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Police officer shot dead in Croydon police custody centre, 25th Sept 2020

Rather depends what is meant by "Fatal accident" and whether or not that include deaths resulting from a criminal act.

Fair point - looks like homicide is not included:

Of 1405 deaths in British seafaring, 507 (36%) were
caused by accidents at work. The remainder of deaths were
through illness (n=600), suicide (53), homicide (17),
disappearance at sea or other unexplained causes (195),
and non-work-related traffic accidents (33). For fishermen,
accidents at work caused 74% of deaths (454 of 616);
other reasons were illness (77), suicide (4), homicide (2),
and unexplained causes (79).
I'm not celebrating or shrugging. I'm just having a little chuckle and wondering how he managed to get shot by a fella in handcuffs. If pushed I'd say it's a pointless death and I wouldn't have wished it on him; I doubt it was an expression of anything except desperation on the part of his killer.

Do you cry for every dead cyclist too Spymaster ?
Also I dunno what the ratio of cop deaths on duty due to accident vs criminal intervention is but according to their own roll of honour there were five fatalities in the UK last year. Police Roll Of Honour Trust

Of those only one was because of criminal action.
It’s perfectly possible to hold the position that all coppers are bastards, whilst also holding the view that it’s sad that one was killed on duty. There’s some right bastards on here, but I would still be shocked and appalled if they were murdered.

Don't be a liberal bleeding heart.
Wiki says otherwise; that's my only source.

A list tgatdoesn't go back to Robert Pee but just to 1900 and includes a lot of officers who collapsed and died after/during an arrest and one who was struck by a train while pursuing suspects. I'm currently on the platform of Shadwell station and can confirm that trains are big, noisy and quite difficult to overlook.

If I keeled over boarding vocabulary, I doubt that my colleagues would see me as having died in the line of duty.

And there are a couple of hundred names, at most on that list, not vast multiples of hundreds.
No. I don't cry for coppers or anyone else I didn't know either. I don't don't gloat or shrug about them though. I know most of that stuff on here is just bravado and showing off to the gallery but I think it's still shit.

except it was yer police defender chum who started the gloating. try harder. And hence I would argue it is teuchter himself who is celebrating this coppers death for his personal delight. Which again proves my logic of this just being a number, a statistic to be deployed for the police..
it's adolescent posturing

how is it posturing? Every human has limited sympathy. You know this is true. Some people just pretend they don't to look good in public. I'm completely indifferent to this lads death, neither celebratory, nor gloating nor sad. Irrelevant. You want honesty? There's honesty for you.
it's adolescent posturing

British (well, mostly English) culture is all about being nice and engaging in pleasantry without being caring. Whereas in eastern europe/west/central asia we care for people but we ain't nice. im just asking why on earth you have to pretend to feign sympathy as a qualification.
Sounds more and more like a random.
The terrorist briefing I had about the prison service was jihadists followed by Nazis with the Irish bringing up the rear and then randoms.
Example someone sent letter bombs to the DVLA after getting a ticket from an average speed camera!😳.
Shit like that gets you on the list even if your cause is completely bonkers.
Also I dunno what the ratio of cop deaths on duty due to accident vs criminal intervention is but according to their own roll of honour there were five fatalities in the UK last year. Police Roll Of Honour Trust

Of those only one was because of criminal action.

Policing was clearly more dangerous in 1900 when quite a few were actually killed rather than as a result of an accident or heart attack.

Having said that a certain PC Cooke left this earth with absurd panache. He "Died from a ruptured blood vessel by shouting at a sleeping carman."
Turns out the guy lived just a few streets from me, a mate knows him from Worthing Rugby Club.
I think it's bad that he died for a number of reasons. Firstly there is the obvious tragedy to his family.

But also if the cops in Croydon are so incompetent that they can't prevent one of their own getting killed inside a detention centre, what hope is there for local residents? How safe would you feel having anything to do with these clowns?

So no celebration here.

Also on the cop spectrum, running from:
the most aware, thoughtful, disinterested and fair copper <<< -- >>> to total corrupt racist, biggotted violent bastard.
(given constraints about the nature of the role, defending state interest, blah, blah)

This guy seems very much to be at the left end. So you know, it's pretty tragic for everyone hhhim being murdered IMO.
I wonder how many steps from you to the woman who presided over the murder of jean charles de menezes


My surprise is that it's not normal to commute from here to London, due to the time (3 hour round trip if you are lucky) & expense involved, for someone on a cop's wages to do that on a daily basis for some six years is a bit odd TBH.
I don’t. It’s easy to have sympathy for someone who is loved, no matter what their role is
It's always grand to fall for the propaganda chucked out any time a cop's killed. Custody sergeants like yer man are responsible for the welfare of detained people and for ensuring police officers and staff adhere to the pace codes of conduct. So it's interesting to see this outpouring of he was loved by all on the same day a damning report over the detention of vulnerable people was released Report raises alarm over police detention of vulnerable suspects in England and Wales

It's possible yer man was kind & decent to all who passed his way. It's possible. But I'd prefer not to rely on the planned outpouring of grief and stories designed to capture public opinion to reach that conclusion. I'd prefer to hear from the vulnerable people who passed through his cells to help me form my view
Sounds more and more like a random.
The terrorist briefing I had about the prison service was jihadists followed by Nazis with the Irish bringing up the rear and then randoms.
Example someone sent letter bombs to the DVLA after getting a ticket from an average speed camera!😳.
Shit like that gets you on the list even if your cause is completely bonkers.

Sad tossers used to occasionly phone in bomb threats when I worked at TV licensing. Suited me, got an afternoon off as you had to walk quite a way from the office. (away from possible exploding glass in an area surrounded by office blocks.) Went to the pub early then home.

My surprise is that it's not normal to commute from here to London, due to the time (3 hour round trip if you are lucky) & expense involved, for someone on a cop's wages to do that on a daily basis for some six years is a bit odd TBH.
Gatwick express?

Although TBH I can't remember how quick or otherwise that is now.
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