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Prince Harry

I was being flippant earlier, but let’s face it - a lot of people would be talking about stockpiling food and medicines without Harry & Megz’ efforts.
My nephew met Camilla last year and is a big fan now (he’s 9). :D
When I was about 9, (LONG LONG time ago) Brenda and Phil the Greek came to my home town, all the kids were gathered up and marched (2 or 3 miles in my case) to go and stand around outside the factory they were visiting to watch and cheer them on, some of us were given flags to wave as well. looking back I think that was the beginning of the end for my support for a hereditary Monarchy.
They wouldn't bother me at all if it was all just more Benelux/Scandi, and we had some token family who came out to wave once a year for Brendas birthday, and we'd all get the day off to get pissed, and they weren't constantly the center of a tabloid masturbatathon. It'd still suck but fine, I'd live with it.

But no we have to endure this ridiculous soap opera over every single thing the main ones do, what they wear, who's fallen out with who, and which faction is talking to the other. And then pay vast sums for the upkeep of the other hangers on (Andrew and Edwards lot). It's such bollocks.
Even if I were the most fervent monarchist I think I'd think that there was a definite oversupply of balding fete-openers and honorary regimental colonels and so on. How many do they need? After their obligatory stints in the forces, with greater or lesser success, the male royals, which now number Charles, Andrew (now not so much) Edward, William and Harry, with their respective offspring joining their ranks in a couple of decades, represent far too many people on the pay-roll. Without a clear reason for the existence of so many of them. It is a bit thinned out by Andrew's 'departure' and Harry's too is welcome in terms of the firm's viability. The women follow a similar pattern: Anne seemed to keep herself busy being the patron of this and that but Andy's ludicrous pretension that his girls could play a role as royal princesses and take end-to-end holidays won't prosper now. He's fucked it for them too. So a bit of a cull.

So perhaps this little thinning-out won't harm the monarchy at all. They've let go a couple of reps from their ever growing work-force, that's all. It might even help.

Edward, Andy's kids, Ann's kids, etc, aren't on the payroll. They get a security team but don't get any crown funding. Poor things survive on their immense wealth.
Morgan would occupy the Fox freak zone in the US. Here, he's a mainstream guy.

Nah, it’s the other way around. He’s an absolute cunt here but he sells papers and gets headlines which is media priority these days (we are well past even a fig lead of media being to inform and educate, all about cash) he’s still not mainstream but gets wheeled out to generate headlines.

The US has some absolutely incredible freaks working in its media, it’s entire apparatus is a joke. Entire channels of satire masquerading as news.
The US has some absolutely incredible freaks working in its media, it’s entire apparatus is a joke. Entire channels of satire masquerading as news.

I don't know. The last time I was there I was struck by the fact that although there's an enormous quantity of shamelessly biased OTT shite, there are also spaces there where they have people on who'll talk about things at length and in depth without patronising the audience. Here there's almost no room for that - even the better stuff is brief and is dumbed down to a degree.
I don't take any papers but I heard how many pages have been dedicated to this in the red tops and it seems rather ridiculous what with all the rest of what is happening in the world.

So Harry and Megan want to have a more normal life? yes, well so what?
Seriously fucked. Can you imagine the Redfern Address coming from a British PM or monarch? I can only imagine what happened as the returnees from Empire slid back into their home counties nests and boosted Powell while engaging in all the revolting and exploitative practices that Empire allowed.

I've no issue at all with any of the above, but where on earth is any logical connection between the above and this .... ??

No wonder so many paedos had so much reign in the UK.

Whilst not a huge fan of the Queen I do have a soft spot. I mean Bohemian Rhapsody is undoubtably a classic and Another One Bites the Dust is pretty good.
Nah, she ain't no human bean!

Joking aside though, good for H&M for having the courage to go it alone. Harry in particular did not ask to be born into royalty, and both him and Meghan are adults with the right to make their own choices. Most of us have made decisions our parents didn't like or agree with, and it doesn't mean you don't love or respect your family.

Anyway, forgive me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it have been William who inherited the throne as the eldest child anyway?
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