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Protest outside Old Bailey in support of Constance Marten & Mark Gordon

If my daughter was living in a tent with a convicted rapist and their newborn baby, I'd use any funds at my disposal to attempt to intervene to protect that child, especially if at a later date, my daughter "accidentally fell out of a window" while pregnant.

You're a fantasist CharlotteF1 . And your predictions of what will happen in court in this case will prove to be fantasy too. This case proves your fantasies are outright dangerous when they collide with reality.
Anyway I can't stay here all day.
Watch out for further protest demos outside the Old Bailey, those who are interested.

If you are against SS persecution and kidnapping, and against the attempt to keep these innocent and loving parents in prison, please attend a demo if you can.

The best site at which to stay informed is currently Support Not Separation:

Out of interest, is it just me who's the clown, twat, loon, and all round fucking piece of fucking shit and obvious "freeman of the land" cunt, or is it all the women protestors outside the Old Bailey today, the Support Not Separation coalition that they are from, and all who resist SS persecution, all the families who have fled abroad, and so on? Are we all insane wicked cunts who pose a despicable danger to children, cunts who dare defy the people-serving truth-telling child-respecting heroes of the SS? Constance too is some kind of super-cunt who dared to use her womb against the state, and whom the state was absolutely right to designate as Unfit to Breed, right?

And guess what - this prosecution is about to collapse.

The prosecution are between a rock and a hard place because they can't call Napier Marten to come and tell lies in "rebuttal" of the true statements Constance made in the witness box yesterday.

Just because the two have supporters does not make the supporters right or informed.
Andrew Wakefield had a lot of supporters but was a terrible person and has indirectly caused the deaths of 1000s through vaccine hesitancy.
The video of his supporters outside the hearing to get him struck off chanting "We're with Wakefield" is really sad. It shows their ignorance and delusion.
What's it awkward for? Contents of bag are accepted by prosecution and defence.
It is awkward for you, because you were suggesting that the reference to the Lodl bag was invented by The Sun, and you condemned someone for referring to it.

Do you think it is acceptable to put a dead baby in a carrier bag with old newspapers and empty cans?
I just also want to point out that even if her parents did have PIs trailing them around the country wrecking their cars as soon as they'd bought them but somehow not being able to tell Police and SS where they were, that isn't relevant to the offence of gross negligence manslaughter. Even if true (spoilers....) it won't get the judge to magically dismiss the case.
I'm usually interested to hear other peoples opinions, even when totally at odds with my own I can often at least understand where the person is coming from.

I can understand that there are cases where social services fucks up and can be overbearing. I can see how there are kids taken into care who go from the frying pan and into the fire and I can see how people affected by any of this will be suspicious of the authorities and reporting around cases like this. It's healthy to be sceptical after all.

Here however I can see absolutely no redeeming factors. By all means campaign about the negatives of the social services and care system but the people hitching their trailer to this wagon are just undermining any valid work that needs to be done in this area.

This thread's existence has been completely justified by this video, it's fucking awesome, it's just so typically Scouse that it brought tears to my eyes.

As for a dozen idiots demonstrating outside the court so what? In a nation of near enough 70 million people you can find a handful daft enough to support anything. Social Services always has to walk a fine line, if they take kids from their parents wrongly then they get panned for it, if they don't and the kids die then they get panned for that. I would imagine that the vast majority of people in the UK today reckon that in this case they made the right call.
Anyway I can't stay here all day.
Watch out for further protest demos outside the Old Bailey, those who are interested.

If you are against SS persecution and kidnapping, and against the attempt to keep these innocent and loving parents in prison, please attend a demo if you can.

The best site at which to stay informed is currently Support Not Separation:

There is something seriously wrong with you. You are using this case to further what I would imagine are your own grievances.

Nothing I have read from you (on this thread and in your previous avatars) has been framed around the needs or voices of children. It's all about blameless parents versus the 'evil' powers of statutory intervention.

Do you imagine that social workers get a kick out of this stuff? A power trip? What are social services for, in your opinion? These systems are far from perfect but to suggest they are predicated on oppression and eugenics is frankly offensive bollocks. Maybe it's just psychologically easier for you to frame things in this way, because then certain realities don't have to be acknowledged. By the way, there is no pleasure in this horrible but sadly necessary task.

I hope you find peace. Genuinely.
You're just repeating the prosecution and tabloid line, adding in your own fantasy about corpse violation. Preferenced own needs (really?), were "repeatedly advised" (health visitors tell everyone about co-sleeping), festival tent (yawn - what even is one of those?), fleeing to Ireland (yes - it's a shame they didn't succeed - in practically no other country in the world is there such a high rate of forced adoption as there is in Britain, the birthplace of eugenics, or the designation of so many women as unfit to breed), handing over their baby to a trusted person (is it wrong to use such means when you're under SS persecution?), and lastly we who support this couple are a disgrace to millions of volk who love the state just as they should do, especially when they're in hardship.

Her trust fund is totally irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether she benefits from 10 trust funds. If you knew more about this case, you'd know her parents and especially her father were helping to sicc the SS (and courts) on to them, as well as having had her watched by private investigators for years. Her father is having his actions blow up in his face right now. They can't call him to rebut, but they can't not call him to rebut, so how does the judge direct the jury in relation to the evidence she gave yesterday? Bit of a difficult one. The court is sitting today, but in the absence of the jury - they've been told there's no need for their presence for the whole of today. The likelihood is the prosecution will "offer no evidence" on Monday morning - bang, acquittal. Victory.

You'd have supported the Magdalene Laundries while they were running, and the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. What the SS does now in Britain is a similar evil. how did the baby die? why were all her others taken into care.
Comparing social services to the Nazi SS would be quite offensive if it weren’t so monumentally stupid.
There might be a legitimate issue here, I don't know. But this case is not the one to make a stand one.

I can't help but think they are only doing it as it is high profile and will get them some publicity. But its a bad idea if that is the case in my opinion.
I think it is probably true to say that it was in Britain that the modern pseudo-scientific doctrine of eugenics was developed, but the question of where it was first formulated is irrelevant. Eugenics is a doctrine according to which people who are designated as inferior should not be allowed to reproduce. Women have been sterilised in some countries in some periods on the basis of this doctrine. In one particular well-known example of eugenics, children considered inferior were murdered.

The woman in question has not been forcibly sterilised. The state has not stopped her “breeding”. The children of the woman in question have not been killed by the state. On the contrary, the state is looking after her children (with exception of the last one).

The practice of the state with respect to this woman has not been an example of eugenics, either in theory or in practice.

I accept that there have been cases in which children have been wrongly separated from their parents by the state. However, that does not mean that all removals of children have been unjust. To argue otherwise is to commit a logical fallacy. That there are some people who have been wrongly imprisoned for murders that they did not commit does not mean that every person imprisoned for murder is innocent of that crime.
It is awkward for you, because you were suggesting that the reference to the Lodl bag was invented by The Sun, and you condemned someone for referring to it.

Do you think it is acceptable to put a dead baby in a carrier bag with old newspapers and empty cans?
Get with the paradigm, daddio - to mention that the child's lifeless body was found in a Lidl bag means that you are a brain-dead Sun-reading moron; whereas to be a reader of the Sun, and to put your child's lifeless body into a Lidl bag, along with sundry items of rubbish including old newspapers and empty drink cans, pending a putative autopsy some time in the non-defined future, is of course the clear sign of a well-balanced and loving parent.
Anyway I can't stay here all day.
Watch out for further protest demos outside the Old Bailey, those who are interested.

If you are against SS persecution and kidnapping, and against the attempt to keep these innocent and loving parents in prison, please attend a demo if you can.

The best site at which to stay informed is currently Support Not Separation:

Pity you weren't kidnapped off your parents at an early age. You might have grown up less of a sick cunt.
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