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Police officer shot dead in Croydon police custody centre, 25th Sept 2020

Are you suggesting that those who sign up to the job do so in ignorance that many hundreds of their former colleagues have died in the line of duty as a direct result of crime?

Are you suggesting that if anyone gets killed doing their job, that deserves nothing more than a shrug, if they knew that there were some risks involved when they signed up for that job?
I doubt that many hundreds of British cops have died "in the line of duty" Even if you went back to the time of Robert Peel and inckude those who had heart attacks whilst in hot pursuit of doughnut thieves.
Wiki says otherwise; that's my only source.
in fact they all do. it's inherent to the nature of the thing. every civilian is a potential criminal, after all. They might cling to some psychological excuse to divert from this fact - 'I'm merely helping the community and keeping them safe' but it's post-hoc ideological self-justification.
Are you suggesting that those who sign up to the job do so in ignorance that many hundreds of their former colleagues have died in the line of duty as a direct result of crime?
Don't be knob. Hundreds of pilots have died flying but every pilot doesn't sign-up to crash.
Joining the police is not just doing a job.
Whatever. I'm familiar with the arguments, they've been gone over millions of times before on here.

All I'm really interested in today is which of urban's ACAB contingent is willing to say they will celebrate the death of this police officer.
I doubt that many hundreds of British cops have died "in the line of duty" Even if you went back to the time of Robert Peel and inckude those who had heart attacks whilst in hot pursuit of doughnut thieves.
About 16 since the war according to some bloke on the radio. That's a lower death rate than loads of other jobs but presumably anyone who does those jobs 'signed up to die' too.
It’s perfectly possible to hold the position that all coppers are bastards, whilst also holding the view that it’s sad that one was killed on duty. There’s some right bastards on here, but I would still be shocked and appalled if they were murdered.
Don't coppers swear an oath or something? It's more than just a potentially dangerous job. As a copper you're supposedly defending something. I've never had to swear loyalty to my boss or the company, thank fuck.
This statement and your point in general is of no value whatsoever. 'Most people know that there is a small chance of dying in your job. Some people are coppers'.

Well done :thumbs:
No, the point being that, unless those signing up to serve in the Police are particularly ignorant, they do so in the knowledge that many hundreds of their former colleagues have died in the line of duty. That's a fact.
I think it's bad that he died for a number of reasons. Firstly there is the obvious tragedy to his family.

But also if the cops in Croydon are so incompetent that they can't prevent one of their own getting killed inside a detention centre, what hope is there for local residents? How safe would you feel having anything to do with these clowns?

So no celebration here.
I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and
prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. If I should catch a bullet while so doing, well, them's the breaks.
Also, is being a cop generally that dangerous? Look at this:


From here - Police Danger money?
No, the point being that, unless those signing up to serve in the Police are particularly ignorant, they do so in the knowledge that many hundreds of their former colleagues have died in the line of duty. That's a fact.
Do you take a similar view to Nox then; people who die in their jobs accepted a risk so shrug your shoulders? What about fireman? They’re just tools too aren’t they?
It seems you're getting over-excited about a position that I don't hold.

But are you celebrating the death of this police officer, or are you just another shrugger?

neither. he is just a statistic. a number. Including, i would wager, to the majority of his colleagues. An economic target now to be aimed at strengthening search procedure as soon as possible.
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Do you take a similar view to Nox then; people who die in their jobs accepted a risk so shrug your shoulders? What about fireman? They’re just tools too aren’t they?
Everyone who accepts a job does so accepting (consciously or not) a level of risk, coppers included.
Perhaps the reason for any shoulder shrugging wrt the OB is that they've also consciously signed up to their role involving social control, protection of property, and lawful use of violence.
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