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Police officer shot dead in Croydon police custody centre, 25th Sept 2020

I'm a bit confused by the shooting himself part as well. I imagine it is pretty easy to shoot yourself in the leg or anywhere below the waistline. But the neck? Or anywhere else you would expect to be lethal? Seems more of a challenge.

Accidental, so it seems.
If no positives whotsoever have come from this event, then your lack of empathy for the killed policeman's family and friends is even more stark. They've lost a loved one and all you can do is shrug and mumble something about the capitalist class, even though apparently, whether this cop is alive or not has no effect on their interests and the extent to which they are protected.

Well then, someone more qualified than me can deliver the bad news. Oh wait, it was never my job in the first place, so this pathetic attempt at emotional manipulation is an entirely pointless exercise on your part. It's pretty fucking obvious that you're using this story as an opportunity for mucking about. Pretty hypocritical coming from someone apparently so concerned about the deceased and the feelings of their kin.
People die every day. Do you reckon the dead cop read the obituaries every night, clutching a box of Kleenex?

One positive that'll come from it is it won't happen again, or at least measures will be put in place to try to ensure it never happens again.
sadly no obstacles have been placed in the way of teuchter posting arrant shite
Well then, someone more qualified than me can deliver the bad news. Oh wait, it was never my job in the first place, so this pathetic attempt at emotional manipulation is an entirely pointless exercise on your part. It's pretty fucking obvious that you're using this story as an opportunity for mucking about. Pretty hypocritical coming from someone apparently so concerned about the deceased and the feelings of their kin.
surprised yer man's not fussing about locks on revolvers
Well then, someone more qualified than me can deliver the bad news. Oh wait, it was never my job in the first place, so this pathetic attempt at emotional manipulation is an entirely pointless exercise on your part. It's pretty fucking obvious that you're using this story as an opportunity for mucking about. Pretty hypocritical coming from someone apparently so concerned about the deceased and the feelings of their kin.
No-one is asking you to deliver any news to anyone. You volunteered the information that the news of this person's death provokes nothing more than a shrug from you. The reason you posted that was to make your political point, which you are now getting indignant about being questioned on.
No-one is asking you to deliver any news to anyone. You volunteered the information that the news of this person's death provokes nothing more than a shrug from you. The reason you posted that was to make your political point

Incorrect. You asked a question. I answered. Now you're grousing because "urbans ACAB contingent" isn't playing by the rules of your shitty trolling.

Suck it up.
I'm missing some detail here. Is the following known.

That the purp was still cuffed when in the cell?
Was this a cell in the main detention area where he'd be expected to stay over night?
Presumably arestees in those aren't left cuffed unless demonstrably dangerous.
I'm missing some detail here. Is the following known.

That the purp was still cuffed when in the cell?
Was this a cell in the main detention area where he'd be expected to stay over night?
Presumably arestees in those aren't left cuffed unless demonstrably dangerous.

As far as can be ascertained, he was in a custody centre and had been placed in a holding cell prior to search and processing, when the door was opened to commence the search and processing he let rip and the officer of the law suddenly became attractive to David Cameron.
As far as can be ascertained, he was in a custody centre and had been placed in a holding cell prior to search and processing, when the door was opened to commence the search and processing he let rip and the officer of the law suddenly became attractive to David Cameron.
again that's really strange as last time i was nicked i was searched in the area in front of the custody desk before having belt and boot laces taken and being placed in a cell
Yeah, AFAIK you're searched at the desk and sign a chit to acknowledge this is your stuff. But if it was busy...
Yeah, AFAIK you're searched at the desk and sign a chit to acknowledge this is your stuff. But if it was busy...

Yeah, normally they keep you outside in the van until the custody area is free, but in Covid times possibly they move you to a holding cell.

Once I was nicked in Oxford alongside 114 close friends and none of us were searched before being placed in two large holding cells, one fella felt it would be a better option to give everyone present a bean than allow plod to find them, so by the time they went to start taking us for processing everyone was up and dancing to the sound of the hot water pipe gurgling away. A large number of hours later and after we had all been searched, a spliff went round, so searches, yeah, triff...

Police are continuing to search farmland in Surrey which is believed to be connected to the murder of Sgt Matiu Ratana.
Five police vehicles were seen at the site in Park Road, Banstead, on Monday.

A man was also arrested in Norwich on suspicion of supplying a firearm on Sunday. He remains in custody at a South London police station.

Police confirmed the other scenes undergoing searches are Croydon Custody Centre, where the shooting occurred, an area of London Road in Pollards Hill, where the suspect was initially arrested, and an address in Southbrook Road, Norbury.

Going all out here, same as when they shot Jean Charles de Menezes, only in his case it was all out to smear the poor sod and muddy the waters.
"We here observe the high-principled genius in his world-redeeming anger fantastically justifying and exaggerating the infamies of the bourgeoisie. If the English bourgeoisie equated paupers with criminals in order to create a deterrent to pauperism and brought into being the Poor Law of 1834, Carlyle accuses the paupers of high treason because pauperism generates pauperism. Just as previously the ruling class that had arisen in the course of history, the industrial bourgeoisie, was privy to genius simply by virtue of ruling, so now any oppressed class, the more deeply it is oppressed, the more is it excluded from genius and the more is it exposed to the raging fury of our unrecognised reformer. So it is here with the paupers.” But his morally noble wrath reaches its highest peak with regard to those who are absolutely vile and ignoble, the “scoundrels,” i.e. criminals. He treats of these in the pamphlet on Model Prisons.
This pamphlet is distinguished from the first only by a fury much greater, yet all the cheaper for being directed against those officially expelled from established society, against people behind bars; a fury which sheds even that little shame which the ordinary bourgeois still for decency's sake display. Just as in the first pamphlet Carlyle erects a complete hierarchy of Nobles and seeks out the Noblest of the Noble, so here he arranges an equally complete hierarchy of scoundrels and villains and exerts himself in hunting down the worst of the bad, the supreme scoundrel in England, for the exquisite pleasure of hanging him. Assuming he were to catch him and hang him; then another will be our Worst and must be hanged in turn, and then another again, until the turn of the Noble and then the More Noble is reached and finally no one is left but Carlyle, the Noblest, who as persecutor of scoundrels is at once the murderer of the Noble and has murdered what is noble even in the scoundrels; the Noblest of the Noble, who is suddenly transformed into the Vilest of Scoundrels and as such must hang himself. With that, all questions concerning government, state, the organisation of labour, and the hierarchy of the Noble would be resolved and the eternal law of nature realised at last."

Engels on Tommy Carlyle, 1850, trolling yer position. Keep up, chief.
Are you suggesting that those who sign up to the job do so in ignorance that many hundreds of their former colleagues have died in the line of duty as a direct result of crime?
I doubt that many hundreds of British cops have died "in the line of duty" Even if you went back to the time of Robert Peel and inckude those who had heart attacks whilst in hot pursuit of doughnut thieves.
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