I found the interview excruciating partly because of the hints at how the other half live, "just an ordinary shooting weekend" or addressing his wife as "the Duchess", Epstein's many houses as "just convenient places to stay", and that he pretty much excused Epstein's paedophilia and didn't regret being friends with him because he opened lots of doors to the famous and well heeled. He has no clue how ordinary people live.
"Perhaps I am just too honourable" - what an amazingly arrogant thing to say in the context of underage girls being trafficked and abused.
And not a peep of concern or even sympathy about the victims. The photo denial (never been upstairs), the sweating just bizzare. I expect there will be fact checking going on about pizza dates and the like.
I am not surprised corporate Britain is disassociating itself, the idea a prince front an entrepreneurs entity is odd in any case. (That said the PYBT which was Charles' thing seemed quite good).
I thought Emily Maitliss got the balance about right, she didn't need to press, because he hung himself quite adequately and every right thinking person will know that an unprovable claim not to know where the bar is in the Tramp nightclub is a pretty weak defence against any charge.
Whether he gives evidence under oath to anyone or not I doubt Andrew will be travelling to the USA again any time soon.