Slouching towards Billingham
I suppose my wet blanket reply is that they probably haven't done that i.e. that this poll isn't correct or at least doesn't represent what will happen on the day (and what happens on the day will of course have an element of voter suppression). But running with the scenario of this poll, I still don't quite see what the connection has been between, specifically, young voters and Labour. Labour have been a shambles since 2015 with regard to the basics of being a functioning machine, getting any kind of message out. Yes, there's certainly been a message in Labour's policies and manifesto that should have appealed to working class voters - but let's be clear, until 2 weeks ago Labour were still seen as a shambles.Because Labour have managed to position themselves as a positive choice rather than a 'least bad' option this time round. Or rather, I think they might have managed to do both: enthuse a whole load of people as a positive choice, and now they're scooping up the least bad vote.
I think ultimately all the things we know about are still in play, people feeling abandoned by politicians, everything feeling adrift, a dreadfully uninspiring Tory leader, class mapping onto electoral politics in quite indirect ways. All of the leading to greater volatility, even to the point where answering a poll is no longer about actually stating how you intend to vote. AKA I don't know what the fuck is happening.