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Post your most controversial food/drink opinions

I don't think Heston Blumenthal is the best thing to happen to food. Watching an interview with him on TV right now and I said to Nate "what is he on about?" and Nate replied "it's like he's been hit on the head and they are trying to keep him talking until an ambulance turns up"
Milk goes well in most herbal teas.

A spoon of tahini in baked beans makes them taste better.

Garlic granules are great and just as good as fresh garlic for some things.
Various vegan versions of dairy products taste nicer than the dairy does. Things I’ve found fit this tendency so far include; yogurt, hard cheese, milk, ice cream, & single cream.
It doesn’t work in anything with lemon or other citrus obviously but anything with cinnamon licorice or ginger - spicy type stuff - is very nice with a bit of milk... and once you’ve done that, adding milk to mint or chamomile or other flowery or leafy teas doesn’t seem that odd... I like it sometimes.

Acquired taste yes. I get weird looks when I do it in company and no one’s thus far agreed to make a cup like that for me.
Toast should be cooled before buttering to stop the butter melting and maintain a layer of butter that can be tasted on top of the toast rather than separating and disappearing into the bread below.

Oat porridge should only be made with water, never milk. Adding peanut butter, chocolate and/or jam is fine though.

Milk as a drink is for children. This includes adding to tea or coffee. The only acceptable hot drink with milk in it is hot chocolate which is for children.

Eating sugar straight from the packet with a spoon is a sign of a sophisticated palate.

The best biscuit ever is the party ring.
Various vegan versions of dairy products taste nicer than the dairy does. Things I’ve found fit this tendency so far include; yogurt, hard cheese, milk, ice cream, & single cream.
Soymilk definitely better in tea, not so greasy.
Threads where people post their opinions about what foods they like and don't like, and then argue with people who have different opinions about what foods they like and don't like are generally boring and pointless.
Milk should always go first in tea.

Baked beans do not belong on a baked potato and if it’s a full English then they have to be served in a separate dish because beans can not touch egg.

Chip buttys are disgusting.
Instant coffee IS better than any other kind.

Marrow is shit. Sweet potato likewise. And parsnips are sweet wood and are therefore bokeadelic.

Croissants are irritating to eat and not in the same league as breakfast muffins, toast or crumpets.

Cheddar is the best cheese.

Cookie dough is for developmentally arrested people.

Tinned taties are ace.

Steak is boring.

Crackling is disgusting.
I agree with you about steak. It is really boring. And before anyone starts, I have had "good" steaks. Still found them boring. It's something I never eat any more.

Avocados taste quite nasty and have a horrible texture.
I agree with you about steak. It is really boring. And before anyone starts, I have had "good" steaks. Still found them boring. It's something I never eat any more.

Avocados taste quite nasty and have a horrible texture.
The avocados in the UK are boring, watery, tasteless. Here I can get them directly from the tree. They're totally different.
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I've had them in Australia where all the fresh produce is phenomenal

I found food in Oz expensive, often crap and unimaginative and the super market produce limited in range and` of poor quality. I was served tinned fruit for breakfast in a hotel. The exceptions were the market in Hobart, on board ship (fresh fish) and Japanese food.
I found food in Oz expensive, often crap and unimaginative and the super market produce limited in range and` of poor quality. I was served tinned fruit for breakfast in a hotel. The exceptions were the market in Hobart, on board ship (fresh fish) and Japanese food.
Well it is a big country and I guess there is shit food available like everywhere else.
I've only ever had superb fruit and veg in Oz. I guess we buy from fruit and veg shops rather than supermarkets but the stuff is amazing.
There's an unbelievable fish market where my sister lives as well.
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