Could you clarify either what you understand by this phrase or what it is that you intend others to understand by this phrase?

Anyone who has been following this ongoing criminal trial (or anyone who is capable of searching the internet for reports on it) will already be aware that the case for the prosecution closed at the end of February (2024) and that far from collapsing, it having been determined that the defendants have a case to answer, the trial had been hearing the evidence called on behalf of the defendants during the two weeks prior to what you have claimed on 14 March 2024.

At this stage, the prosecution case cannot collapse - it has already ended.

This ongoing trial can, however, "collapse" if for example (just one example), you and / or others, commit a statutory contempt of court under the Contempt of Court Act 1981, which criminalises the publication of material which creates a substantial risk that the course of justice in the relevant proceedings would be seriously impeded or prejudiced, by the publication on an internet messageboard of material deemed to fall into that category regarding an ongoing criminal trial.

Is this actually what you are hoping to achieve, or alternatively, can you clarify what you intend others to understand from your commentary on the ongoing proceedings?
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