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Political polling

Is it even necessary for Labour to have an absolutist Brexit/remain belief? Both positions are a means to an end, they shouldn’t be a thing in themselves. Labour could reasonably have a position about what they want to achieve and be happy to use either being in or out of the EU to achieve that aim.

Not saying that’s what’s happening, but I don’t think it’s inherently unreasonable
They don't really have any choice I don't think - full engagement with leave or remain would destroy them.
Not really disagreeing with you. In the absence of any bigger political project by Labour/Corbyn/Momentum, fully committing the party would be a tactical mistake. It's the absence of that wider project that's the problem...

... which takes mo to actually agreeing with kabbes above. If the starting point was a wider politics, whether it be anticapitalist or just a more robust social democracy, leave/remain should become a second order question. Can the left project best be achieved in or out, but the left project/working class politics is the starting point.
Brexit eats up everything and it's a bit difficult to see through the noise of it, but Labour has been rolling out new policy constantly - in the last week they've announced plans to spend a billion quid on buses & cancelling SATs that I can remember, but there's loads more. Maybe one of the reasons they're able to do this is because their position on brexit opens up some space for them to talk about other things. I think that's certainly what they're trying to do.
(also, their new party political broadcast is a slammer)

Quite biblical really, the Parable of the Talents. Which, if I remember correctly, ends with the useless servant billionaire being cast into the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. :thumbs:

Interesting You give poll for the Euros in London.

Chuk on 17%

Greens, LibDems on 10% only 1% behind the Tories.
The formula was mentioned upthread I think, but it's not fully proportional. It's something like a series of 'rounds' which allocate seats to the highest vote rather than re-allocating losing candidate's votes. Lab may get 2 or 3 seats, brexit and chuks 2? Libdems or Greens may well miss out on those figures.
The formula was mentioned upthread I think, but it's not fully proportional. It's something like a series of 'rounds' which allocate seats to the highest vote rather than re-allocating losing candidate's votes. Lab may get 2 or 3 seats, brexit and chuks 2? Libdems or Greens may well miss out on those figures.
Yep; D'Hondt, innit?

Yep. In my shaky maths, I presume they have to do it like that because it's a party list system. Other PR systems require there to be individual votes for individual candidates.
Yep, does not effect the most proportional outcome, but does work to give whole seat totals with no fractions etc. and favoured by the Eurocrats as it slightly privileges big parties & groupings...keeping out the riff raff.
Yep, does not effect the most proportional outcome, but does work to give whole seat totals with no fractions etc. and favoured by the Eurocrats as it slightly privileges big parties & groupings...keeping out the riff raff.
Similar to those more straightforward PR systems in the past which had a minimum 'threshold', to stop 'extremists' getting in.
It's good line drawing politics that vid.

(Obv usual stuff applies blah blah)
Yeah, regardless of what you think about Labour's politics, they've done a really good job on political broadcasts/adverts for a while now.

EDIT: On D'Hondt, this chart showing lowest % vote for seats might of some use. From twitter so apologies if not accurate.

HnH predicting 3 seats for ChUK BTW - London, SE and Eastern England
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Yep. In my shaky maths, I presume they have to do it like that because it's a party list system. Other PR systems require there to be individual votes for individual candidates.
Nah, the Australian senate election is STV where you can still vote for a party
Nah, the Australian senate election is STV where you can still vote for a party
My hurried dash to Wikipedia suggests they now have a system where you can vote by either party or candidate - and also that none of their systems work that well. Must work though*, not read it properly.
Australian Senate - Wikipedia

* I mean I must do some work, not that I endorse Aussie electoral systems. :oops:
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(also, their new party political broadcast is a slammer)

That’s a great ad.

I’m struggling to see what it’s got to do with local elections though. Last I checked, the district councillors had very little ability to reverse tax cuts for billionaires.
Mood music I guess. Let's be honest, the story they could tell about local government would be less compelling. All parties do the dogshit work equally well, so the only thing they can really point to is administering cuts with less of a smile on their faces.
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