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Yeah. I avoid veggie dishes with aubergine in due to the odds it'll be cooked badly. Same with courgettes - often slathered in oil. I was once served horizontally sliced courgette that felt exactly like putting a tongue in my mouth, and not in a good way.
they are delicious with just a little bit of oil, garlic and good tomatoes - possibly my favourite side dish to go with lamb, or anything really
Halloumi is sooo salty.
I think people have very different ideas about saltiness though. i saw a colleague shake so much salt onto their microwave carbonara today that they couldn't help notice my glassy-eyed shock. i didn't know what to say, except offer to call them an ambulance.
Cream cheese is an abomination, butter is disgusting unless it’s been cooked till it’s very brown and nutty, mashed potatoes are horribly grim pap. Tongue is delicious and instant coffee can be delicious.
I like halloumi. Quickly fried, great. Jacket, salad, coleslaw, loads of halloumi, lovely. Halloumi fries and burgers are shit tbf.
Aubergines are a thing many people cook badly. You need to slice them up, cover them in salt for a bit then rinse the salt off before cooking.

That is so true. I've only just got into doing this recently and it really does make a difference, despite a lot of recipes/food writers telling you not to bother.
Tried that, no joy.

I’ve had some great dishes with aubergine in, mind, just no good with them myself.
Aubergine needs to be cooked for a long time, that's normally the problem. It should melt in your mouth and have no firm texture whatever anywhere. Stewed aubergine is great. Slow-cooked for hours in a stew or curry with lamb or ox cheek is a very good way to have it. But under no circumstances should it be served undercooked.
Cake is bullshit. You’re supposed to be excited about cake, someone’s made a cake and brought it to the office. No. Bring me a sandwich or some crisps or meat or something. Not this Victoria sponge travesty. Lemon drizzle. Come on its not that exciting.
Even though I love to bake I mainly do so to make others happy or to celebrate.
I have much more of a savoury tooth.
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Toast should be cooled before buttering to stop the butter melting and maintain a layer of butter that can be tasted on top of the toast rather than separating and disappearing into the bread below.

Oat porridge should only be made with water, never milk. Adding peanut butter, chocolate and/or jam is fine though.

Milk as a drink is for children. This includes adding to tea or coffee. The only acceptable hot drink with milk in it is hot chocolate which is for children.

Eating sugar straight from the packet with a spoon is a sign of a sophisticated palate.

The best biscuit ever is the party ring.
You will be the first against the wall out of everyone here :facepalm:
I have to have HP sauce on my fish and chips. Its just not the same without. I always get strange looks from people serving me, and whoever I'm eating with. Seems completely natural to me as its what my mum does. I think it might be an export from Belfast where my folks are from.

If you've never tried it you really ought to.

View attachment 190980
I quite like a splodge of HP and a splodge of mayo together with my fish and chips.
Aubergines are a thing many people cook badly. You need to slice them up, cover them in salt for a bit then rinse the salt off before cooking.

I heard this was no longer the case as the variety most commonly eaten over here now has been bred to render this unnecessary.

Not a fan, have only cooked with them a couple of times. Once doing the salt thing. Neither effort delivered repeat worthy results.
I heard this was no longer the case as the variety most commonly eaten over here now has been bred to render this unnecessary.
Yes. It was to remove the bitterness, which you don't need to do anymore. Same with courgettes. Aubergines don't need the arse cooking out of them. I even do them in stir fries cubed.
Yes. It was to remove the bitterness, which you don't need to do anymore. Same with courgettes. Aubergines don't need the arse cooking out of them. I even do them in stir fries cubed.

Stir fry, that could work. I might try them again with sesame oil.
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